<br /> v�� ��
<br /> � �
<br /> 77-U075'79
<br /> r MO�tTGAGE
<br /> Donald E. Shinabery ar►4 Lana J. Shlnabery. husband and
<br /> T�tiwdsriipsed----•.-_•-----•-•-----------------•--•--•---•---••----._.---•--------
<br /> •••----••-•--�------•-------••------••-•--.._..--•--------
<br /> �r1te. ach 1n his aM h�r orwi rt9fit and each as the spouse ot the otMr
<br /> •----•-•---•..._......---•----------------_.---------•-._.__..__._._..-------•••--------•--_--•-••-••-------•----••----.._-•--•----•--...---------...---�-•--------•-•,
<br /> ,�_crana_ isl�a-----------_....-------� Cor�nty oj----•-•--xa11-••-----••--•-------•�-----.,State of-...Nebraska..------
<br /> hereirafter referred to as the Mortgagor, do hereby aell, mortg¢ge and eovevey to FIRST NA-
<br /> TIONAL BANK& TRUST COMPANY OF LINCOLN, Lineoln,Ne6r¢ska,hereina,jter reJerred to
<br /> ai tke Mortpsgee, tke jollowixy deacribed property, eituated in tke County oJ..._..._.F�11._____.___._.
<br /> ------.__...._......_. State of�--.--Nlbraska. ---.. to wit:
<br /> Plat of a trut of l�d co�risin� ths vesterly Ei�!�ty T+o snd
<br /> Sevesity Ei�t H�mdredths (82.78) feet of I.ot 71�see (3) and the easterlr
<br /> Qne Hufdred S•venty Eipift (17a.0) feet of Lot Four (1), B1ocic Qse (1),
<br /> Nelsen Second Subdivisim, Crand Island, Nebraska. mze particularly
<br /> dascribed as follovs:
<br /> 6e=innln` at s point on the southerly line of said !ct 1hre� (3),
<br /> said point bein� Ei�hty Tro and Seventy Ei�t Hu�dredths (82.7a) feet
<br /> sast ot the southvest con+er of sdd Lot 71�ree (S); thenee westerly
<br /> alons the southorly line of said Lots 'h�ree (3) �nd Four (�). a dlatance
<br /> of T+o Hundr�d Si:ty and Seventy Eitht Hundr�dths (260.78) feet; thsace �
<br /> nortl�erlr parsllel to the westerly 11ne of said Lot Four (1), a distsnp
<br /> ot 'flro H�dred Eishty Five and 7f+ree Tenths (2R5.3� feet to the northeslr &,
<br /> lin� ot said Iet Four (1); thence southeuterly alons the aortherly lin� �
<br /> of said Lots 7firet (3) and Four (1), a distanu of 11ro Htmdred Sixty
<br /> T+o �d O�t Tsnth (Z62.1) feet; theace southe:lp parallel to the wste:lr "
<br /> lin� of said Lot Thre� (3), s distance of Tro Huidr�d Fifty Nine and
<br /> Fortr Ihre� Hundredths (259.43) fe�t to the plaee of besinnins a�sd
<br /> eontdnins 71,027.34 sQuar� feet nore or less. �
<br /> toyetkar wtiEk aJl 6uildixys,improve+nexta, jixtures or appurtexaxcea awd e1l ease+wexts.
<br /> Axs� it ia ftirtJ�.er mutua,lly coroenanted and ayreed by and between tke partiea, hereto, tkctt
<br /> all Dat axd eleetrie jizturea, radiators, keaters, exysnea and ma,ehixery, boilers, ranpea, elevqtora
<br /> and �wotore, 6esth tuba, ainka, water cloaets, baaina, pipes, Jauceta and other plum6ing and heat-
<br /> ixp jisturtt, nsirrors, ma.�tela, rejriger¢ti+ey plaxt and tice boxes,tookinp apparntus arui appurte-
<br /> wa+seu, wixdorv aereeua, and awek other goods and chattels and peraonal properfy as are e2�er
<br /> jftrtsuked by a laxdlord £x dettixp or operating an :enfurniaked braiLding, sims!¢r fo the one xow
<br /> o+'laerosjter ma aaid pre»e.tiees, whick are or sh.all 6e attached to eaid buildixg 6y na.ils, acreu�a,
<br /> be�E+, pipe eoawtetioxa, ++ea�sosry, or ix nny other neax�eer, ¢re ¢xd sA¢ll 6e deemed to be ftizturea
<br /> awd ax aeoesriow to tke freekold axd a part oj tAe reatty ua betwtex the pa.rtiea kereto, tkeir
<br /> htira, esee�etors, admfAiatrators, suce�:asurx or u,xriyr�, awd ull perr�oxs elo.i�csrip by, tArougk or
<br /> tiwder tl�a+x, a+�d�lwll be dee�aa.ed to be a portiox oJ tke seeurity for tke ixdebtedriesa kerein men-
<br /> tisw�d swd to be oovtred by tkis +wortyape.
<br /> TO XAV�AND ?�0 HOGD al!of ee.id proPerty xa�to said Msrtyayee,fa*eve*, a+�d jor tJte
<br /> tiser An�eat td: lo*tAh� Eu teo�ra tA,e pe+�jor+xdwee of tl►s a61Eya,ta+ea coxtaixed here£�a, and the
<br /> � ;
<br /> P'�N tks lrireiMl sNd iwterert of t�e +wte ssee�cte� � deJivered e�weeicrrew,tty �rc�v itk �F '�
<br /> t
<br /> �, M� �Oao.r a a1.lt Tw tirwd�d Twewqr ThousaM �++A NO/100 .
<br /> f��l' ert�yee i�s tke a+i�e�--••---------•--------------- `
<br /> -------.._.---••---------•-----
<br /> Uollsra.P411�a si P*'ovi�ed tkereia. witk fi+�a1 Peypcewt ef P+'s�tepat a+ad ixtervat �x fke'iit------- �'�
<br /> _ --
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