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r � <br /> INDIVIDUAL <br /> DUE ON SALL <br /> OPTIONAL FUTURL ADVANCES <br /> SAVINGS FUND <br /> FORM No.720 <br /> � Loan Number_34ZQ�i--- ---18$----1-- <br /> TYDe Br�nth <br /> ]].OU7584 M O R T G A G E <br /> THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this ...__ _. �4�.._..__.... day of ._._��—..___ .___. A.D., <br /> 19...7.y...,betwcen the Mortgagor, ..._Ilasrid_P_..�Iiemoth.and..Judith-.K-. 1�Ii.emoth,.-hushattd .antJ...rrife, <br /> �nintly...end.. _._..-__ _.. <br /> _.._._ - <br /> of _..Doniphan....._. ._......., County of ..._Hall......-._..___...,State of..Nebxasks.._... ,hereinafter referred <br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501, its succe�ors and assigns, hereinafter referred to <br /> se Lender. <br /> WiTN�tsEra: That the said Bonower for and in consideration of the sum of ..__._. _... .. ._.- _... .._. <br /> -FUR�Y-�I&H�'•--THC>IJ.S,AND l�ND--N4/100---_--------------_..Dol:ars (US$.48,Opp,-00... ................) <br /> paid by eaid Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its saccessors and as�igns; the <br /> foliowing described property located in the County of .-___ ___�a�;� _....______., State of Nebraska: <br /> Lot Two (2), ffiock Three (3), of the0riginal Town of Doniphan, <br /> Hall County, Nebreska. <br /> TOGBTHE� wlth all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, <br /> �ighta, appurtenances, rents, myaltiea, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water righte, and <br /> wrater stock, and all hxtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace- <br /> metita and additione thereto, ahall be deemed to be and remain a part of the pmperty covered by thia <br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the lea�ehold estate in the event this <br /> Mortgage is on a leaaehold) are herein referred to as the "Property". <br /> Barrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and haa the right <br /> to taortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br /> vratrant and defend generaUy the titie to the Property against all claims and demandh, eubject to any <br /> e�eemeete and restrictions listed in a schedule o[exceptions to coverage in any title inaurance policy in- <br /> suriag Lender'a intereet in the Property, or (2) attorney's opinion of title fmm abstract of title certiSed <br /> by bonded ab�stracter. <br /> PI�OVIDED ALWAY6, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditiona,agree- <br /> ments and obligations of the Borrower, to-wit: <br /> TFae Borrower agsees to pay to the Lender.or order, the principal sum of . __ _ .__.__ _ __ ._ ...._ . <br /> _-RUR`LY..EIGHT-.THQIJSADID -AB@..N0�1QQ---------r---rrr.--__Dollars (US $.. .1+$.S?AO.QO._. _ _) <br /> poyable as provided in a note executkd and delivered,concurrentiv herewith,the 6na1pa vment of principal, <br /> if not eooner paid,on the. _ lst... .. __ day of . JenuerY� __ . . , l� 2007 � <br /> _ __ . ._.... _ <br /> UNIPOtM Cuv�Nwa�rs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Paym�at o(Priacipal�d Int�nat Borrower shall promptly pay when due the princi�a1 of and in- <br /> terest on the indebtedaess evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, <br /> aed the principai of and intereRt on any Future Advances�e�ured by this Mortgage. <br /> Z. Fvnds for Tmcws�d Iasurmcs. Subject to Lender's option under para�raphs 4 and 5 here�f. Bor- <br /> rower shall p�y to Lender on the day monthly inetallments of principal and interest are payable under t.he <br /> Note,until the Note ie paid in full,a sum (herein "FundF") equal to onc:-twelfth of the yearly taxeF and <br /> asaeee�►te which may attain priority over thiF Mortgsge, and ground rents on the ProE�ert,y, if any plus <br /> one-tweifth of yearly pretaium inetsliments for hazard insurance, plue one-twelfth of ,yearly premium in- <br /> rtalitnenta for mortgage insurance, if anv, all ae reac�onably c�timated initiallv and from Yime to time b,y <br /> Iender on the besie of aeseasments and billa and reasonable ec�timatc�thereof, Lender shall apply the Fund�: <br /> to pa}'said tazes,assessments,inmuran�e pren�iuiY�an�i Kruun.l rentn. Len�rr �hxll makr nu�twrgr fur M� <br /> Ffoldins and applying the Fuade or verifying and compilinq said a�sessments and bills. The I.ender sha❑ <br /> �ve to tdse Hoerow^er, without chae�e,an annual accountiag of the Funds showing credits and debits to the <br /> YSunsle s�d the purpoee for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional <br /> wcvdty €or tbe suau oecueed by this Mortgage. The Borrower agreeR that the Fund�may be held bv the <br /> I.eeder and oosntnio=bd witi�other tunds and the Leader's own funda and the L.ender may pay such items R� <br /> lram ita own fuad+aad the Ldnder shall not be liahle for intee+est or dividend� on such Fund�. +'" <br /> � If tbs amaunt of tl�e Fund�hsid by Lencier,together with the future monthly iastallments of Fuade <br /> �". <br /> P�Y�� Pt� �o tl�s due datee of tase�,arsea�ments, iaaeanoe premiums and ground rente, shall ezceed <br /> �e amomx i'eQaitbd top Y said taies,asra�e+nen#a,insurance peemiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br /> wrcl+enea�e�haU be,st Bo�zso�ver's� �t1�er prom�tlyrepa�d to Borrower or credited to Borrower on <br /> wsost�ly i�IhneatR at Fvnde. If tf�e asionat of the Funds held by I.ender shaU not be sufficient to pay <br /> tisaR �/�ewas��t�. i�uia�oe W'en++ume anel arot�nd renta �a tl�ey fall due, Borrower shall pay to I.ender <br /> aep'�uwamt e�eosw�rY to make up f3�e �vtt6in thirty days aft�er notic�from I.ender to Bo�rower � <br /> �u <br /> �ipa Y�t t�ret'e�►t. or Bon+o�er�by an increase in monthly instaAments of Funds required, <br /> i'epaY tLs de6,'naecy wettua tl�e i+bed a000uoting p�iod. <br /> UPa+ paymeet ie fuli of all wnu secue�ed by thia Mortgage,Lender shall apply Funds held aF a cmciit. <br /> •tu�t all aumo due. f <br /> � J <br />