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<br /> � �.(107509 GAS UTILITY EASEI�NT
<br /> Form 43
<br /> That _ � n., .,,:� �hy�yo , Crantor�s, of
<br /> the County of wA71 , the State of Nebr�ska for and in considera-
<br /> tion of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration� the
<br /> receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, remise, convey, and relin-
<br /> quish unto Northwestern Public Sezvice Cocnpany, Grantee� a Corporation, Huron� South
<br /> Dakota, its succeasors or assigns, a utility easement. for the installation, maintenance
<br /> and operatfons of gas lines. and appurtenances thereto, over, under, upon and through
<br /> the folloWing described lands situated in the County of Hall , the State of
<br /> Nebraska , to wits
<br /> A tract oP land comprising a part of the Southeast �yuarter of thQ �outh-
<br /> east Quarter (SE^,LSF'?w) of Section Twenty Une (21). Township r'leven (11? North.
<br /> Range Nine (9) West of the 6� P.M. in the city of Grand Island , Hall �ouatp
<br /> Nebraeka. more particularly deacribed as followe;
<br /> Beginning at a point on the south line of Alock Fourteen (1�+). Pleasant
<br /> Home Subdivision vhere said line intersects the east line of Sylvan Street.
<br /> said point being Twenty Two and Four Tenths (22.4) feet east of the southwest
<br /> eorner of said Block Fourteen (14); thence east along the south line of said
<br /> Block Fourteen (14)� a distance of One Hundred Twenty Six and Fifty Two Hund-
<br /> redths (126.52) feet; thence southerly, a distance of Eight (8.0) feet; thence
<br /> vest parallel to the south line of said Block Fourteen (14)� s distance of
<br /> One Auadred Twenty Si�c and Fifty Two Hundreths (126.520 feet, to the east
<br /> line ofal►id a,Sylvan Street; thence north along the east line of aaid Sylvan
<br /> Street� a distance of Eight (8.U) feet to the place of beginning and contain-
<br /> ing 0.023 aeres more or less.
<br /> aad assigns, so long as such utility lines and appurtenances thereto shall be maintained
<br /> aad operated, together with the right of ingress and egress from said premises for the
<br /> purpose of constructing� installing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining� renewing and
<br /> replacing the property of the grantee located thereon, or removed thereof, in whole or
<br /> in psrt, at the will of the grantee.
<br /> The Grantor further convenants for themselves, their heirs, lessees, successors,
<br /> or assigns that the Grantee, its lessees, successors or assigns shall at all tlmes have
<br /> the right to cut and remove or trim all trees, bushea and saplings groving upon said
<br /> lands above described, or extending over same, so fer as may be reasonably necessary
<br /> for the construction, reconstruction, operation, repair� and maintenance of gas linea,
<br /> and shall have the zight of access and entry to and upon said above desczibed lands for
<br /> such purposes.
<br /> Grantor reserves to themselves the right to cultivate, use and occupy the above
<br /> described Lands provlded such use and occupancy is not inconsistent with the rights
<br /> granted by this easement.
<br /> This easee�ent and the rights granted and conveyed hereunder shall rua with the
<br /> larids above described and shall inure to tfie benefit of and be binding on the heirs,
<br /> lessees, successors or assigns o he respective parties hereto.
<br /> Dated this � day of -, 19Z�at 4,"�
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<br /> .Gt..� � _ � :�',
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