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<br /> Ti—�WT ClA1M DEED Te� 8ultuun osnvd Boypls Hoaw, Lineoln, H�pr. . �
<br /> ; THIS lNDENTURE,Made thi,r 14 th day o/ December ,in the yeas oxe thousasid '
<br /> � ; ■iw� kwsdrsd swd seventy-seven , bstweex Harold E. Emery and Donna M. Emery, �
<br /> husband and wife, as joint tenants
<br /> i
<br /> ;
<br /> o}tk��ir,rt part,awd Orville L. Murphy and Velma L. Murphy, husband and wife,
<br /> ' each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other
<br /> of the second part,
<br /> {f�lTNESSETH,that the suid part iEs o(tke jirst part, in considerdtion of the sum of FOrty-thx'Ee thOUScZt1e�
<br /> and no/100 (543,000.00)-------------------------------------'�LLARS, !
<br /> �o the�[I duly paid, the receipt whe�ro� is hereby acknowledged have rentised, released, ¢nd ;
<br /> ` guit-claiased, and by ihese prescnts do for se! heiss, rxecxtors and ad- '�
<br /> »uMistrators, t�mise, selease and f��rever quit-cluirn unta th�° said part of fhe second past, aad to
<br /> hsirs and assigws forez�er, all rir�kt, ditle,interest,estate �laint a»d
<br /> d��waxd, both at!aw and in equity,uf,i��o�d to al1 the following described premises situated i;n
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> The Northerly Ninety Five and One Half (95�) Feet of Fractional Lot
<br /> Four (4) in Fractional Block One Hundred One (101) in Koenig and '
<br /> i Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and its
<br /> � Canplement, Fractional Lot Four (4) in Fractional Block One Hundred One
<br /> (101) in Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> NE3RA`�KA U,`CUie",cNTARY
<br /> `.;l F,'�.^r "fAX
<br /> �� �l���� .�� ��7�
<br /> �v -� BY��d��s.--
<br /> STATG(.'_,�f r'.'i,. :;�-iEC?
<br /> � Toyrthcr uritk o[1 and sixyalar the hereditamcents thrrrunto 6elonging.
<br /> TO IfA[�6 AND TO HOLD the ahoz�t� described prr�xiscs unto t<ic said
<br /> r+++d heirs and assigns;so that weifher the said
<br /> , grawtor S , �r 6%y peISGM iw thelr nome and beholf, ,chall ur urill herea/ter rGai+n or de-
<br /> sNm+d awy right or title lo the soid �reinises or nn�� port therruj, but tHv��aad errry �me of tltem shall by fhrse presexls
<br /> i ; be erclyded awd fortver barred.
<br /> IN WITNFSS WHERE<�F, thc said part ies af ehe 6r,� rn.� 1�,� �.e he•r<�rfx�o s.: their li.uwi
<br /> � �+wbl !ke day awd ycar abuve writtcw.
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