i �
<br /> 711�C�7525
<br /> MORTGAC,E
<br /> MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2Z.957 �
<br /> KNOW ALL NEN BY THESE PRFSENT'S:That pel bert D. Theasmeyer and Loi s A. Theasr�yer, each i n
<br /> his and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgagor,whethet one or more,in considention of the tum ot
<br /> Thirty Six Thousand and Mo/100-------------------------------------�_--____________���A�
<br /> luu�ed W caid mort�aagor by The Equi[able Building and Luan Acsc�ciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 360 �a��y of stock�f
<br /> �id ASSOCUTION, CerliCu;ate No. L 22,957 ,do hernby grant, wnvey and murtgrge unto the said ASSOCIATlON the following
<br /> described real extate,citwted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> tu�ether wrth all the irnements, herrdnamrn[s and appurtenances thereuntu belungmg, �ncludmg etua:hed Fluur eoverings,all winduw scrcens,
<br /> window shades,blinds,uorm windows,awnings,heaUng,air cundrtiuning,end plumbing anJ watrr eyuipment and aeeeswries thercto,pumps,stuves,
<br /> rcfrigentors.and uther(ixtures and eyuipment now or heroafter at[ached eo ur used in cunnecuun wi�h said real estatr.
<br /> And whereys the s•eld mor[gagor has agreed and dues hereby agree �hat �ha n:.>�igagvr shall and will pay all taxes and asussments levied ur
<br /> asaesced upon uid prem�tts and up.>n this murtgage and thr bond secur �j t}�e ej�y�p�Ibre the same shall become delinyumt:w furnieh appruved
<br /> ineurunu upim the buildin�s un syid prrmises siiwted in the sum of'$ �6.Ob0.W peyable tu seid ASSOC'IATION and to deliver to salil
<br /> ASSO['IATION the policies(ar suid insurance;and not to cummit o�permit any wasle un ur about said premises:
<br /> !n caee uf defautt in the perfurmana uf any uf the terms and conddions uf this mortgage ur the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee sh�ll,
<br /> on dertumd, br entitled tu immediate pussession of�hr murtgaged prem��es and tl�e nwn�ur hareby assigns, tranr(cr� xud sets uver to the
<br /> mortsa�ee all the rents,revenues su�d income w be derived from thr murtgaged premius luring such time as the murtgage indebtedntss shal!rcmein
<br /> unpaid:and thr m.�rt�ee shali have the puwer to ap{xiint eny ageut ur agrnts it may desire t:�r che purpux of repauing sa/d premiue and rrn4ng
<br /> the e�mr and cullecting the rrntc,rovrnues and income,and n may pay uut of said incwne xU expenses uf repauing said premises und nacestary
<br /> commiscionc and expenses Incurred in renting and mynxging the samr anS uf culkcting rentals thereCrom: the balance rertuining, if rny,tu be
<br /> �led tuwxrd thr diuhy�gr uf sxld mortgage mdrbtedness;these ryjhts ul thr murtgagee may br exercised at any time during the ezistence uf such
<br /> de ault,irreepecuve uf xny�empurary wxiver uf the syme.
<br /> Theoe Presnnts,however,are upun the Cunditiun.That if the wid Mortgagur shall�epay said luan un or before the maturity of said shares by
<br /> payment;p�y monthly w s�ud ASSOC'1AT10N.�f'�he sum specified m the Bund secured hereby as interest end prindpal un uid loan,on or befbre
<br /> tht Twentkth dyy of each xnd evrry month,until w�d luan is fully p�id;pay nll taxns xnd asse:smen[s levied against said premises and un this Mortgage
<br /> rnd the 9ond secured thereby,befure dd�nyuency:furn�sh appruved�nsurence upon thr buildings t hertun in the sum uf S 36.��.0� pyyeble
<br /> w said ASSO('IATION;repay to sxid ASSOCIATION upun de�nand all money by i�paid lur such taxes,nssecsments and incurance with interest at
<br /> the mrzimum legal rate thereon frum dytr u(pay�nent all uf which Mo�tgagur hereby agrces m pay:permit nu was[e on said premises;ktep and wmply
<br /> with a►1 the asreements artd wnditums of the Nond for S 36�0��.��this day� �ven by the ssud Mortgagur w sa�d ASSOC'1ATIOti,and cwmply
<br /> with all the requirrments uf the Comtitutiun xnd By-Laws of said ASS(X'IATION: then theu preeents shull become null and vuid,u[herwlse they
<br /> slwll rema�n m fu0 forcn and may be foreclusied rt the optiun uf�he said ASS(x1ATION nfter (adure tor three munths W mele any of sa�d
<br /> puiyments or br thrre momhs in arrerrs in making syid munthly payments,ur tu Iceep and comply with the agreemrnn and conditions uf said Bond:
<br /> and Murtg�or agrees tu hyve u rece�ver appuinted fur�hwlth m such foreclusure proceedings.
<br /> If there is any chan�e In ownerslup o!lhe real estatr mortgaged herein,by sale .�� otherwise,then the entire rertwining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secuced sha11,yt thr uptiun ul The Eqwtable Budding and Luan Aswciatiun uf(:rand lsland,Nrbraska,becume unmediatety Sue and pay�ble withuut
<br /> further nut�ct,and the amuunt rertuinu+g due under syid bund, xnd any uther bund fur xny additional advan�:es made thernunder,shall,from the
<br /> date of eterc�ye o(sad uption,bexr interest yt the m•aximum legrl ra[e,and th�s mort�e nwy thtn be(orecluyed to satisfy the amount due on stid
<br /> bond,and my uther bond fw addiUonal advmces,t�ether with all sums paid by said The Equitable Bu$ding and Luan Aswciation�f Grand tsland,
<br /> NebnWcr!ur insuranee,laues and xccersrnentc,and abstracung ex�nns�un charges, wuh inurest thereon, f'rom date uf payment at the maximum
<br /> lepl rate.
<br /> As provided in the Bund�ecured hereby,while ttus murtgage remarns in effrct the murtgagee may hereafter advance additwna!sums to the
<br /> mdcers of sad Sond,thev aeti�ffe ur succe�qre in interest,wluch sums shall be within the security u(this mortgage the sxme as the funds originally
<br /> 9ecwed thercby,the total amount o(princyul debt not to exueed at xny time the onginxi xmount o(this murtga�r.
<br /> ea�na 9t a,y or December n.n.,�v 77
<br /> / / %
<br /> cs..»-st� .___%
<br /> r as�neyer
<br /> i s A. Tl�eas�eyer
<br /> STAT£OF NEiRASKA, �. Oa thic 29th day of December 19 77 ,befure me. .,�.` �'�
<br /> the under� �'
<br /> e�ned,a Not�ry Public in aad for said Cowty,personslly came � „ '
<br /> s�eyer and Lois A. Theasmeyer, each in his and her � ri ht ar����5���0
<br /> a�e
<br /> ��i t,�J¢�� �oe S wi�o�e name 5 A Pe aff'uced to tlse above inatrwnent as mortpagor5 and th2y sevenlly � - �
<br /> ipwv�d tL4 i'�icl ie�ruwwat w be the9 r voluntary acr and deMl ' .
<br /> �= CO � t �rixN mY htl�d md Nouri�l Sed t�e date dorss�id. ^�. , '":
<br /> t x i .. c��e� � �1 �.CtQv � �n
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<br /> `TJ. �''�....��..-�.�,:-y ,� . ... . ,.------�-------'�.-- -- -
<br /> .. . �� ty .. Notary Pubtic
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