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� <br />`�,e. <br /> I � <br /> � <br /> � (8) !n the event oj the dejault by Mortg¢gor in the payment of any inatallment, aa re- <br /> quired by the note aecured hereby, or in the performance of the oblig¢tion in thia mortg¢ge or £x <br /> n th.e note seeured thereby, the Mortgaeee shall be entitied to declare the debt secured hereby due <br /> � ¢�nd payable without rwtice, and the Mortpagee ahall be entitled at ita optzo�►s, without notice, either <br /> � 6y itaelj or by a receiver to be appointed by the court thereof, and zvithout regard to the ade- <br /> � qu¢ey oj any aecuriEy for the indebtednesa secured hereb to enter u n and t¢Ice <br /> � y, po poasesaion oj <br /> ^ tlu mortpaged premises, and to eolleet ¢nd receive the rents, isauea and pro}ita thereof, and apply <br /> th�e sa�ne, leas coats oj oper¢tion and eollection, upon th.e indebtedness secured by thia mortqape; <br /> s¢id renta, issuea arul projita being hereby assigned to the Mortgagee as Jurther security Jor the <br /> p¢yment of all indebtedxeaa aecured hereby. <br /> (9) It ia further agreed that in case any suit is be�un tu foreclose dhis mortgage, the Most- <br /> p¢gee, ita repreaentativea or ass£pna, ahall a.t onee be entitled to the Posaesaion of s¢id premises, <br /> and upon ¢pplication therefor, the Court in which auch action shall be brought or ¢ny Judge of <br /> auek Court, either in te-r-m time or vaeation, is hereby nuthorized to ¢ppoint ¢ reeefver to take <br /> poasesaion oj a¢id premisea, or to collect the ren.ta therejrom, ¢nd to do ¢nd perjorm auck other <br /> aeta aa may be reauired by the order of the Court malcinp the appointment; and said Mortgapor <br /> hereby waivea axy notice nf auch application, and consents to the aPpointment of a receiver upox <br /> the produetion oj thia m.ortpaqe, without other evidexee. <br /> (10) The Mortpayee ahall be aubrog¢ted to ¢ll oj the ri.ghts, privileyea, prioritiea, and <br /> equitiea of any lienholder whoae lien may have been diaeharged from the proceeda oj thi,e loasn, or <br /> by axy junda hereafter yaid or furnished by the Mortg¢pee. <br /> �, In this instrument th.e ainyular ineludea the plural artd the maaculine includea tl�ie Je�rotsxine <br /> x aftd the neuter aad thia in.strumext ahall be binding w.pon the undersigned, and his heira, perao+aal <br /> regrresentativea, auceeasors axd a�saigna. <br /> '; IN WITNESS ii'HEREOF, we h¢ve herezento aet u nds aeqal ..___z� oj <br /> . . Orc�wb�r 77---• , `�w. <br /> ----------••---•-••-------•-•---•---•---, ss..-- -----------;,�w---- � h�7tl�� `'1'�If�l�il� -•---- ----- - <br /> � r'Y, <br /> .....-----•----•-----•-------•---•-•..._ ..--•-----------------�- a..- � - - -.�--� ` ` <br /> . .... �.r _�:. ..c.�,,.. .__ ,.,,�• � C ` <br /> ��Ila � . Jn �lll�@I'�l --•--� - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � �--� <br /> � �sa. ' � r / <br /> COUNTY OF----•-- I'�'�L— ` � <br /> On this-------�-j�:===_--.__ .day of-•---- �r- --- ------------------ ---- • 19��-----, before me tke urider- <br /> oonaia e . sn � �ae.� .�a � <br /> sipxed. a Nota.ry PubZie in axd for said CountY� Peraonally ca,me. ..---•----•------ •------ ----------- - -------...------•- " <br /> Lsna J . Shinab�ryr . husbaeid and wtte , i <br /> ------ •--• - �-------------•-------- --- ----...--------...--------•--•--�•- •-------� �--•-------------•----••--- ---- - -......._... --- . . . ..- --- -- ---- -•- ----•-------- ------ � <br /> personally known to me to 6e the identic¢l peraoxa whose names are aff�'ed to tke above inatru- <br /> �nent a,a Mortpagor, and acknowZedged the s¢me to be thezr voluntary act and deed. i <br /> _ Witxeaa my h¢nd and notarial se¢Z the day and year lwQt above written. � <br /> �iGNCRA� '-"-" --. -_"1.-`t'�'�'L� - '':--� -+�-�'- �--� `-��'�` '-:-•- -' . ' _ _ <br /> S� - `. 1. Notary Publie <br /> �rhrr nf ^: �cr�r ,<� . , ? � � � � � ° <br /> o�� 3,�� rea:... ll.��-�=------ - .. _ . _......------�--f�---�----�-- --- -----------------• The document filed <br /> (TO BE USED IF MORTCAGOR IS A CORPORATIOl�') �S a �oPY. Si�natures <br /> STATE OF NEBRASXA ar%.� Oflgj��. <br /> �aa. ' , _ -� ���� <br /> COUNTYOF-----•-----••--------------•-------.._._-•---_ .-----•---- <br /> On thta.-•--•--•--•----•-• of-------•-------------••-------------........_.._-� 19--------_, before me, tlt�e under- <br /> aipnaed, a. Notary P'xblie ix a+�d for said CouxtY, Pe*aoxally ca�ne -------------------------------•--.-----•----------------- <br /> to me persoxally knawn to be the Pr��st of tk.e c�r�wratiwri ubove nauwed ¢xri tl�.e utext:eal <br /> peraon whose naarie ia ajf�ed to tTie above mortya,ge, and aeknowledged the executiox thereoJ <br /> to be kia voltintary met axd deed as auch ojfieer ¢nd the volur.tary aet a�red deed of s¢id corporetioa. <br /> T�Vitsaeas r�sy kawd axd notarial aeal the d¢y axd year last above writtex. <br /> -•.....-------�•------------•----------- -- - -----. _ --•--- ------------- ----- r �� � <br /> Not¢ry Public I � � <br /> My eowamissiox ezpirea:----------•--•------------�------- ---•-------•----- °i�,'` <br /> ""'� "i ---"_"-""...'--..__....'-""'-"-� . .. ........... <br /> � <br />