<br /> � �
<br /> not extend or � ioatpone the due date ot the rooutLlv iu�t :� tlw��nt � rvdc• rre� � to in � �xragraph� 1 and '2 hereof or
<br /> � change the siuount of sucl� installn�e��ts.
<br /> � 10. Bo�rower Not R�l�as�d. Extensiou of thc tiwe 1or payment m• inodification ot amortization of the sums
<br /> � secured by this '�Tortgege grunted b�� l .ender to anv u< < f .,o� iu mum,c of Borrower Fh�ll not operate to release.
<br /> � � in nny manner, the liability of ti ,e original 13orrowu ynd 13ouoNc � � ��ucessor� in int.ereat . I.ender shall not be
<br /> � required to commence proceedings agaiust ,uc� � eueresror ui i < tu��. co cxt� nd timc for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> O amortieation of t6e smns secured b�� thi. \tortgaKe I �y rea�oi � uf any� demand u�ude by� the original IIorrower and
<br /> Borro�ver'e successors in interest.
<br /> ^ 11. Forb�aranca by Lader Not a Waiv�r. Any forbearance by I,ender in exerciaing any right or remedy
<br /> ^ hereunder, or otherwise affordel by applicable la�c , ehail noc I �e :� �cai'.er of or preclade the exercise of any right
<br /> or remedy hereunder. '1'he }�rocureineut of insw•aucc m• tl �e � ,a}��uenc of taxes or ocLer lien� or charges by Lender
<br /> shall not be a w•uiver of Lender's rigtit to accelerate the muturity of the indebtedness secured by thie 1lortgage.
<br /> 12. R�tn�di�c Cumulativs. All re�neclies provided in tl� i� Vortgage ere distinct and cumulative t�o �sny other
<br /> right ur rentedy under thie \iortga�c or ufforde� l hy� Ixi� or . �quin• . anil ina } lio exer��i.ed c�oncurrently , independ-
<br /> ently or succeaeively .
<br /> 13. Suece�wn mtd A�sigas Bound: Joint and Several Liability; Captions. 'Ch�� ro� ruant. and agreement�
<br /> herein contained shail bind , und tlie rights Lereundex .�hali inun� eu, thc re�� �e�tiv�� :; uceesnor, ;ind assigns of Lender
<br /> und Borrower, �ubject to the provision. uf � �ara�ru� � h 1 ; l�ereol' . .� II �•o��en:iutn un� i ;igrecuiente ot Horrow�er shall
<br /> be joint and �e�•eral . The ca��tion� znd li��udi �ig.: ul tl�r � �araKi;i�� li, o� thi. AIurtkxR�� :irc fur i�uuvc• nience only and
<br /> ate noL to be ueed to intr:rpret or define tho � n•ovi.iun� liereoi .
<br /> 14. Notieo. 9ny notic�� iu Borro�� ri• � �ro�� idc� l fur iii tlii � \ lurt �:ig� � li :ill h� � i � �•u hp n�3ilin�; .u�•h notice b�•
<br /> <•ertified roxil addre.sed to Iiurro�� er au tlu� Yru��cr� c A� 1� iro>.. .tnto� l b��lu�� . �•c� �•� �t iur ;�n � uutirc• reyuired under
<br /> pxragc•aph 18 hereof to I �c �;iven tu BorroH�rr in tli.• iuuntu• r � � rrni• rihr� l I ��� ;i�,� � lir :ibl<� IitiH� Am� �wti�•�> ��i•ovide� l
<br /> for in thie \lort�;age .hall b�� deemal to I�x���� hi •��n Ri ��ru tu 13urru�n• r �rlu•n � ic� u in � h�• �usnucr �la•.iKudte�i hertriu .
<br /> 15. Utfilorm Mortqage; Govemitig Law: Severability. 1'hi� furni ul uwrt �;u�;r �•unibinc, uuifor�n covenant�
<br /> for nstional use und non- unifortu covenant, witl� li�nite� f cariaiiun� 1 ��• � uri �tliction to co��ctitute u uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrmuent covering real � ,roperty . '!'his � Iurtgagr �h:ill L�� y;uvr�rnr� l 1 ,�� th�• Ia�c ui t2�..• jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is locuted . ln the event that :iny pru��ision or ��lauxr of thi� \9m•tgay;e or thc Notc ��onHicts with
<br /> applicsble law , sucli con8ict shail not uffeci otlier � �ro� ision > u1 t }ii. \ lortgage or the Vote a� hich cau be given
<br /> effect without tl�e conflicting pro��ision , und to this in�i thc � n�o��ision.� oi thr VortKsge und the Note ure declared
<br /> W be severable.
