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<br /> 77- �1�?'75�4
<br /> � MORTCAGF.LOAN 110._ L ZZ��O
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Howard W. Legg dnd Lorena I. Legg, each i n hl 5 and her
<br /> orm right and as spouse of each other
<br /> _Mortgagor,whether one ur more fn consideration of the sum of
<br /> Forty Eight Thousand and No/100--------------_-_________ ��t��
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upun 4 � sharen of stodc of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No. L 22�96� , do hereby grant, convey and mortgrge unw the xr�id ASSOCIAT[ON the followity�
<br /> deec:ribed rerl estate,sitwted in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> together with all the tenemenu,hereditaments and appurtenances thereuntu brlonging, includmg ettached tluor cuverings, all winduw xreens,
<br /> window shndes,blinds,storm wmduws,awnings,herting,air c.�ndiUoNng,and plwnbmg and wetrr eywpmrnt and accessunes therew,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refngerators,and uther(ixwrcs and eywpment nuw or hereafter yttached to ur used ui c.+nnrruun wlth ss�d rexl es�ate.
<br /> And whereas the�id murtgagor Iws agreed and durs hereby ygree that the m.istgagur shxll and wiil pyy all taxes and assesunents levitd or
<br /> aaeesced upon sr�d prem�ses and upun�his mongugr and thr bond secured thrrrb� brt�,rc the samr shYU becume delinquenr.to}umish npproved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on sxid prertusrs situated in the sum ol S 4$�QQQ.Q� pyYable W uid ASS(X7ATION ynd tu deliver to oaid
<br /> ASSOCIATION the puficies Cur said insurance:and nut tu cummi�ur permit any wasie un ur abuut sald premises:
<br /> In cyse u(deCault in t he per(orrtutnce of yny of the terms and cundmons uf[his mongage ur [he bond secured hereby,the murtgagee shall,
<br /> un deman3,be entitled w unmedwte pucsecwon of the mungsged promiux and thr mu�tgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets uver W t!u
<br /> mortga�ee al)the ren�s,revenues and incume w be derived from the mortgeged prem�ses during such time as the murtgr�e indebtedrau shall remain
<br /> unp�id:and the mixtgagee shall have the p�.�wer to appuint any agem or agents i� may devre for the purpuse uf repairing said premifec and rmting
<br /> the syme and wllecting the rents,revenues and inwme,and it may pay out of uid incume all ezpenses of repauing syid premises and necesivy
<br /> commissiwns and expenses incurred in renting ynd managing thr same and of w0rctir� rrntals thereCrom, the bdance remaining,if any,to bt
<br /> appiied toward the diuharge of uid mortgagr indebtedness:these rights u(the murtgagee may br exerciaed at any[ime during the existrna of such
<br /> default,irtespecnve uf any tempornry wa�ver of the same.
<br /> Thex Presents,however,yre upon the Cunditwn,That if the said Mortgagor shall repay uid luen on ur before the rnaturity ul sald shares by
<br /> payment;pry munthly to sx�d ASSOCIATION of thr sum specified in the Bund secured hereby as mttrest and princ�pal on said loyn,un or befure
<br /> the Twentieth day o(eych and every rrwnth,until mid luan is(ully paid;pay aU taaees and assessment s levied egainst wid premisec and on thu Mortg,�y{e
<br /> aqd the Bond secured thereby,befbre delinyuency;2'urnish approved insurxnce upon thr buildings thcroun m the sum uf S 4$.�.� payabk
<br /> lo�etid ASSOCIATION:repay w said ASSO('IATION upun dernrnd all mune,y by it paid fur such taxes, asussments xnd msunnce wrth interest at
<br /> lhe rtuximum kgal rnte therron from date u(payment xll u(which Mor�gagur hercby agrees w pay;permit nu waste on srld premises:keep and wmply
<br /> with all the rgreements and c:ondhlons uf thr B4�nd fur S 48.�0.�is day given by the said Mur[gago�to syid ASSOCIATION,and wmply
<br /> with all the requirements uf tht Cunsatuuon and By•L.aws uf sxid ASSO('IATION;then thesr pre�ents shall btcome nWl ynd vuid,uthervire they
<br /> slull rcrtmin in tutl (oren and may be(oreclosed at the uphun uf the wid ASSO('IATION after fxilurc fo� three munths tu malce �ny uC said
<br /> poyments ur be thrce munths in arrrars in mricing sxid monthly pyyments,ur tu keep and cumply wnh�he agreements and cundiuons oF said Bund:
<br /> and Mortgs�ur agrees w have a reaiver nppuintrd tonhwith m such furedusurc pwcrrdu�gs.
<br /> 11 there is any chrnge m uwnerstup of tbe real estyte mortgrged herein,by srle ur utherwise,then the enurc remaimng indebtednesc hereby
<br /> pecured sha�l,�t tMe option of The F.quitabk Building and Lorn Aswciation ot Grand lsland,Nebraska,become immediately�due ynd payxble withuut
<br /> further no[xx,and the amount rertuimng due under srfd bond,and any other bund fur rny addrt�unxl advrnas made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> dste of exerciu of crid optwn,bear intrreYt at thr muzunum kgal rate,and this mortgagr mry then be 1'orecloeed tu saticfy the amount due on stid
<br /> bond,rnd any olher bund for additional ulvancec,u�gether with all suma prid by syid Tht Eqwtxble Build�ng ynd Luan A9wci�tion of Grand lcland,
<br /> Nebradu(or insuranx,taxes and a�sements,and abstncttng exten�ion charges, with interesi thereon, trom date o}' payme�t at the mueimum
<br /> leeat ntc.
<br /> As provided ui the BUO{I SC�LL(0l�IIClCby�,WIIIIC LFLS murtgry,e remains in e(tect chr murt�ee nw�� fureat[er udvance addiuunal sums to the
<br /> mdcers uf pid Bond,their assigns ur succeseors in intercsi,wFuch sums shxll be within the security uf this mortgyYe the same as the funds urq5inally
<br /> tecurod thereby,tffe totrl amount of principal debt nut tu exreed a�any time the urlgina!amount uf this nwrtgyge.
<br /> ��«;: 30th d,y o� December �.��..�y 77
<br /> ,
<br /> a . e99
<br /> Lorena I. Legg
<br /> arwre�o�sRws�.� .�. a+�n� �tha.y or Detember iv 77 .e�ro�e�„e. ,,�, '�'
<br /> the undersi�ned,a Notary Publie in and for said Cuunty,per�onxlly�yme � '
<br /> NMward Y. Legg a�d lorena I. Legg, each in his and her own right and as spouse of�each �
<br /> � �C�r. who a� person y Icnown to
<br /> ws to'be ths identipl per9oi e •, 81Y afFurod to the above instrument as mortga�or 5 and they severally
<br /> :�'�4�J
<br /> adcw�vled�d the rid inrtrunaa�e�..•-�1�`':�unqry wl Mtd deed. '
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