<br /> 1 �
<br /> �`�'� �'0�'51� � MORTGAGE
<br /> T6i�Indenture.�de by and t,�cween JoMn K. S. Dhil.lon and Susan H. A. Dhillon
<br /> ____
<br /> aed_'!1� UVF.�ZLaAt�D NATIONAI� BAHI{ CY�' GRAND ISGAl�, Grai��s{'nRn�,m�'i�'e.s`�s����a��°e°r`�"Of
<br /> , ere na. �
<br /> I referrad to as hank
<br /> = 77se eto�.�o�for.na u,ow�r�er.eon ores 40,.00(�..oA � _Forty �d a?u�_xo./100- -----------
<br /> � _�____----- ---- �_��__���_�_
<br /> DOL[.ARS,vsid by Ne b.nk.
<br /> tlre reoeipt whereof io hereby aelcnuwledged, hae granted. barqained, �uild and cwnveyed. and by the prerenp. doeo �rant,
<br /> b�a�' �eA and convey,unu said bnnlc,the fuliowing dearri6ed ren]pn�perty ritua Wd in the Cuunty ot ,�1.� _.
<br /> awd Btate of Nebrarka�krwit: _
<br /> A tract of land oar�rising a part oP the East Ha1P of the
<br /> Northeast Qua.rter (E}NE�) of Sect i� 'hventy 'lhree (23), lbwnship Eleven (11)
<br /> North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Counby, Nebraska
<br /> more particularly described as per attached sheet.
<br /> toQethrr with sll the tanrrnrnts, hrreditamrnGi and appurtrnam�rs tu the same hrlon�ing, and a❑ the estate, title, clsims and
<br /> demands whYtaurver of thr murtKngor of, in or to saiA pr��mises ur any parL, thrreof: and xnid mortgrgor doee hereby cov-
<br /> enant, thrt the mortgaKi�r is lawfully seizrd ��t sai�J prrmisrs,thut seid premis�w ure free from incumbrance and morteagor
<br /> will �varrant rnd defend thr titlr to naid prrmin��s a�uinet t.he rlaims and deiriands uf all prrsons whomaoever.
<br /> PROVILED ALWAYS, xnd thenc prearntn nre upun theye conditions:
<br /> WHEREAS, the mortK$F.'ur has executed and delivered w the Brnk A CBS'tc1.�17;___. _._ promi�wty note
<br /> in the amo�t oP $40,OOO.QO dated Decariber 22, 1977, to matuxe on June ZO, 19?8
<br /> at an interest rate of 10.0�.
<br /> and haa agreed Lo muintain firr, windsWrm and eatn�•nd.�d �•uveragr insurancr ���u sHid premises in amounte required and in
<br /> enmpaniea approved by thi� bank xnd w��th standurd murt�:x�:e claus.rs whi�•h poliriey shall l�e dclivered Lo the bank, and has
<br /> a�reed to puy sll tsYee and aFsessmrnts levi.>d��xinst said prrmive�� Urfnrr [h�• vamr tx�i•om� delinquent and to maintain said
<br /> premises.
<br /> No�v, therefore, if thr mortga�r ahall eomply with all uf thr yrovisinns uf said note and the provisions heieof, then
<br /> t6e�e presents shall be null and void.
<br /> Kowever, iP the above note and interaet thereon .ir xny payments called .'ur thereon are not prid when due or if any
<br /> of the eovenrnts of 6hix instrumrnL are nut cumplird with, thr bank, ur chr huldrr h�•reof, at its option may declare the re-
<br /> milninQ balaaee uf said indebtednrea 1u�• rnd puyabL• xnd n�ay maintuin an xctiun xt Ixw� or in equity to recover all nrnoumU
<br /> due and enforce the provixiune hereuf. la thr rvrnt ��f ch�• fsilw�r of m��rt�;aKur tu ivaintain the premises, or to msintain
<br /> Inwrance at ir above provided for, or to pay taxes ��r us,��samrnts, thr�hoWrr herruf tnay advaner the eum ur eums neceuary
<br /> to obtrin cumpliance and such arnounts �hall be added to the xm„unt due on the atx,vr mentiuned note and bear intereat at
<br /> the hiehe�t le�al rate.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGR.F:Fli, this murt�aKe shal; cunatitute �,oti��e hereuf, thxt thin murtgaRe ix securi[y fur not only
<br /> � G1e amount tdvanced concurrently with thr rxrrutiun h<•reof but. al] 1'uture ndvanc���s whioh may br made at the option uf the
<br /> partie� or their a�rixnx up t.�, the Wtal am��unt stntrd in tt�is murtga�e, tu the same eatent as advsncea ori�inally rnade here-
<br /> Undet. Further notiee in hereby given thut the tenur of<•arh Mc+rtKaK!� ����r includin� thr intereat rrte, pryment, maturity,
<br /> pafaltid, and other terma ahall eoncurrently upon exrcution hrrum�� a part of this mortgaRe.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that the said �1orCy;aKor �hall and will pay alf tnaes le��ard upon this ma'tgage or Lhe debt
<br /> �ee1iled thereby, togrther wiLh eny uther taxen ur u�erNnn�entn whi��h fnuy t�e levied undrr the l,aws of Ne6raeka, agtinat the
<br /> uid IloetYagee or the legal holdrr of thr said prinei{��al note�e�)ou ao<�omit��f thi�indrbt�•dnrss.
