r -�
<br /> 77�107576
<br /> � KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:Thet Forrest J. Pollard d�(1 TY111d E. Pollard, BdCh 111 h15 and I
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Fi fty One Thousand Si x Hundred and NO/100--------- M°`e�r8o�,whether one ur more:in consideration ot the sum uC
<br /> --_ ----_-------" - DOLLARS
<br /> loaned ro wid rtwrtgrgur by T'he Equitable Building and Luan Auociation of Gnnd Island,Nebrailca,Murtgagee,upon _��—�y��s of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No. L 22,959 ,a�hereby grant, convey and mortgagr unto the uid ASSOCIATIUN the following
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> tugether with all the tenemrnts, herrditaments and nppurtenances thereun�o brlunging, lncluding at[achrd flour wvermgs,alJ window scrcens,
<br /> window shades,blinds,sturm winduws,awnings,heating,air cunditiuntng,and plwnbmg and wat�rayuipment and�ceeswnes therrto,pumpe.stoves,
<br /> refrigerators,and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter ateached tu ur used u�c��nnrcGun with said real rs[atr.
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the m��rtgagur iliall and will pay all taxes and essessments kvrd or
<br /> assessed upun srid premises xnd upun�his murtgagr and thr bund secured IherebY� brlure the samr shall becume delinyuent:[o(umiah ypproved
<br /> insurance upon ihe buildings un said premises sftuuted in the sum u($51�60�.UQ payabtr to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to srid
<br /> ASSOCIATION the pulicies for said insurance;and not to wmmit ur permit any waste on or about said premises:
<br /> in casr uf default in the pertiirmance of any of the terms and cunditions ul this murtgage ur the bund ec�•ured hereby,the mor[gagee�ha11,
<br /> un demand,be entiQed tu immediate possession of the murtgaged premisrs and the murtgngur hereby assigns, transfers and sets over w the
<br /> mortgagee all the rents,revenues xnd income to be derived frum the mortgaged prcmises luring sueh time as the murtgage indebtednesc shall remain
<br /> ur+.pyid;and the murtgagee shall havr the power to appnint any agent or agents it may desire fur the purpux of repainng said premises and rrnting
<br /> the came and collecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said incume all expenus of rrpuring s�ud premiees and necessary
<br /> commiuions and expenses incurrrd in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remx�ning,if any,to be
<br /> applied ioward the dixhargr of said mortgage indebtedness:these rights uf thr murtgagrr may br exercised at any time luring the existencx uf such
<br /> default,irrespective uf any tempurary waiver of the same.
<br /> These Presents,however,are upun the(bndition,That if thr said Mortgagur shall repay said loan un ur befuu the myiurity uf said stures by
<br /> paymem;pay rtronttily ro said ASSO('IATION of the sum specified in the Bond xcured hereby as interost and principYl un said loxn,on ur hefure
<br /> the Twentieth day uf exch and every month,until sa�d luan is fully paid:pay all tezes and assessments levied against wid premises and on this Mortgage
<br /> and the Bo�d eecured thereby,before dtlinquency;f urnish approved insurancr uFwn thr bu�ldmgs�hrrrun�n the sum of S 5.1�f00.� paYyb�
<br /> lo s�id qSSOC'IATION;repay iu said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by ii paid Cur such taxes,assessments and msuran.x with mtercet at
<br /> the maximum legal rate thereun(rum date ol paymrnt all uf'which Mortgagor hereby agrees t�pay:pe�mit nu was[e un said premises:keep and wmply
<br /> wieh aU the agreemrn�s and a�nditiuns of the Bond for$ rj 1;(('� OQhis day given by the wid Mort�gur to said qSSOC7ATION,and cvmply
<br /> with all�he reqwremems of the Constitution and By-Lews uf sxid ASSOCIATION: thrn these present> shall becume null and vold,otherwlse they
<br /> thal)remain in full (urce and may br furecloud at the optiun uf the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months io make xny uf syid
<br /> payments or be three munths in arrears in making said munthly payments,ur tu keep xnJ cumply with[he agrerments and cond�tions uf said Bond;
<br /> und Mongagor agrees w tmve a receever appointed furthwuh in such fureclosure pr�ceedings.
<br /> 1(there ia any chu�ge in ownership of the rcal esWte murtgaged herein, by sale ur otherwise,then the rnnrc remaining mdebtednea hereby
<br /> xecured ghall,a�thr uptiun of Thr bywtable Building and Luan Associatiun of CranJ Islar�d,Nrbraska,bewme unmeduuty due and pryable witlwut
<br /> further noUce,and the amount remeining due undtr said bund,and any uther bond fur any additiunal Ydvances rtude thereunder,chall,from the
<br /> date uf rzercise of said option,bear interest at Ihe nuximum legal rate,and this mortgrge rruy then be tbreclused tu satisfy the amount due on stid
<br /> bond,and any other bond fur additional advances,together with all sums paid by said The F:yuitrble Building and l.,uan qxs�ciydon of GranS Island.
<br /> Ne6raska fiur insuryncx,qxes xnd acsesaments,and abstncting extensiun charges, with interest thereon, from da[r of payment at tht maximum
<br /> baal rr[e.
<br /> As provided�n the Bond xcured hereby,while this�ncxtgage remalns �n effect thr murtgugee may hereafter adrancr additwnal sums to the
<br /> mdeets of said Bond,their assigna or successors in interest,which sums shxll be within the srcurity of�his murtgage the same as the funds unginally
<br /> secuttd t y,the tocal amount uf principrl debt not to exceed at any time the origiul xmount uf this mongage.
<br /> �n�r Z ay of ,pecember a,.��.,iv 77
<br /> /��'l.:'e-.�" �� �L�i�i �
<br /> rrest J. P 1
<br /> Irma E. Pollard
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASICA,� � On thie 29th a,y�r December iv 77 ,n�ra�,,,�, •�`
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL �� �;,,;�,
<br /> the undertigned,a Notary Public in and for caid County,perwnally came �+ � � �
<br /> Forrest J. Pollard and Irma E. Pollard, each in his and her own ri�qh� and as spou�e of J ^
<br /> eac A,�
<br /> 11►c�6���''�y�.w, are arro� y rnoWn w �
<br /> ` S whqe name5 are �`�xed to[he abrne i�stru.nent as mort�or 5 anQ they sevcrai1y ������
<br /> � Zhe'w+d in + t:o n� thei r voluntary act and deod.
<br /> :�� JeY hand md Mari�l Seai the date aforea�id.
<br /> �"r �L� j ••'Y�!'4 s"ob,a�eo„ezpires��,,,_,�,no,1,'Zj� ��1�� i -�� I,�_y .
<br /> ��f�4✓� �� ��•) — ..-�—Notary Public
<br /> �\
<br /> 9rFOE�tltv°'��!'. �
<br />