r -�
<br /> . ��- t1�7538 MO RTGAGE
<br /> Thie Indenture,n.iade t�y,��d��Wee� Df2�Il+lIS J. SC'hZUND AAm KA'If�tINE ANN SQ�.�UbID, F.usband
<br /> .dY](�..{4�1f2_. . . . .. . . .. whether one or more hereinafter referred fo as mortgaQor
<br /> and �� ��,AI� N�,TIODII�L BANK C�' GRT�1�ID ISLAt�. Grafld Island. Nebraska, hereinafter
<br /> I referred to as Barilc �
<br /> The Mortgagor for and in ooneideretion uf 1$.SQ i.Q�10.OQ )--------------------------------------
<br /> Fi�C�I,' 'TIiSX).SANf7 F1ND NQ�J.OQ---�----------------------------------I)o1.I.wRS.oaid by the benlc.
<br /> the rxeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hae qrantc+d, barKn.inecl, nc�ld und c.nnveyed, and by Lhe pre.oente, doer Qrant,
<br /> bargain,eell end comey,unW daid twnk,the fulluwinq de�+c•ribed rrel proy�•rtv siwalrKl in t}�r Cnunty of �11
<br /> and State of Nebrask�,Grwit:
<br /> The West Half of the Southw�est Quarter (D�S4�S;) and the west Half of the Nortl�aaest
<br /> Quczrter (NA�Aa) of Section Ztaenty-Fight (28) , TowrLship ZWelve (12) North, Range
<br /> Ztaelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Fall County, Nebraska
<br /> arrl
<br /> The SoutY: Ilalf Of the c�utliwest �uarter (S�;Swn) arri the West I-lalf of the Southeast
<br /> ¢�arter (W�SF34) of Section Nineteen (19), ZbwrLship Zta�elve (12) North, Range 'Itaelve
<br /> (12) west of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> together with all the Yeneme�nts, hvreditnn:�•nts nnd xppwtrnam�r,c ti, t.h�• �um�� h«•1��ntiinK, �nd all the estn[e, Lit.le, claims and
<br /> demands whatsoever of th�• murt�;aK��r ��f. u�i ur tn sui:l pr��misr. �.r ;u�y r,art, tLer.•„f; and said m�,rtK�+K�r dues hereby ruv-
<br /> enant, that the mort�:x�ur i� la�rfully srlr�•d r,f' said prv�n�i�r,ti,that snid pr��ini�;��� am tree tr�.�m inrumbrance anJ mortKagor
<br /> will wa�rant and defend the� title Co suid pren�invs u�;ain t thr clairnv and d��ir�ands uf all persuna whumsueve�.
<br /> PR�OVIDED ALN'AYS, and thcs�� pre,rnts xrt• upun th��se c��mditiuns:
<br /> WHEREAS, the morLKxKur hua es�.•��uti•d and delivcri�d tu th<• Bunk d CPS�dln .. . promiseoiy nOte
<br /> dated Dec�nber 28, 1977, in the amount of $80,000.00 at an interest rate of 2$ over the
<br /> prime interest rate of the National Aank of Cannerce, with a minimiun rate being 9.0$ arYi
<br /> the maximun rate bei� 10.758, said rate to be adjusted sani-annually on January 15 arxi
<br /> Ju� ly 15 of each year;rPayments will�7b,,e,`,510,000q.0p0 �rincipal plus a�cczved interest on each
<br /> alfd'lids�gr�o`Tr�}I�e�f�i{.�w����•�'L�ft��;r��br�T'�'fA�:r�.T+�RT���t�rrmive:� in um<�unts requirrd and in
<br /> companies approved f:iy the Lank and with st:indard mnrt,ca4'r���1xu.+es �chir6 pnlfrirs sh�ll Ix� drlivvrrd tu Lhi� 6ank, and hae
<br /> ageeed to psy all tuxes xnd assesarticn[s le�'icd a�aiu�t saSd j�rrmisrs brf-.ri• tho sarne tk•i�u�nr delinyurnt and tu maintain eYid
<br /> premiaee.
<br /> Now, therefore, if the murtga�or shall ��omply w�ith al;��f th�� pr�visiuns „f vaid note and bhe pruvisiona hereuf, then
<br /> the�e preaenta sha❑ br nullxnd void.
<br /> However, iY thr abuve notr, and int�•ree�t t.l�urenn �.r any p.�ymrnts ��nllyd fi,r thPreun are not. paid when due or if any
<br /> of the covenente�of this instrument arr not �-,�nplie�r,i with, ch�•bank, ��r ch�� huld<•r hare���f, at its uptfon may dectare the re-
<br /> mtining Malance of said indrLtcJnrss dur an�: Ix�yahl.� :�n<i mxy �oxin�nir::.�n a�i i��n xt lati� ur in eyuity to rrrovrr all amounta
<br /> dLLe and rnforce thr provisions hi�r�-uf. :n tL+ ���'.�nt uf tl��� !:ulurr� �•f m�n�t4nF�.,r t�� main[ain t.hr premisrs, or to maintain
<br /> insurance as iu abuve providrd fur, a� tu pup t:aae= ,�r a.:. �,mrnt., [h�� F:old�v�i,rr.,,f mac a�.lvance the sum or sums necesrrry
<br /> to obtain compliance and such nmount.� shail [w xdded tu chr:n�uuc�it dur i�n tiie aYH�ve mentioned ❑ote xnd bear intereet at
<br /> the hiAhest leKal rute.
