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� � <br /> 77— a10�`�26 <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> MORTC�sEi nK',N @8C � fl 1 <br /> Eugene M. Essink and Sharon �c <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRESENTS:Thatr{9ht and as spouse of each other. Kenneth G. Essink and <br /> Mar,prie L. Essink, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other. and Roger J. Essink <br /> and Nancy L. Essink, each in his and her a,rn right and as spouse of each other, <br /> -_______Mortgagor,whether one ur more,in concideration uf the sum uf <br /> Seventy Three THousand and No/100--------- -------------------------- ��La�s <br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon aharte of stodc uf <br /> crid ASSOCIATION,Certificate No. L 22,g56 ,�o heroby grant, wnvey and mortgage untu the said ASSOCIATION the following <br /> described real esate,situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br /> LOTS OME (1) AND TWO(2) IN ALEXANOER SUBDIVISION <br /> IN THE CITY Of GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> [o�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments xnd appurtenances thereunw belung�ng, includ�ng attached tlou� wvcrufgs,all wmdow streenc, <br /> window shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heeting,air cunditiuning,ar�d plwnbing and watrr eyuipment and aa:eswrKs theretu,pumps,uovet, <br /> rcfrigerators,and uther fixturts and equipment now ur hereafter auached io ur used m cunner�ion with said rexl estate. <br /> And whereas tht said nwrtgxgur tus agrced anJ duzs hereby a�5rae thut the �nortgag��c shall and wi❑ pay all taxes-snd assesunents{evied u� <br /> aesessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bund sect�red OOOb�before the same shall becume delinyuenC to fumiah approved <br /> insurance upon the buildings on wid premisrs situyced i��the sum of$ /3. UU payable W said ASSOClAT10N and to deliver to stid <br /> ASSOC'IATION the policies(or said insuran�;and not to cummit ur permit any waste un ur about said premises: <br /> In crse o(default in the performance of�ny uf the terms and cundnions uf this murtgage ur the bond secured hereby,the mortgaQee shyll, <br /> on drmand,be entitled to imnxdiyte possession uf the murtgxgrd premisrs and the mur[gagor heroby assigns, transfers ru�d aets over to the <br /> mort`agee all the rents,revenues and inwmt to be derived from the mortgagrd premises duruig such time as the murtgage iadebtedness shall rerruiin <br /> unpaid;ynd the mortgagen shall luive the power[u appuint any xgent or agents it may desire for�hr purpuse o!repairing said premieec and rentiry} <br /> the same and cullecting the reNs,revenues and inwme,and it may pay nut uf said incume all ezpenus of repYiring s�id premises and necestary <br /> commiaions and ezpenses incurred in renting and manxging the samr and ul cullecting rentals therefrum; the balance remaining,if any,to be <br /> applied toward the discharge uf said mortgage indebtedness:these rights of thr nwrtgagee may�be exercised at any time during the exictenee of wch <br /> default,irrespective uf�any temporary wxiver of the same. <br /> These Presents,however,are upon the Cundition,Thet if the wid Murtgagor shall repuy sald loan on or be(ure the maturiry of said xhxres by <br /> payrtfent:pay monthly tu said ASS(�IATION uf the sum spreiCied in the Bond secured hereby as incenst and principal on said loan,un or befure <br /> tht Twentitth day uf each and every month,until said loan is fully paid;pay all texes and assessmenu levied aga�nst said prcmises end un this Mortgage <br /> and the Hond secured thereby,befure delinquency;furn�sh approved insurancr upun tha bwld�ngs thereun in the sum of$ )3.QQQ.OQ paYabk <br /> to said ASSOCIATION:repay to said ASS(�IATION upun demend all money by i[ paid fur such taxes,nssessments and fnsurnnce with m[ereu�i <br /> the maximum legal rate[hereon fmm date of'payment�I I of which Mortgagur hereby agrees t.i pay:pennit nu waste un said premises;keep and wmply <br /> with all the ygree�nrnts and wnditions of Ihe Bond fw�$73 s���.