<br /> IT IS FL'RTHER .4GREF.L, if at uny 4iinr, w�hilr the murtgagr is in e.ffect and the �wte far whii•h this mortRa¢e is
<br /> eiven�s�e[•urity,or any part thrreof, remaine unpn�d, the undersiknr<i :N��rt�;ai.;or�y srl1, i�i,nv<ey ur runtract to seil Lhe rErl
<br /> ed�te laerein deeeribed, or any part thereuf, ur the M�.rtycaK��rs do not have or <•rase t.�� havr titlr to said reyl estate or any
<br /> �rt thereof, then and in any aui�G rventa, the MurLgx�:�•r mny,at its optiun, dr��lssre t6r unpuid prinripal belancr, and intereat,
<br /> of tfie note secured hereby immediately dur and pxyuble. In the evrn! +hnt rh<�ce prenrs,��s arr not r.ow, or should hereafter,not
<br /> be eccupied by morLReB��r then thia inetrument..v}�W�I const.itutr an assi�„nmrnt of rentals and aerrice of a copy thereof upon the
<br /> � ocenpant ahall be auff�cient tu reyutre ail puyment 1or r<v�tx; ur U���r ui t.hr pri-uuses aftar lute of euch Bervice tu made W
<br /> mort�asee.
<br /> Sitaed thi�._`�.�SI�. _ ._ day of �C�r . 18. � ��
<br /> ._� �
<br /> In D�ernce ot �� J , � :. �`�'��
<br /> John K. S. I�ilIon r.�-;'' ___..._..._.
<br /> .. . _ _ •—�
<br /> . ..... __.. ___
<br /> S�san H: A: T�illon�;; ���1��,►-..��✓',_�
<br /> a
<br /> 3TATE OF.... ,. _...... ... , Cuuntr �f HSll _ .
<br /> �efore �r yualiPied f���r.a�1 �. ,unt��. �«•r�unallv eam« � �d��'�.0 LK. S �ry11,�l7*1 q]II &tK�
<br /> iuqwn to person or p.�rs�ais kho •iFnriih.,f��:vKoinK inet.rument anA si•kn1 iei�ed tTii�execution them-
<br /> ef to be ' � rry act und dreu.
<br /> �4
<br /> �iF nd sad rwWrial ueal un. .... .�Y' .22 �..... . _ yy77 . .
<br /> , . . •' . ...�j� ,
<br /> ! � /
<br /> lOMnllMioq expires: ..__.,� ...�.. . . 19�� ' � cl•�4e�r.c.—..'�...'�-��. �`'". �itotary Publie. ... . +�.
<br /> $'lATE O}' ... ......_._. _..... .. .. .._. .__ � � Enterrd un numerical index rnd filed tur record ��� "�:�
<br /> � _ , ... J �,
<br /> Ce1mt7 �......- .-..��...-.--...... ....... -- in the Register of Dee3s Office of said County the ���'�
<br /> ._..... :.............d�,q oi......._..... ._ . ..__.. _ .. Sg.. .. . at.._._ .. .. ... o'clurk and . uunutrs . . M.. .• .�':
<br /> and reCo7ded iL SoOk.._.__ _ uf _. _ _ rt Pnrr ,
<br /> i�;
<br /> ... . . _. ... . . .. . . . _ .Aeg. of Deed�
<br /> SY. . . _._. . . .. . . . . . . Ueputy
<br /> �
<br /> K
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