<br /> I �
<br /> %f- uo�r�4s MORTGAGE
<br /> Thie Indenture,Made by end becween �N_& CDUNPRY.RF�ALIY OF GRANID ISLANp, INC. _ _ __.
<br /> � whether one cr more hereinafter referred to ar morf�agor
<br /> � +�d ZHE OVERI.AND NATICNAL BANK OF GRABID ISl�AND, Grand Island, Nebra.ska, hereinafter �
<br /> referred to as Uank 186 544.00
<br /> 7l�e MortQagor for and in cr�naideration of(3... � . . ) --------------------------------------
<br /> _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ .
<br /> One„Hutldred..Ei�ty $ix Thq.u..sand.Fi ve Hundred Forty Four and No/1,OQ--Dp�,,�,�;d by che bank.
<br /> fhe receipt whereof ie hereby acknowledged, has granted, barKxine�, eu�ld and conveyad, and by the preeents, doee Qesnt,
<br /> harQain,aell and conve,y,unto daid ba�k,the following described reaJ yroperty dituate�in the C:ounty, of �11
<br /> .. ._._.. ... _.... _...
<br /> and Stafe of Nebraeka.W-wit: Th1Y'd
<br /> Lot 'Ihree (3) i.n Bishop Heights�Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Lot T�t�elve (12), Bi.shop Heights Thind Subdivision, Ha.11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> Lot Eigi�t (8), Bishop Hei�ts Third Subdivision, Hall County, Nebra.ska
<br /> Lot Ten (10) Bishop Heig}rts Third b�bdivision comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> of the Northwest Quarter (SW�NW�) op Section Eleven (11) Townsl2ip Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall Coi.u�ty, Nebraslsa.
<br /> together with all thr ten�•mc•nts, hereditamrnts und r�ppuitenanci-,, t.�� tHr sam�• heluny�in�;, xnd all the estate, title, claimn and
<br /> demandR whatsurver of thr mort{;a�ur of, in or to suid pnvnises ur uny �:�xrt, th�v�eof; and said mortgaRur doea hereby cov-
<br /> enant, thet the mortga�;or is lxwfully a��izrd of said pramises,thr.t. said premisr�s nn• free frum incumbrance and morteagor
<br /> will warrant and defenci t.hr title to said prrinises uuainst the�•laims and d�•munds of ull persons whomenever.
<br /> P$OVIUED ALWAYS, xnd thesr presente ure upon these oonJitionx:
<br /> WHEREAS, the mortRngox� has execute•d nnd delivered tn the Bank a certain ..... yromta,ory note
<br /> ____ _ ..
<br /> in the amount of $186,544.00 dated December 22, 1977, to rnature on June 20, 1978
<br /> at an interest rate of lO.Oro.
<br /> and hae agreed Lo maintain fire, windsLorru and i•stcnded c�.�vera�;e in�ur:anar on said premisex in amountY required and in
<br /> companiee app�roved by thr bank and with .;tundurd iaort�ag��eleusrs u}��i�-h pol3��ie� shull tie delivered to the bank, and haa
<br /> aKreed to pay all taxr:;und xs.essmrnts levird x��irst said pr.auisrs Lrt��ri; tlir sume fxc.,me delinquent and to maintain said
<br /> premires.
<br /> Now, therefore, if the mortgagor shall comply with all of th�� pro��isions of said note and the pruviaiona hereof, then
<br /> the�e preeenta dhall be null and void.
<br /> However, if the atwve note and mterest thereun ��r any puyment.s callrd fur there��n ere not paid when due or it any
<br /> of the covenantx of this instrumrnt are not eomplied with, thr bnnk. <��r �he I�ulder Lereuf, at its uption may declrre the re-
<br /> maining bolance oY eaid indrbtedness due and pvyabl�-� und n�ny rnaintxin .in xc�tinn at luw� or in eyuity to rerover alf amounts
<br /> due and rnforce thr pruvisiuna hrreuf. :n t.hv ev��nt uF the f;,�lurr �.,f �m�rt�;a�,��,r to inuintain the premises, or to maintain
<br /> in�urance sa ie above provided for, or tu pay taxes ur asses.ments, the hulder hereof may advencr the surn or eume neceoaary
<br /> to obtrin compliance xnd such xmuunts tihxll be aJ�.ied to thr umount due un the al��,ve rnentioned notr and bear interest at
<br /> the hi�hent leYal rate.