� this dyy given by the said Murtgttgor tu s�id ASSOCIAT(ON,and cwmply <br /> with all Ne requirements of the Cunstitution and By-L�ws u(said ASSO('IATION; then these presenu shall becumr null rnd vu�d, utherwiu they <br /> shall rcrtuin in futl furce and may br fureclosed at the optiun o(the said ASSOClATION after fxilure Yur [hrcr mon[hs w malce any u(said <br /> payments ur bc thrrc munths in arrrars in melcing said monthly p�y�nents,or w krep and cumply with Qie agrcements end cunditiuns of said Bund; <br /> and Mortgagor agrees to havr a receiver nppuinted forthwfth m such(oroclusure pruceeduigs. <br /> lf thert is any change m uwnership o([he rexl ectxte mortgaged herein, by w�le or utherw�u, thm the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br /> . secured stiall,at the option of The Equitable Building and Lunn qscuciation of G�and I�land,Nebrrsla,becume u�unedirtrly due Ynd p�yable witlwut <br /> turther nutia,ynd the amount remainang due under said bond,and rny uther bund tbr any additional advancxf made thrreunder,thall,from[he <br /> date of exercise uf said option,beu inttrest at the muzimum legal rate,and thic murtgrge�ru�y then be forecloeed to satisfy the�unount due on said <br /> bond,and any uther bund for additional advrnces,tugether with nll sums paid by said The Equitrbk Building rnd Lu�n Asscx:udun o(Gnnd Island, <br /> Nebnoiu for insurana,taxes and assetsments,and abctrxcting eztension chargrs, with interest ehereon, from drte uf payment at the maximum <br /> bpl rate. <br /> As provided in the Bond sewred hereby,while tlus mortgage remxins in effect the mongagee�my herutter advance additi�s+rl sums lu the <br /> malcers o!ttid Bond,their assigns or suc:ceswrs in intereci,which sums shall be within the securiry of this mort�agt the syme as the funds orqinaily <br /> xcuted thereby,Ihe total amount uf principxl debt not to exceed at any time[he orq�inal arcwunt of this mortgage_ <br /> � [�ted this _ 29th. aay�r Decez'.t�er n.��-.��17 <br /> _�y� / r- �,,//. / . � <br /> ' (�' ���k,sr� /rl?�. -�. �-.:y�i,� '�. <br /> j+4 7 ; i�i,r.f. Rog. . ': Fasin � A�L^Y L.�SSlr11c� <br /> Ken th G. Essink Marjorie L. Essink <br /> 81'A7E OF NEBRASKA, +� <br /> ����� �s. o�tnu 29 th. a,y or De cembe r �v 7 7 ,ner,�,,,e, <br /> .�•^ <br /> k*. <br /> the underti{rod,a Notary Public in and for s�id County,personally came <br /> E�gl�e M. ES51nk atfd SMaro� K. Essink, husband and wife and Ken�eth G. Es�,i',nk and Mar,�rj'e L. Essink J <br /> Iwsba�d and wife and Roger J. Essink and Na�+cy L Essink, h�anc� and w7�feare per yknownto < <- <br /> ~W b°[h°id°°tieJ peefo�S '"'���S a M2 �d to the above instrument u a�«t��,por 5 and th� .�r.�rrallv � <br /> �dC'K""'led�d�1�e'p,d n+R^m�en���!re thti r �lumery act and deed. <br /> MITNESS my hmd�+d Notari�l S�1 tl�e date�'ore�aid. / " <br /> MY Coseirioe e�cpires { A .., . <br /> .•a.._-— .�*-^ `/�� . /.. . . <br /> .,�_. _� ... ;.: �`.. �.'.- - � <br /> iC lARL t_,-; . t f ^.,:�v� � ' . ptliy Pub� <br /> H.aYal � Jvi L� .... F.Y � . <br /> MY Gum:».Lai�.Scpt.1,1981 � � <br />� <br />