� �
<br /> STATE OF NEB$A�SA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> Filed for record on ................................. 19........at............................ o'clock ........................ M.
<br /> snd recorded ia the I)eed $ecord ................................. Puge .............................
<br /> ............................... ............................................... By ._........................................................................................ �
<br /> �$egirter ot Deeds Deputy Register of Deede
<br /> Gre6ory D. Mehring aad Mazle R. nSehrinq. Husband and Wife. each in hia and her
<br /> oaa right aad as �pou�e of each other , Lerein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in con�ideration ot p'ifty Thousand and no/100 DOLLARS
<br /> receiti�ed from grantees, dces grant, bargain, seil convey and confirm unto
<br /> Stephrn F. Ron�haugen and Janet C. Ronehaugen, Hunbend end wife,
<br /> as joint tenents with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in comrnon, the following deecribed :eal
<br /> property in ..........Hall............................................ County, Nebraska:
<br /> Lot Tliree (3) Edvards Subdivision. C.ity of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> �'iANiP TAX
<br /> �;EC ;;0 197T
<br /> �$.ss ao _�Y�
<br /> To have and to hold the above deecrited premises toqether with ali tenemente, hereditamenb
<br /> aad appurtensncee Lhereto belongiag unto the Ltrantees and to their as�+igna, or to the hein snd sesignt
<br /> of the aurvivor of them fore�•er.
<br /> And grantor 3oeg hereby coveaunt with the grantees and with their aarigns and wit6 the hein
<br /> and as�iQa� of the aurvivor of them that grantor ie lawfully seise<i of said premirea; that they are 4ree from
<br /> eaeambranee ��Pt Eaau�at• and Re�trietion• of Record.
<br /> that grantor has aood right and lawful suthority tu con�ey the wime; and that grat�tor N•nrrauts and �s•iA
<br /> defend the title to suid prrmises aqainat the lawful claims of all prrsons �aLo�usoever.
<br /> It ie the iutention of nll pnrtiea hereto that in t6e event of the death of either ot the graatees,
<br /> thr rntire fee title to this real pro���•rty �Iialt �r�;r in the aurvi�ing grantee,
<br /> Dated Deesber 27 lg 77
<br /> � f� 2.
<br /> .................................................................................... � -:%�`,Sl..:�'.��'`,,,1 !'..;� Kr.�'/�ff...._.
<br /> .. r.. .. ..........
<br /> 6I y ,
<br /> ................................................................................... � .1.LL��.:7�......h........,:1..��t,.��.l:r..:`�.�...........
<br /> STATE OF .....�braska , Hall
<br /> . ...................................... C.ounty uf ................................._..........................:
<br /> Befote me, s aotiry publie qualified for wid cwmfy, perroaslly came
<br /> Ge�er� D. Mahrias and l�tarla R. Mehrin�t, husband md wife,
<br /> �
<br /> �nowe to i 1� tica! pereen or perrons whu signed the foregoing iactniment and acknowledged �
<br /> �s
<br /> Ybe es �,;�•�,4� ,�,er or Lheir voluatary act and deed. �
<br /> � tp ��:�
<br /> ��h�a1R`.fqr�aa�aa�II�talLi �eal on �.........D�erbe,r...2� .--... 7�
<br /> �,�. .• ,,,�y . � .........., 19................ , ,,�
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<br /> �� =� ,a . �. ,� . .�,.�C'.!:'..�:�,C.�... �Li��....r.l�..�L,t.��.��� � . Not$ry Pablie � . _,
<br /> �f,� . . � .. �.:
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<br /> � i: Y�commuwoa ezpu�es .....t....._I 1
<br /> ......... ....... . is....'.1.......
<br /> P�rn, 4_� To br tj+rro�•ed by �,bru:,ku �t�L< 12d. .lswciuti..0 r«�w.�a�wdr a.. zi„�...xa,....
<br /> �
<br />