<br /> IT 1S FURTHER AGA}:ED, this murtK�K�� shal! ��onsutute rn�tic.• h�v�i�uf, tha� thin mort�nKe Ss security fur not only
<br /> the 8mount advanced eoncur'rrntly with thr rz�-e�uei�.,n h��re��f but .ill future adc:.�rn•rs w�ii�rh mxy be madr at thr option of the
<br /> psrtie»or their assi�,me up b� the tutal a�nuunt stat�•d in cl;i. m��rt�'a�,��, t��, th�� s«m:�� �-rat�•nt as advancea oriKinally made here-
<br /> Ynder. Further notire in hi�reby givE�n thxt thr tenur uf ��arh \lniltiu�;v :����to inrlwG�iy� th�� interect rate, payment, maturity,
<br /> penAltiee, and other Uerms shall conrw�rt�ntly upo« rsc��uti��n b�•v�,nic a pxrt of th��s mn�t�a�r.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that �.h.• saiJ 91oit�;u4or �hn;l and u�il l p:ay xll t.ax���s !e���rd cpon this morigage or the debt
<br /> secul'Cd theteby, togeth��r u�ith any oth.•r taxr� �.�r xsscs�mrnts w'r'�h�h may b�� it•vird �.inJ�r thr I.aws uf Nrbrxska, againot Lhe
<br /> eaid MoitK�Ker or the le�al holdet' of the =aid prinripal ni�,tr��s� un..c,".�ur,t of tl�ii� Swl�.bt�•�Ine�...
<br /> IT IS FURTHFR AGKEED, it at any tini��. �.nhilr tht• rvnrrt�a�!e �s in rPfrc•t and thr nutr for whic•h this mortK+yCe is
<br /> given as security, or anY P�rt thr.r�-of. remai��s �mpx�d. rho un�itv-��ured 11..rt��:i��,rti .,�IL ��„n����p ur contract to arll the real
<br /> estate herein described, ur bny part there�,f, or tli�� M��r�t�x�;��ie d„ nrn h•a��e �a� �- ..u.� t�� hrxve ntir tu �xid real �atxte or any
<br /> part Lhereof,then and 3n any such <�vents, tYo= '�tury;n���. ina��,ut it� upti.��n, •L,��lar�• th�� urpxid pnn��ipal bxlan�e, and interest,
<br /> of Lhe note wrcured hereby immediatcly du�� and pa��uiil��. l❑ che.����nt t!ust tln-sc pn•rni,v_� an�� not nuw, or chuuld hereofter,not
<br /> be occuPied by mortga{�ur then this u�etr•umeut.��n��� ���,n,t�wic•:��i u.>iy_r�n�:��in „f r.•nia.ls and s.or��ic�•„f u cupy thrreuf uP�n the
<br /> occupaat aholl be auffii�ient to rrqu4re sll pxy�m�•nt f��r ���.±::' . u>�• �. �!i�; p'�er,is.-- u!'trr datr ��f su��h s.-rvice t�� mgdr tn
<br /> ., ��� �
<br /> mort¢agc+e. ?
<br /> . ) �3iened thi�._. __ ZBt11 day of ��r 19 �� (� ° �
<br /> � ` ' � �/� In rnserice of .De71I11.5 �T y,�1����iv ~�E{���
<br /> GL'C����tt "`�'� ` ,! I 4 ! .� %' , i`..
<br /> I{d�'1PS1h��S�C�11� : _..... � . .
<br /> ............__._._._.._.__ _ . . . .
<br /> 3TATE OF. '��� �'�wnty� uf �S+
<br /> Before me, r notary publi qunlific! f�r >i � c��ur.t� 1 isuna 1� .�m� D2.T17115 J. SC�'llllrlC� 3Yld KdY�7�E'51712 AT'3T'1
<br /> knuwn W me t� t,a� t}�.. .d��i.C;.e. }.,,:..,i. ,� ; .:: . � .,I.. ..� ..:J.. ....... ::.. ._:......,....�...,.: ..,�....w,�,:�• . .... ,,..........n th�r�ti'S11Sld
<br /> of to be his, her or their vnluntary aet xnd de���i.
<br /> 0l�LMl NOT�•!r d MAr
<br /> Wi T�otariat sen] .�n �r 28 /� 19 77
<br /> MOI�.GIRa-1L117f / // � �'/ �"�% ,
<br /> y commiuion exPiree: _ . /.� -.�"'C ty , /t el �P�r '�j/ :�<r��t F f1}�„tar�� Yublir.
<br /> $TATE OF .__.._...._...._._... .... .. . . . � F.r[�•r��d on rn:rner.�-�al �ndex xnd filud fur rreord i..� .���.
<br /> � sa. I •
<br /> � Confity _................... ...._..._,. _. . .. in the Re�;ister of DrrJs Officr c.f sai<i ('oanty thr J n,�
<br /> ...........................day of....... . . . _.. . 19 . , at o'rl�,rk snd �nir,u2rs M.. ��,��•.
<br /> and recorded in Boo1c__ . . oi at unrr<� .
<br /> . . . RrR� af Deede k�
<br /> Rv IlPnnh�
<br /> �
<br />