<br /> IT IS FURTHE$ ACRF:FD, thi� mort�a�;� shall cunstitutr nutice hereuf, that thi:t murLRage is a�erurity fur not only
<br /> the amount advsnced croncurrently with the exr��utiun her�cv�f F�ut a❑ futurr udvanv.-, whirh may be made at the option of the
<br /> partiea ur their aaeigna up to the total amnunt atated in this mort�;a�r, to chv ,xmc• est.,�nt as advance�t originally made here-
<br /> Yndet. Further nutice ix hereby giren that the tenur nf ouch MorLE*a�r Nutr inciudiny; thr interest rate, payment, msturity,
<br /> penaltiea, and othrr terms shal! cunrurrently up.�n ��w<���ution tx��•nmo r. pari of this nv,rtgage.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGRP;ED, that the asid Mn�K{;a�or �hall and will pay all tnxes levied upon this mort�aqe or the debt
<br /> secNreJ thereby, Wgether with uny other txxrs or xayes.mi�nt�a�hich may be levied under th�� L,aws of Nebr�vka, against the
<br /> said![ortgsRee ur the lega] holder of the said prinoipel n���ti•is� un n�•o��unt.uf Lhis indebtrdnes.c.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGHEF.U, if at nny time�, wliile the mort�;aK�' �'� in rffect and the note fur which this mortga¢e ia
<br /> eiven�s tecurity,or any paf•t thereof, rrmnins unpaid, t6c� undrrai�neri J1��r��x�;urs seli, <'onvey- ur eontrart to srll the real
<br /> es4te herein described, or any part Lhrr�•of, �ir the Mor«aK��i�s d�, nut have ur cras�� tn haw� titlr to suid real estate or any
<br /> paYLtlltTamt,then and in any su�h �.�ents, the 11urt{,aK�'r mu� a� it, .pti n diilur thr unpuid pr�ncipal bslance, and intereat,
<br /> o,f�4�+. hereby immed�atily �i�o dnd �ialnilt. In tt -�� r.t th � Fe, premi.�ea aie nut now, or shuuld herraYter,not
<br /> 1� i ' � �Q<�r thrn this instrument shali n�titutc xn ns,i�.nni nt ut i ntxls xnd svr�irr of u r•opy thrreop upon the
<br /> � 'y+r�r�' ��j�cient to reyuire all paymrnt fu� r«ntal „r use ut t.he pieuuses aftrrr dute uf euaY 9ervice to made to
<br /> �ry R �
<br /> 1 � ���.
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<br /> ,.�,!'� � ���VI�...f1�l�.i.......f�8j' Of... ...A./Gtlw�.r.. ........ ....• 1�.7 ..
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<br /> =- :c, ny :•, j.y'; In presence of 1LK1'N &__ ._. 1Y OF . . ISLAPID,._II`IC
<br /> _ �� ,.
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<br /> ..,.T:�%'
<br /> STATE 014...._:.':.........._ ....__.... __.. . Counc>� uf
<br /> Before me, a notarY Publir qualified fur�:iid �.•onnt��. n.:.r.,�n;�tiv ����m,.
<br /> lwown to me to be Lhe �dentical prrsun or pers��res �a�ho siKned the forego�n� inxtrument and urknowled�;ed Chi�exerution thNre-
<br /> o!to be hi�,her w�thrir voluntary art and deed.
<br /> Witeaw my hred and notarial eeal on. . .._ _ ._._._. ._. .___. . _. ... ., 19._.
<br /> . y'..
<br /> 1R7 commi�slun expiree:._._ _.__. .... . .. . . 19 . __ _. . . . ... . _. _.. . . . . NotYrY Public. ,w'.' :rs
<br /> _ ___ � ,
<br /> � SSATE OF ... .._.._ .__ Enterrd un numeriial index and filed foz record I �
<br /> QoYet� .. .. ... . ....._.. ... _.. ._ ._. ._... f as. J ,
<br /> �� � m the Be�ister nf Deeds Offirr of said Cuunty the
<br /> .. _...._ .__...__.d�9 Of.._. _. .._.... .... . _., 19 .. .. .. at_... . .__ ..... o'olock and mi�utN. M .
<br /> �ad Tlt07'dtd 1a BOok.. _ __ . of wt n�v�
<br /> ....... . .- . ... .. .. . . . .. . Req. ot Deeds
<br /> �Y. _. _ .. . . .. Deputy
<br /> �
<br />