� f— �
<br /> : {��. �1Q7��j� f
<br /> � 62%--i6CON0 REAL EBTATE MORTCiA6E—Witb Tax Clauts Th• ifuttm�n Genrrel s�pyly Hourx, Llocotu, N.h�r. •
<br /> —._...-.Y._-- ---`---___._..__T_.._..._._._-_-.�._.__. . �.._._._._.__._.__._.. _____...___... __..._ _ .......__. _- ___.._.... . ._.�
<br /> � _. ... _.. _. ..
<br /> . .r__-•'.-__-'-..
<br /> '
<br /> E THAT 1 or WE, Miohasl J. Nolan and Darl�no NoLn
<br /> i
<br /> � ; � of pau Coa�aty and State of Nebraek• , in conrideration af the sum o/! I
<br /> � T�hibtNn thousand �ight hurdr�d sixty as�d fj6/100 - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DOLLARS '
<br /> �
<br /> iw /rawdpa id, do l4neby SELL and CONI�EY unto FIVE POINTS BANK, 2G15 N. Bt'oadw�ll
<br /> , � �l'a�rd I�lard, N�braska
<br /> � , (mostgagee),�
<br /> � of H�tll Couwt}�, and State of Nebraaica , the followin�described premises I
<br /> � s�Jrated in Aall C'ourty, axd State of tn-zxrit;
<br /> iNsbraaka
<br /> � NEBRASKA.
<br /> � ,
<br /> i
<br /> f �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> f I
<br /> � ;
<br /> i The iKtextiox being to cnxvey kereby an absolute title in fee si�ple includinJ al( the rights of komesfcud and dower.�
<br /> ITO HAYE RND TO HOLD !he preswises above desrribed, uwth aU the a�purtenances thcreunto belanging unto :
<br /> � th� soid fiwrtgoges or �ortgagess awd to hu, her or their heirt arad nsssgxs, fore[�er, provi�ted always, and these pres- ; '
<br /> ' ertr ws rpow the espress coxditiow tkat if t!w.raid+wostgogor or axortgago�s, his, hzr or their heirs, e��ecrtors, adn�ix- ;
<br /> iut�ators w astigws shol!pay or eaus¢to 6e paid to the said ono�tgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs, ez- �
<br /> serta�i, aduwwirtratorr w arsigxs. tka arax of
<br /> ; lhirtMn thon�and �ight hurtdr�d eixty and �100 � _ _ _ _ _Dol/ars, payable as follou�s, to-uit:
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> P��nts ar� to b� aad• Aonthly tor a o�riod of aizty (60) months of :183.16.
<br /> thi� includs� principal and int�r�st, paqrnta ar� to b� made the 21at of •ach
<br /> ■onth. At th� �nd of �ixty e�onths th• �ntir� r«naining principal �a due and �
<br /> pa��bl� in full.
<br /> �
<br /> ]
<br /> auit!► irtsrast tksreow at �� per ceKt per oxwti�, poyotto anxwally, accordi„g to tke texor and ejjrct of,
<br /> INw pf�oe�istory twtt witk iwterttt eorpvtu alhacAed of said Mortgogors, bearin� ee�en date uzth these pres-
<br /> ' eMtt,awd sbaf!pay al{taras and wy ixterrrt ow,or�at�sswg iw.stallwsexts of principal, due on any p�ior mortgage axd:
<br /> I assttswwta lsttisd npow,raid►eoJ tstate awd al!other taxex, lsvies awd a,rses.rnaeals lexried apon this n�ortgage or the�
<br /> + waM s�liick ll�ir wtortgage u giaew to setrse, bejore !ks sa�e beco+nes delinqrent and keep the buildiwgs on said�,
<br /> Irr'iww,t�s iNsrrtd fo�fke,r+�ru j{>O�000.00�ss, if asy, payable to skch ��sf »�ortgugees or this snortgugee, or Loth,I
<br /> � tltaw thes�rrsssKtr bi voi�, ot/�ar�uise to 6t aKd re+iwix iw frl! force.
<br /> !T !S FURTHER AGREED (t) That if the said rwortgagor shall fail ta pay sk�h taxes vwd surh ixtesest on,
<br /> or r�otwiNg irstallwssNts oj priwcipal,dre ow aMy jrior wortgagt wad proc+�se srch irsurance, then thia +xorlgagee �ay;
<br /> � raY awek lasas awd rrck iKterest ow,or trwturiwg uastdtwewtf of ¢riwripal dre ow .rurh priar mo�tgage a„d fl�ocure'
<br /> � srtM ine�w�arre;awd fl�e.ww� to adtawced witlt iwfereat at Kiwe ptr es*t shalJ bs paid by said morlga,qo�,and this�ort-
<br /> yuJe r+�ll strtr�t as secrrity �ur 1$r �u�. j 2) Thut a fualrre to pay oNy of tasd rxowey,either yn�scspa! or interest un
<br /> itlei.t or ery r^ior nrortgape, wkes tAie saws b�sco�rts drs or a falwe ��o■.pty wrek o�y uf the foregos»g agreswiexts,�
<br /> �1 eartr tbs avlwJs aw� of woway ksreiw secwtd to bsco�e drr ard�o!lectable at once a1 the option of tke nsort-.
<br /> �66.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER �4GREED Thst said Mw+rtpeQe�, pewdiw� foreclosrre of tki.c +nortgage ewd after decree awd i �-�
<br /> j l+uliw/s�fsy Mwr�aw er sr��at il�mfraw a�d tewdiMp.w/t of prsrastet awrtgaged, �y pay .ruck taxes and met�cri�g i �
<br /> ` frfsrs�t er �rdwirv iwstal/w�s«ts of }riMeiy�i, a� �r+is► wor/p�y��s. ?rocwt srck iwrwawcs awd s�ch srnu r.4all be j �
<br /> ��'s �i�J M t4 �ar�s dw a�r 1��'�'�e aw1 �w� cow�wNi�r of mle by thr court ordned takex out of procesdr of sele;: t
<br /> i M� ��+�: �t1+� �+�++. �'k �wK+ sMaft bs colkcted fhe ranie as thoagh it rr�ere a part of rnck � J
<br /> � i tirrwr.
<br /> '; � S�j/�vd Nlr,r � � day�+f D�s�b�r . �9 ry7
<br /> ,y ` �
<br /> ,' �i _��..''.�...:�.t.....�"....�..____..-.� � �i'� ,.,�,,,i Ta--�- �
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