� �
<br /> FHA FORM NO.'2133M 7'his turm i, usrd in connec-
<br /> (Kev. May 1976) tiun w�ith nwrtKu�;es insurcvi
<br /> MORTGAGE under the une- tu fuur-family
<br /> � �iUD7581 Huu.,inKrAct�t thr Natiunal
<br /> THIS MORTGAGF:,m:adrandexecutrd this 29th ,�y°� December �A��
<br /> 19 77 ,hy and be�wren
<br /> of tAe County uf Hall Dsvid C, iJorkman, a s in�7 y�a� P, y p��i,herrinafter rallyd
<br /> . IRf'�ta � Nrhra+ka. en uf thr fir.�
<br /> the Morig�gur.�nd .
<br /> Banco Mortgage Company
<br /> a corporation urganizrd�nd exi�ung unJrr thr law+uf the State of Iowa �
<br /> party uf Ihe�rcunJ part,hrrrinafter iulled the Mortgagrr.
<br /> WITNF.StiF"fH:'('h.�t�he�aiJ'Nurlgi�gnr,f��r and in run+idrr.uion uf the+um��f�enty-two Thoueend Five�iund=0d
<br /> and no/100t.tu------------ --- __-- - - - ---- --,Jh�llan i'+ 22,500.00 1.paidhy thr un.
<br /> g,ager. thr recript of which i. hrrehp acknuuiedgrd. ha+ (h'anlrJ and tiuW anJ h� �hrtie pre.rnn �lut+ Grant. Har-
<br /> �tain, SrIL ('umr� and ('unfirm unlu ihr Murtgagrr. i�. .uccr.+un anJ .»,ikn., fure�rr. the fulloaing-dr.rrihrd
<br /> real estate.�ituated in thr('u�n�v uf tiall .anJ Sr.de
<br /> uf Nehra,Aa.ti�uit
<br /> The Weaterly Fifty (50) Feet of Lot Seven (7), in •lock One (1), of Gldeon's
<br /> Addition to the Village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraeka.
<br /> of thr tiiath Rincipal Meridian,amt.�in�ng in all a�re+aci.�rding w Guvern-
<br /> f/1CAI�UfrCy':
<br /> TO HAVF. AND T<)HOLD thr prnmi.r.ab���r dr,iriMeJ.Hith ttll�hr appunrnancr,iherrunln brli�ngin�.�nd inrludinE
<br /> all heating.{+lumb�n�rnd fightinEfi�turr+and ryuipmrm nuw ur hrrr:dtrr auarhrd t��ur u.rd in conneciiun with�aiJ rral r,tate
<br /> unto the Mwteager.and Iu it+wcrr.��+n nnJ n,.iEn..(urr�rr I hr \1un�ag��r reprr.ent.t.�.a�nd cu�enaint.w ith,thr Murtga-
<br /> gee.�ha�the Murtgagur ha,g�wid righ�tu.ell anJ run�r> ,aid prcmi.r,: th:�t thr� :�re free frum rnrumbrnncr: anJ tha� thr
<br /> Murt�gor will w arran�anJ JrfrnJ ihr,umr a�aim� thr luw ful�laim.uf ull prn.m.w hum...r�rr.�nd ihr.aid Mun�g,.�r here-
<br /> by relinyuishrti all right.u(homr+trnJ,und�II manial ngih��,riihrr in law nr in rywh�.:md all��chrr ron�ioErnt i�trrr�t,ut[hc
<br /> McKtyagur in and tu thr.�hu�e-dr..rit+e�!prrmi.r�,tha intenu.�n heing t„cum r� hrreh� an�N+��lulr Utle.�n frr+imple.inrluJ-
<br /> ing all right.uf hume.traJ.and�Hhrr righi.anJ inlrrc�t�a.nforr.;�id
<br /> I'ROV IDHD A1.1A'Al'ti.anJ thr.r p�e�a nl+.ur r>.ciulcJ enJ Jrl��rred up��n Ih�(��Ilu..in�.�unJiiiun,.ta w il�.
<br /> Thn MutYKagir�ree�tupav�u the Martgagee.ur urdrr,�he principal.um��(•�eRty-tWo Thouea ed
<br /> �nd no/100ths---'-------------------uullani� 22,500.00 ��rt�i�trYt�rc���i
<br /> datea�thtrMeof eigh.t and one�hplf prr:rntum� g,5p:r�+rrnnnumun
<br /> the unpaid halance until pa�d 'T�hr.aid pnnr�p�l and intrrr.i�h:�ll hr�:n:�M�•:n thr�,Hirr nf Banco Mo[[gage Company
<br /> m We tRz1 O0� Iove .�x:d,uch utfirr plair a�tht hutJrr uf
<br /> �he nu�e ma�designatt in wnting.in mun�h�> imtallmrm.uf (7ne Hundred Eighty-one and 35/lOOttia- ---
<br /> ----------------. ---- --- --.Jk,llan�� 1g1.g5 i.��,mmendinEunthrfir.t�la� a{
<br /> February iv 7g.:,nd��n tl�r lir,�day��f ra�h m�.nth�hrrraf�rr until thr prin:ipal arxl in-
<br /> terc.i arr tuNy puW. rMc.ept ihat tbr hnal pr�mrni �N pr�ncipnl and inlrrc.t, d nut ..�,�nri p,nd. .hall he Jur snd
<br /> pay afilr on[ht hnt day uf January, 2003 . .alt,�;.,�r.iinK w i hr iri m,,�(...ri ta�n p���n����
<br /> .ury mue of even Jate hrrewitfi erecwed h> �he tirid M�irtKagur
<br /> The M�rtg�n�r in.wde�mewr fully tu protrrt thr.rcu�ft�af�hi.M�,r1�nEr.:�grrr.
<br /> . '�"l
<br /> I. Thal ht wRl pay [he mclrMtedne+�. a,heremk.rfure pru���JrJ. {'ririlrfr i, rr.rrvrJ t��pay �he Jel�t m u�hoie, ur�n nn .. �y...
<br /> a�n�wM ecfnal to cMe.+r mi+rr iwonthly pnyment.un the prin.�pal�hut are ne�.t dur.+n thr nolC.un Mt finl d'a)'of anq mon�h
<br /> priax�u m�Murity Rnvided.h�+wrvrr.Thn�wriurn mxi�r uf an introtw+n tu rxrrci+r,uch privikge i,givrn a� Iratt th�n> �i111 �.��v
<br /> day.prKx lo prepaymeM.
<br /> .'��:.'�;�
<br /> '_. That.taweil�er with.am/ia a�W�tiw�to,the muntMy pa�mrn�.uf principal unJ mtrre.�pa�abk unJrr thr term.��f�hr . �.
<br /> uate►ecurrd M�ti'MY'.Mt Martg,r�r wtq pao h�Ihe Mortga(ter.iM the hr.t de��.1 rach mi�nth unld�hr+.nd n�ur�.tuth p:uJ.thr
<br /> fu13.��i�wu�u+.. ..�,
<br /> IL)1n a�nuLM�u�IC1l11 k�p1t+�dt NI!11c�lder A[re�K u�MluW�1��(�uy fhe ntK1 murts:y�e r rrr ���th�.�n.rr��mCnl.�n.f thr i��nr.�u a-A hrrrh�
<br /> iI! wred.Mer�w�nlhly�hLfyCllnlKu.dema�riYpgtM+uran.r�+remium��lthe�arrflrW h�1thr 1r1.�rin�i�.�/Fl��ir.�n�.�n.1I ihnn 1k'�rl��(,mi��+i .i.���i
<br /> �
<br />