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:�. <br /> r -� <br /> /rr� INDIVIDUAL � ' <br /> / DUE ON SALE <br /> ; OPTIONAL FUTURE ADVANGES <br /> SAVINGS FUNO <br /> . � FORN NOJ20 <br /> �� � Loan Number___ 35324 — 188__— 1 ___ <br /> TyDe B�a��th � <br /> 77_007590 M O R T G A G E <br /> THIS M�RTGAGE, mede and executed this .._.. .-...�U...__...... . day of _._C:.'.���.-r._ _ .._ A.D., <br /> 19.. 7..7_,between the Mortgagor, .-�d..D.._Nyp_..and._Mel,inda_G,. Nyp .husba.�d an�„w1.F.�. .�ointly <br /> and esch._in_.their.own .ri,�ht,..._,. <br /> .... ._.._ ... ..... .... ...._.... . __.__. .....__ ___ -...._. .._......__ .... -- - <br /> of..._Grand Island , County of__..........Hall _ .__._.,State of _ Nebraska____,hereinafter referred <br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br /> I.INCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501, its succesc,ors and acsigns, hereinafter referred to <br /> as Lender. <br /> sT : e said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ..FORTY THREE THOUSAND <br /> t h ___. <br /> 7W0 D�E A�ND N �1�0---------- -------------------Dol:arr, (US$ 43,200 00 <br /> __...) <br /> ..--.._. . ...._._.... .. ...._ _ _._.. _.. .. __._ __ _ _ <br /> paid by said Lender, dces hereby mortgage, grant and wnvey to Lender, its successors and assiqns; the <br /> following described property located in the County of ._... ._Hall , State of Nebraska: <br /> _. . ___... <br /> Lot Eight (8) in Le Heights Third Subdivision, part of the E2NW4, Section <br /> 11, Township 11 North, Range 10 West o£ the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraeke. <br /> TOGETHEY with all the improvement.s now or hereafter erected on the pmperty, and all easements, <br /> rights, appurtenances, rentr, royalties, mineral, oil and �as rightF and pmfits, water, water rights, and <br /> water stock, and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace- <br /> ments and additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this <br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event this <br /> Mortgage ie on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property". <br /> Bocrower rnvenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate conveyed and has the right <br /> to tnortgage, grant and convey the Pmperty, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borevwer will <br /> wrarrant and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, eubject to any <br /> a�emente and reatrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance �wlicy in- <br /> auring Lender's interest in the Property, or (2) attorney's opinion of title from abetract. of titie certified <br /> by bon3ed abstracter. <br /> PYOV[DED ALWAY9, and theae presents are executed and delivered upon the folluwing conditions,agree- <br /> ments and obligatione of the Borrower, to-wit: <br /> The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender,or order, the principal �um of .FOK1'Y. THBEE_THOUSAaID. <br /> '1WO..kxi1.�..$�+r.D.AN.D.NO/.100--_----.------_----.----------------Dollars (US�._4�...2QQ_.0.0._ _ ___ ) <br /> payable as provided in a note executed and delivered,concurtently herewith,the final payment of principal, <br /> if not nooner paid, on the. _�t.__ .__. . dav of .__._Jaauaxy - - -. 3dt 2007 <br /> UNIP'OQM Covexwx�rs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follow�: <br /> 1. Paym�nt of Priacipat mid Interest Borrower 4ha11 promptly pay when due the princi�aI of and in- <br /> terest on the indebtednese evidenced by the Note,prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, <br /> at�d the principal of and interest on any Future Advancen,ecured by this Mortgage. <br /> 2. Fuods fer Taris m►d Is�uraac�. Subject to Lender's option under paragraphe 4 and 5 hereof, Bor- <br /> rower ahall pay to Lender on the day monthly itae3tallments of principal and interest are pa,yable under the <br /> Note,uatil the Note is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth uf the yearly taxes and <br /> seseasments which may attain priority over this Mort.gage, and gmund rentc on the Pmperty, if any pluw <br /> one-tweltth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium in- <br /> stallments fur mortgage insurance, if any, all as rearonably e�;timated initialla and from time to time bv <br /> LLrt�de��n the haPiA of aaae�wamenta and hills and resaonahlP rstimates thPrex�f, I,��n�ler�hatl appl�• thP Fun�l� <br /> to pay eaid tazee,aeeeesmentn,inaurence premiumR and �round rents. Lender nha❑ make no charRe for r+o <br /> lyolding and apptyin� the Funda or verifying and compiling aaid asser�ments and bills. The Lender shall <br /> 6ive to the Boesnwtr, without eharge,an annuai accounting of the Funda ehowing credite and detrite to the <br /> PLtnds aa�d t6e,purpore foe which each debit to the Funds was rnade. The Funds are ptedged as additional <br /> secweity for tl�e awns eecue�ed by tlsie Mostgage. The Bormwer aqrees that the Funds may be held by the ,� <br /> Leoder�td cotnmingied with other funde and the Lender's own funde and the Lender may pay such items <br /> fe+om itc own f�sade ae�d the Lender ahall not be liable for interest or dividends on such Funds. � <br /> I[tl�e�tno�mt of the Ftimd�held by Lender,togett�er with the future monthly inetallments of Funds <br /> � paysbie;►eiae bo tLe due dates of t�es,aese�aeea�ts, i�ure::ce premiume aad ground rentx. ehall e:eeed <br /> tie amornt�'e4vii'ed topa y nid tayee,aare�ta,insueance pren�iume and ground rents as they fail due, � <br /> w�ch e�cc�err si�7i be,at Boa�+o�ver's option. eitLer prnmptiy reptid to Borrower or ce^edited to Bormwer on <br /> ia�onthly indalimee�b of Ftn+de. If the amount of the Fuade hdd by Lender shsll not be sufficient to pay <br /> ta=es. arrerwnentr. ioruranoe paem�ume md�tound rents ae tlsey fall d�. 13orrower shali pay to Lender .� <br /> aay amo�mt neoee�ary to malce up the d��fey withia thirty days after notioe from I.ender ta Borrower <br /> reQnes�tie�payment tlureof, or Borrower elull, by an increase in monthly instapments of Funds �quired, <br /> e�epap tl�e de�aecy within tfie Pti�nA erw+a�ntina �wriod. <br /> Upoe payment ia full of ai!sums eecueed by thia Mortgage, Lender shall appiy Funds heid ar,a cred�t � <br /> a�Cainet all euma due. <br />� <br />