<br /> 1G. Borrowsis Copy. BorroK�ershall be furnished a �•onfa�med rop}� uf thi� \ lortgage at t6r: time of execu-
<br /> Lion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Trans4er oE the Properly; Aesumption. 11 all or any � �xrt of the Yroperty or an interest therein is eold
<br /> or transferred by Borrowcr with�ut Leiider'., � �rim• wrin ��n cunseut , eacludin� fai tlu� �• reation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance euLon3inate to this \lortgage , ibi the �� re:ttiou uf ;i � � w•rLa�e mon�•}� ,ecurity interent for houcehold appli-
<br /> ances , �c ) a transPer by devise . �lr�cent ur by o{ ,ri•ation ol l :���� u��nn thi� �lcath ul .t joint ti�nant or idi the grant of
<br /> any lessehold interest of three yrare m� len. noc ��ont �iniuR ar. u� mwi tu � ,urohase , L��nAer may . at Ixnder's option,
<br /> declare all the sums serured by this 3lortgage tu b�• iiwue.liati�l� � lue uwl � .syxble . l .ender shall h�vc wui�•cd �uch
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e exle or tran.ier, Len�f��r :and th�• � ,�•r::un t � H Iwu� thc Yroperty ic to Ix� suld or
<br /> tranaferrecl reael� agreetnent iu writing that the ercdit ui sucli pernon is >utisfaecor�� tu I.eu�ier and tliat tl�r interest
<br /> payable on the nume src�ureci by this \tortgage shuli I �r at .u � • h i'fu�� a• Lrndc• r sLall rcyuest . It Lender han wai�•ed
<br /> the option Lo accelerate provided in this � �aragra� �L 17 and ii Borrower'.� �uc��•��ssor in iutem.t l�ac exerute.i a writ -
<br /> ten assuniption agrermen[ necepted ii� writing in• I .ender. L�•udi�r .hall releax:e Borruwrr irom all obligationn under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exere�ses sucL opt�on to sccelerute, I ,ender shsll � i �ail liorrower noticr oi acceleration in aceordanee
<br /> witl� y�aragrapli 1 �4 hercu!'. �ucL nuuc� sl �all { �ro� idv a � �crlu�l ui nut le�.• tl�:iu 30 � iayc 1ru�u the dat�• tbe notice is
<br /> lnailed wlthin whicl � Horrower iuxy I,a� th�• ,uui. � le�c lurr� l . lui•. li fim•ro�� �• r iail� iu � �u� .�urh .u�u, priur to ther
<br /> expiration of such ��erioci , Ltrnder �uuy . �� itliuut fui71 ��• r nuu�•c ur � I .�ui;ui� 1 un fiurruHer . invuk�• an�� reroeaiirs per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> \ux - t ' x � ronre ( 'ovr: xe :: �r� . Rurruw �• r :in� l L�• n� i�� r tlirtln � r ouv �• uuut .in� l a�; r��i• a � I'ullu �c . :
<br /> 18. Ace�l�ratioa: Remedisc. hacr� �t u.• � � ru�� i� 1��� { iu � �:u:iRi: i � � li 1 i I � �� rrof. u � �un Horrnwrr '- hrr:tvh uf an�'
<br /> cove�aant or agreemernt of f3orro���r•r in rlii. �fur� � ;i�r . iuolu� t � u�; tin � � uvon:uir , � u � �:. �� �cli��� � , 1w� auc ,un�- ���curc•�i
<br /> by thin \lortgaRe , Lerni�� r � �rior to :t����i•Ier:st �uu .liall uuul ❑ � � � ur tu liurni�� � r a� � � ruci� l�•� 1 iu � �ara�; rx� ,l : 14 hereol
<br /> Tpecify'inK : 111 tLc• brcai�h . iY1 thc :unun n•yuirv� i tu � ur� wc• li f � r�;,rl � . � 3i :� � 1 :� Io . nut li•., tl �an thn•t �� � lay.
<br /> froni the �1ate tl�o notici• i� > > �ail�'� l tu liurru�� �� r . L �� �� ! u �� L � u� � L hn:i � � li ii � u�t h�� �� un �, i . ;iu„ . .} ; thiat t:ti � lur.� tu r � tn
<br /> auch hreacl� on or tieforr tlie dttt �° �peritie� l ui � lu nutico iu :t �� n•� ult in ai�c•�•I�� r:tit �.�n „ i tl � < .uin, �roun•� � V ��• tiiir
<br /> Jiortgage and sale of the Pro� �eiK �' . 1 ] t }�r I ,reurh i. nw oi� ro� i or, ui hetur�� tlir �i:�tr .pec � fio�l in tLe uoti��r . Lender
<br /> at I.r:nder's �ption iusy declaro all of th�• .w � „ .e��ure�i L�� tlu - AlurtkaK�• tu h�� � nurn•�1i :uch� du�- and ��aynLl�•
<br /> w• ithout fuMherdrmand an� i �naY fureclu.r tl � i� \lur� y;a�;i• Ly ,iwlu•ial � �rui•r��dink L�•ndcr .hxll hi� � nurlo�i to coUe�•t
<br /> in such pruceedin�; ull exp�•ns��. uf f'on•clu..um . in �• I � nliuR . but nut liiuit � �. i tu . � •u.t . ut � iu�•wu�•u� :tr� �• � i�lc•nce .
