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<br /> :�7 E�[?"'vt10
<br /> I�1pRTGAGE
<br /> � MORTGAGE LOAN NO._L 22,951 (
<br /> KNOWALLMENBY7'!�iESEPRESENi'S:That Donald E. Arnold and Bertha A. Arnold, each ltl h15 d11d
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgrgor,whe[her one ur mure,in consideration of the rwn of
<br /> forty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100----------------------------------��A�
<br /> loaned to caid mortQagur by The fqwtable Building and L.oan Acsociation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgxgee,upon 48$ shues of stock of
<br /> etid ASSOClA'f1UN, Certificate No. L 22.951 ,a�hereby gant, convey and mortgage unw the said ASSOC1ATtON the followine
<br /> described rer!euate,siiwted in Hall County,Nebraska: THE NORTHERLY ONE-HALF (N 2) OF LOT $EVEN (7)�
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> tcyethtr with all the tenements,herrditaments and appurtenances thrreunto belungmg,including attached tlour cuverings,rll wuidow screenc,
<br /> window shades,b►inds,sturm w�indows,awnings,hnating,eu cundrtiun[ng,and plumbing end wuirr eyuipment and ycuessuries thereto,pumps,s[oves,
<br /> refr�erators,and uther fixtures nnd eyuipmrnt now or hercafter attyched to ur used in cunnrchon with sa�d real estate.
<br /> And wherers thr said mortgagor hrs agreed and dues hereby agrce that thr mungagur shall and wi❑ pay all taxrs and assesemeats levied or
<br /> rsuased upun said premises and upon this mortgage and the bund secured thereby bC70fC the same shall become dellnquent:tu furn�eh xpproved
<br /> incurynce upon thr buildings on suid premises shuated in the sum uf 5 4$���.UD payable �o said ASSClC1ATlON anJ ro deliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIA7YON the pulicies for srid insurrnoe;and not to cummit or permit eny wastr un�x abuut said prerrtiaes:
<br /> In cau of defrult in the pedormrnce uf yny uf the terms and conditions of tFus mor[gyge ur the bund aecured hereby,ihe mor[er�oe chall,
<br /> on demand, be enhUed W immedute possession uf�he mortgaged prem�ses and the murtgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets over tu the
<br /> nwrtgt�ee rll the rents,revenues and incume to be derived frum the mortgaged premiscs during such time as[he murtgage indebtedness shat!remain
<br /> unpaid;and the mixt�{agec shall have the puwer w appuint any xgent or xgents it �nuy des�re fur the purposr uf repairing syid premiset and renting
<br /> the srme and wllecting the trnts,revenues and incume,and it may pyy out of said income aIl expenscs uf rcpairing said premues and necestary
<br /> a�rtut�ieeionx and rzpenses�ncurred in renting and manrgutg the same and of collecting rentals therefrom: the balance remsining,if rny,to be
<br /> �d towxrd thc dix�hugr.if sa�d murtgage indebtedness�,these rights uf the murtgagee may be rxrrcised at any ume durmg the existen�x uf such
<br /> de aWt,irrespectivr of xny remporary waiver o(the same.
