<br /> � �
<br /> roII „_.�•.-g.�c.,.>:27�G�.t°^�.�m:m�....Q.r.i��.�.7rmw.�r�.��3�iPwt�'��` .
<br /> P1ELVIN W. WILLIAMS AIJU PATRICIA U. WILLIAMS, husband an<.i wife, ea::n ir� h�iu ord her
<br /> own right and 'ds spouse of the other�
<br /> ol tLe Couaty o� �d� � and State o► ��ebraska ti,.reiwifter called the party ot the first put,in �
<br /> ���n � TNIRTY THREE THOUSANG SEVEN NUIJDF2ED ANU NG/100---------------------�LLAR.S
<br /> !n La� paid, do LerebY Zetnt,bar;aln. ae11 and rnavey nnto the Home Federal Savinas k Lwa Auociation ot Gtaod LLnd,
<br /> Gsaad IaLnd.Nebrasica.aud itr s�iooatora aad asaiam, the lollowiaQ real estate. situated i� fia l I
<br /> Count9. 3tate ot Nebraska towit-
<br /> ToQether with all the appurtenaned t6ereunto belonging,and all covenants ta all the title deeds runninQ wlt6 satd real astate. �
<br /> and all the reab,issu� and Protits utsiny theretrom atter default in performance of aay rnvenant or coaditioa herein coo-
<br /> tained; and waer�nb t6e title t6eceto pertect and clear except for this mortgage.
<br /> Durina Yhe tlme t61s mortgage ia in force the mortgagors agree: �
<br /> Flrst. To paq all taxes aad special assessments levied aQainst ssid premisee, including all taxec and axeewments levied
<br /> upon this mortQaQe, or the debt secured by thia mortgaQe.
<br /> Seeond. To keep all bulldings thereoa insured a8sinat laes by fire, ligdtning aad tornado in some company, to be ap
<br /> � Suoved by Lhe sald Home Federal Savings & Loan Associetion of Grand Island in the eum of f!�':"'��L�I t. v<3 I�e t�
<br /> =u
<br /> C6e beneflt oi the uid AasociaUoa, and!ts succeseors or assigns: and to deposit eaid policies with said Assocution, end shall not
<br /> eommit or wHer any waste on said premises, aad ehall put and keep said real estate buildin�s and improvemenb in aaod
<br /> order. '
<br /> Third. To pay or cau�e to be paid to t6e Home Federal Savinga 6c Loan A�ociation of Graad Island. Ib ruccersors ar �
<br /> �� � �m � � TFiI FtTY THF2LE THOU�AIJ� SFVFfV HU��F,LG AJL ."�0/IJC�------------------�pr.r.��ta,
<br /> p�yable a folloas:
<br /> D.53,700.OU 'vue Jar�u.iry I , 197'd.
<br /> �
<br /> �ith faterest thereon payable,according to the tenor and effect of the one certata first mortgage note of eaid moet�a�oa�s, �
<br /> beariny even date with th�cse presents. After maturity satd bond drawe Interest at the rate o! niae per ceet per annum.
<br /> If ssid ta�ces and weewments ate not paid when dne, or it t6e buildings on �aid premises are not iuw�ed u above pro �
<br /> vided,or tf any of uid intereat ia aot paid when due,th�n eaid whole debt ahall become due immediately,at the optton of the
<br /> raid At�ceialio4+�d ehall thereaftei'draw intereet at the rate of nine per cent per annum.
<br /> The mort�agor-. hereby auigs�__ to said mortgagee all reata and income uising at aay and aU times lram said
<br /> � property and hereby authoriae said mortyagee or ite aQent,at its optioc, up� default, to take ehuQe oi said property aed
<br /> 0
<br /> collect all tents and i�ome t6erelrom aad apply the same to the payment of tntereat, prt�lpal, insurance premiums, tuea. �
<br /> •••�e•^�enta, repsirs or improvementa neeeasary to keep said property in tenantable coadition, or to other c6aryee o� pay-
<br /> � �provlded for herein or in t6e aote hereby secured. T61s reat aesignment sl�all continue in fome nntil the unpiid brl-
<br /> �ace o! sald aote Is fully pald. The tatinQ of posaeasioa 6ereunder shall in no manner prevent or retard said mort�asee in �
<br /> Fhe collectiou ot eaid eums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br /> � WheRher eald debt Decomes due by lapee of tfine, or by reason of the failure of tbe party of the first part to cumply
<br /> rlth eny eonditlon hereia, ffie said Home Federal Savinys � Loan Association of Grand lsland, the aucce�cors and auiQns,
<br /> s6a11 have the r1Qht W beein t6e foreclosure of this mortgage at oace on the whole debt hereby secured, amd to iaclude �
<br /> tlerela all taxes, anasmests, iasurance premiums and coete, paid by it or them; or said Msociation, ib successore or
<br /> a�, may foreclo�e oN� u to t6e sum past due, without injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impurment
<br /> ot t�ee liea t6ereo[. �
<br /> Aad the said fiest party and �he makers of said note,eepecially agree and daclare tliat the eeparate estate o[ e�ch and
<br /> e�ery oae of them, includine bMh that mar owned and t6at herextter acquued, �a pledeed and bound for the paymest af ��
<br /> tie demt hexby rxuted.
<br /> Attee t�e com�t of any adt in toreclosuce the plaintitl therein thall be eatiUed to t6e immediate pos�e�ion�
<br /> aatd pramLea aad t!u appdntment of a receiver therefoi, notwithstaading they may be the homestead ot the occupant and �
<br /> sutwithRaadlqi Yhe pvtlw llable for the deM may be wlveat, and the first party herebq conaents to the appoiAtment of a
<br /> leeeiver uPoa ths P�'��of thls indmtuee, wlt6otrt ot6er evidmce. "'"�
<br /> �y�T6s ��Jold�f�o�oyndai_�a`e-t1'and asYre'sas�eY�a, ali and sinSular.beiaQ fullY Der�ormed. this conveyance s6a11 be void. ot�s-
<br /> �YC � � Y�sliYrf� Yl I.YLL S�Kd WY Cii�. � .y.•.��•
<br /> ffi��� 3Uth �� nL Uecember � • D., 19» .
<br /> . �, , � ���.
<br /> !a aee.eaee ot ="'`'� -� -
<br /> r.l�� vin�w. wi � I i.,•�, .
<br /> Patric:ia i"1. Wii,li��
<br /> �2�..c�_ �,,; �i��..L L G�.��,.
<br /> �ir"'�..�„'. , . �
<br />