<br /> abatract� and tiUe mports .
<br /> 1!. Borrewr�is Aiqkt to R�iodat�. \otwitl�.tuu� lu��; L�•udrr '.. :«•r�•1 �• rutiuu ot tlir .uw,< 4r��un•d b}' thia
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to hx��c any ��roeeeciin �. br�;un f,}- L�•u� i�• r � o ��nSurr�� tlii� \1ortKaqr din-
<br /> continued at an,y time prior to entry of x ,I �i�1Ku��n� ru ��T�' � � ��; t � u� Vun �u�r u : � .0 Burru�� cr � ,a�� � l.rnder all
<br /> sume which would be then due under thi� \ lort �;u�;.•, the \utr ;uul note.� �reur�n� Fuuv�� A� ivaneer . if any , had nu
<br /> acceleratiou Ol'CLLIICt� , 1 �� 1 �UI'lUlYi'f �'W'c� ❑u 1 �1 �•e� iii> ui u ; i � uli �ci � u � oin���tr ut . � � niu �rul .. � �1 IiuiluNi' 1 . uL-
<br /> teiaed inthis '_4tortgaqe ; Ic ) BorroK•crpuys all m�sunuhlr � c , x•n.,��, iwurr�•� ! h� Lon� irr i�i � � � furr�nk tL�� ccncuant:
<br /> Sad sgreementY of Borrower contained in thir \lort �a�r snd in ��niorrtnK Lcmdcr '� n•n �rdie- a. � vu�' i�1ed �n pxra-
<br /> QPaph 18hereof, including, but not limit�d [u, rra,uuvl,lo n� turuec '- irc.. :, u� l � � ii l3urr�w��• r tukr� ,urli :scuou a�
<br /> LendeT tnay reseofte►bly requiie to usuure tl�ut thc lie•n ui t1 � i+ \lur'ti;a�;o . L� u� lor ', irti•n•�t in t6i Yro��crtt• nn�l ,R
<br /> Borlow�eT'e obllgatiOa to pay the sume secure�i hy thi.• \lurt �;u�;r >l � .ill �•uutinu�• uniiu� �xiro�i . l'� �un .uch F �ay'�nent *
<br /> at►d eu[e by Borrower, this 1Sortgege and thr obliRntion. ���c�ured hc n•b�� �lixfl rriuxiu iu iull fume xud i�fFect as if `" '; "�'
<br /> no �eeelentioa hsd occurreci . � .
<br /> l �. Afpem�et e! �W�: A�peints�nt d A�e�i��r: Lnd�r ia Pa�sioa. A� additional �eucurit �• hem- ��° �
<br /> , .x.�
<br /> under, Borrover hereby sesigns to I.ender the rents of tl�e Pro}ieric , E �ru�• i�i�vi 11int Borrow•er .hall , �irior to xcceler- �
<br /> sLion under paragr�h IS hereof or abandonn�eni of the Yro{ xny , ha� r ihe riKl �c to coliect and retain nuch rent.s
<br /> as they beeome dtse aad paysble.
<br /> U�wa soceleretitwn under �u►ragrapi� lti hrreoi �r xiianuonii��n� ut tt�r f'ruE�rr� �• . lxu��er . �n ��rn:un , t»� a�,rnt �
<br /> or by judieisily appointed receiver shall be entitled to rnter u�wn , take � wrre��iur� ui ;�n�l i ��anx�;e tf��• Ym�K•rtc
<br /> and to oolleet the rente of the Property , includin& thuae pae:t d�e. All rc�nt � �•olle�•t �•d hc Lrnder o�' tLr rrc•eivi�r
<br /> shall beapplied &rst topayment of the costs of manay;cment ef ! !x� Yro��c� r! �,- an . i ; e ! 1 : - ti „r: ^ . . , , . , . :r. � , c,i :c;; . I , . : •
<br /> not limiled to, reeeiver's feex, premiumes on n•cPi��rr'� Iwn� i� :aud ri�x�onsblr :ittornry '� ir��. :ti �� i rh �•n � u � h�� , uir ,�
<br /> SeCUTed by thi6 MoltgSge. I.ender s�nd the rncei�•er shall Yx• If:ihli� to r�r�•ount unh' (ur thu.�� n �nt > :ir� ti:� lh' i < �rri �� r<1 �
<br /> J
<br /> r•
<br />