<br /> � �
<br /> 77 00'75'78
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Donald E. Shi nabery and Lana J. 1
<br /> Shinaber_v, husband and wife,
<br /> hertinafter ed the mortga,gor 5 ,for and!n consideration oja loan of S ,
<br /> b3'�,L��,�,��,i 1 B nk b Trust Co any of Li nco 1 n
<br /> herauea�rer cauea tne mo�tgagee ,secured by a Jirst mo�rgage held by i rs a i onaT an
<br /> Trust Com�anv of Lincoln ,and othergood and valuable considemtiott, the receipt
<br /> whe�eof is hereby ac ow edged, do es hereby assign, tronsjer and set over to the mo�tgagee
<br /> its successors or assigns, as additional security fo� the payment oj ajo�esatd mortgage loan and
<br /> mty delixquenctes thereon, for so long as ajoresaid loan or delinquencies thereon, or any past
<br /> thereof remains unpaid, the rents accruing r�non the jollowing described properties, located in
<br /> rhe City of Grand 7sland Hall County, Nebraska , to-wit:
<br /> '5
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �- '�
<br /> And the said mortgia�ors hereby authorfze and empower the said mo�tgagee_, its
<br /> or thetr successors axd essigns, by fts o�thei�authorized agents and attorneys, to let for satd mort-
<br /> g48o�5 and rent the above described premises or any part thereof, and collect and receipt fo�
<br /> smd nnt, etthei monthly, quarterly, or yearly, as it or they may see j�t, and tn dejault oj'tl�e pay-
<br /> neettt of sa/d �ent or any part thereoj to proceed in its oi their name by suit or suits at law or
<br /> equtty jo�the riecovery thereoj in such manner as it or they sha11 deem Jit.
<br /> This ass�rsment of ients is being made fo�the express prupose oj hav�ng the irnt collected
<br /> he,runder appKed to poy,nents oj ri nci a1 and i nterest
<br /> on the loan med delihquencies thereon above desc�i ed as agree by mostgogo� s to pra[d on
<br /> tke note execused by mortgag�w s to mortg+agte ond the na! estate mortgage on the above
<br /> descrlbed real estote seeurixg said note. —
<br /> Moitpagee . tts successors or atsigns, may, in its or rhetr discretlon use the re»ts so far as
<br /> xtcessary fpr t�purpose oj riaking srich re�trs upon the prcmises as in its or thetr iad,�neent
<br /> �y �e P��� �d �+Y Lse ,seid �+ents so far as necessary jor the payment of insuraxce prenei-
<br /> ums and taxes on sa�d pnrriises, or any other peynrent to be made by mortgqago� s under tlee
<br /> tenna of ths note and neortgq�e obove mentiowed, the balance to be applied upoR�Tie paymeret
<br /> of P�'�'n�P�and tnterest on said loan.
<br /> ThLr assiPn�nrnt of rents is fruended to apply only tn case of rhe dtJ'ault of the rurderstsxad
<br /> in the payments specijied in the above note and mortgoge o�mry deli�rquencfes theroon, !r� such
<br /> case mo�tgqgee its o� thetr successors o� arsigns, may wcive collection thereof for spaces of
<br /> tinse, at iss o�their option, br�t such waive�or jailure to co!lect hererinde�shall not be constaued
<br /> to be a w�alve�ojthe rt;ht to collect any subsequent installment ojrent.
<br /> The dtlivtry oj a eopy of fhis lnshument to any tenaxt o�tenants occupying soid prc►nises
<br /> oi arry pmt theseoj shall be suf�ictenJ to rcquln satd tenasts to pay said reret to ntortgogee
<br /> its or theis succtssors or assigns, uxli(jwthes nodce oj rhe mnounts delinquent on ajonsatd�
<br /> hare been p�atd. Whers satd Joan is p�d in juli, a release oj the ajoresaid mongage shaJl be deerried
<br /> to he a nlease oj this assianmeret wlthout t'urther evidence thereof.
<br /> Qateid thts 29th day oj Decen�ber , 19 17 .
<br /> WR'NESS: r
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<br /> `�\�J�� �,r•�► K.,.� .
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