<br /> Theie Presents,huwever,arr upon the Cunditiun,1'hat�f thr sa�d Murtgagor shall�epaq wid luan on or betbm the muturiry of srid shues by
<br /> paymen�;pu�y monthly tu said ASS(x7ATION uf the sum specified m�he Bund secured hereby ns mtercst and principal un s�id loan,un ur Aefore
<br /> the Twentieth dry of tach and rvep�month,until said loan is fully paid:p+y all taxes and assessments levied against said premises and un this MurtgyQe
<br /> and the&�nd secured thereby,befure deGnquency;f urn�sh approved insurance upun the buildings thereon in the sum of S4$�$QQ.QQ payabk
<br /> to cud ASSO('IATION�,repay to said ASSCK'IATION upon demynd ell monry by it prld fur such taxes,assecsments and insurance with Interost at
<br /> t#te myximum legal ra�e thereon frum�te uf payment all of which Mortgagor herrby agrees w pay:permtt nu waste un snid prenilscs;keep and wmply
<br /> with all the a�reemenic and wnditiuns ul tht Bond(ur S 4$�$QQ.QQ th�s day �yven by the sxid Mortgagur to said ASSOCIATIQN,and a�mply
<br /> wi[h all the requuements o(thr Cunstitutiun and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall become null an1 void,utherwise they
<br /> dull remrin in f'ull force and rtwy be fureclosed�t the option uf the s�id ASSOCIATION after failure for [hree months to make xny of said
<br /> payn�e�ts ur be three munths in arrexfs in making sxid munthly paymrnts,ur w keep and rumply wi[h[he xgraements and conditions oC said Bund;
<br /> and Mortgygor agrres�o have a recriver nppumted fonhwrth in such forcclosurr pruceedings.
<br /> If thert is any clwngt m uwnership of thr rexl estatr murtgaged herein,by sale ur utherwise, then the entirc remaining indebtednesc hercby
<br /> oxured shall,at the uptiun of Thr k:ywtrble Building and Luan Aswcinuon o(Grrnd(sland,Nebraslcr,bewme immediately due and payable witlwut
<br /> further notice,xnd the xrtwunt rcmainuig due under wid bund, and any other bond for rny rddidonal ydvan�xs mrde thereundtr,ehall,from the
<br /> date of taercia of said optiun,berr intrrcst at the mazimum legal rate,and this rtwrtgxge nmy then bc foree:luced to satisfy ttte�unount due on said
<br /> bond,and any uther bund for additional advancrs,together with all sums paid by syid Tlu Gywtyble Building and Luan Aswcirtiun uf Grand IsLnd,
<br /> 13ebradca(w imuranex,taxes and asteaements,and abetractmg extension char�es, with inttrest thereon, (rom date of payment a[ the mawmum
<br /> lepl rate.
<br /> As provided in the Bond aecured hereby,while�his mortgage rcmains in rlte.:t [he rrwrtgrgec may hrreafter advanu addi[ional sums to the
<br /> mvicers o!said&�nd,their assi�ns or su.:ce�wrs in interest,wttich sumc shyll br within thr securiry of this rtwrt�e[he srme as the tunds oriiginally
<br /> �ecurod thereby,the total amount of princip�l debt nvt to excxed at yny time the original smount of this murtgage.
<br /> � n.cea�n^n /7 th. d,y� De cerr�e r n.n.i v 7� _ -
<br /> •Ue,r.._,�' �. C<.ti.J'�� i!`, -✓..1if61' ,'/' %'!L._.�-f'C__
<br /> Donald E. Arnold 14"�e-�a A.�rnoT
<br /> r�
<br /> sr�tE o�nrsetewsxn.t ... oe u,;: 27th. a,y�f Decembe r iv 77 ,�r�.�,,,�, �,"' �
<br /> couHr�r oF tuu.{ �`. `
<br /> the nrderti�rod,a Noury Yubtic in and for said County.pers�nally pme + �`���;
<br /> �� ld anQ Sertfia A. Arnold, each in his and her owm ri i�and as s �����q� e�ac�h �
<br /> 9 o are � no o .�'.:
<br /> � t�C,pc�wWi'�issoa s �►'hu�c titrc S dY'e a2Tiae3 tu tt�e rtwrc wittw��eut�u mu�tyry�.x5 iu�� they erverrlly . �
<br /> ti.:�d r�r+�s.t w be thei r �oluswy act me aeea.
<br /> � CON� ���y. �sY�d a�d Nohii�l Sod the dNs doroaid. •�
<br /> � _;�. . . . ,.
<br /> -- M�Coolwrwn wcpres \�, �� �,\ ( (�Q.n � 1i�c�^ �
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<br /> 'rl '- '... � Notu c
<br /> OF (i'�•'"'' � �
<br /> ��-�
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