r �
<br /> �7' 410`�4?'7
<br /> AlORTGAf,E
<br /> � KNOWALLMENBYTHF,SEPRESENTS:That David L. Arnold and Marilyn S. Arnold, each in h15
<br /> and fier own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> -_Mortg�gor,whether one or more,in wnsideration of the tum of
<br /> Thirt One Thousand Five Hundred and No/100------ -----------------mLLa�s
<br /> baned to srid rtwrt�agor by The Fquitabk Buildin and Luan pswcia[ion of Grand lsland,Nebraska,Mort�agee,upon shares of stock of
<br /> aaid ASSOClAT10N,Certificate No.L 22+�52 MG,a�,hereby gran[, convey and murtgage unw the said ASSOClAT10N tht Collowiny
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> t�ether with ail thr tenemtnts,hereditaments and appurtenancrs thrreuntu belungmg, including ettached flour coverings,ull wandow screens,
<br /> window shades,btinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,xir conditioninti,and plumbing and water equipment and acces.wries therew,pumps,stoves,
<br /> rcfrigerators,and other fixtures rnd equipment nuw or hereafter attachrd ro ur used in wnneciiun with snid real estate.
<br /> And whtreas the said mortgagor has u�reed and dues hereby agree that lhe mortgagur shxll and will pay all taxes and acsessments levied or
<br /> assesced upon said premisrs and upun this mortgage and the bond secur Qt {� y forc the samr shall become deGnyuent;tu furn�sh approved
<br /> incurynce up�m the bwldmgs un sald prcmises situated in the sum of$ �1 s��1�•�� payablt w said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to syid
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies t'or said insurance;and not to commi[ur permit any waste un or about said premises;
<br /> In case of de(ault in thr perfurmvnce of any u(the terms and cunditions of this murtgxge ur the bund secured hereby,the mortgagee slull,
<br /> on demxnd,be enGtird to immediate pussession of the mortgaged premises and the murtgagor hrreby assigns, transfers and xts uver co the
<br /> murtga�ee all the rents,revenues xnd income to be derived(rom the mortgaged premises during such time as the murtgage mdebtednesc shall remain
<br /> unpaid;and�he murtgagce shail Iwvr the puwer tu appoint any agent ur agents it may desire for tht purpose o(repairing said premises end renting
<br /> the same and cullecting the rents,revenues und income,and rt rt�y pay uut of said incume atl expenses uf repairing said premises xnd necessvy
<br /> commiaions and exprnses�ncurrod in renting and managing the ume nnd uf cullecting rentals therefrum: the balance remaining, if xny,tu be
<br /> a md toward the disc;h�rge uf sxid murtgage indebtedness;thtse rights ot the mortgagee may be exercised at any[ime during[he existence of wch
<br /> de ault,Irrrspectivr of any Irmporary waiver of the same.
<br /> These Presents,however,arc upon the Cundit.on,That if the said Murtgagor xhall repay sxid loan on ur before tht maturity of said shares by
<br /> payment;pay nwnthly to said ASS(XIATION of the sum specified in the Bund secured hereby as in[ecest and principal un said luan,on or before
<br /> the Twentieth day uf each and rvery mon�h,until said loan is fully paid:pay all taxes and asses�ments Izvied xgainst said premises and un this Morteage
<br /> and the Bund secured[hertby,before Jelinquency:tum�sh approved insurance upon the buildmga thereon m the sum of 531 50�.�Q PaYable
<br /> to said ASSO('IATION;repay to said ASSOCIATION upun demand all muney by it paid f'ur such taxes,assessments and mSurance wrth interest at
<br /> the mazimum legal ratr thereon from date ut payment all of which Mortgagur hereby agrees[u pay;permit no weste un said premixs;keep and comply
<br /> with all the agreements and u�ndihuns uf the Bond for S 31�50�.�Qiis day grven by the snid Mortgagur to said qSSb('IATION,and wmply
<br /> with all the requirements of thr ConstituUon and By-Laws uf said ASSOC'IATION: then these pmsents shall become null and void,otherwiee they
<br /> ahall remain in full furce and mny be tbreclosed at the uptwn oC thr said ASSOCIATION after failure for three mon[hs to make any uf ssid
<br /> pa�yments or be threr months in rrrears m making said munthly payments,or tu keep and cumply with the agreemrrtu and cunditions of said Bond;
<br /> and Mongrgor rgrees i��have a reuivrr eppointed furthwrth in such(oreclusure prucerdings.
<br /> If�hrrc is any change in ownership of the reel estate murtgaged herein,by sale ur otherwise, then [he en[irc runYming�ndebtedness hereby
<br /> aecured shall,al the option of The Equityble Building rnd Luan Association of Crand Island,Nebraska,become immediately due and payable without
<br /> further nouce,und the amount remaming due under sail bund,and any ulher bond fur any add�tionel advanc;es made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> date of ezercice of said option,beyr interest at the maximum legul rate,and this mortgage may then be toroclosed tu satisfy the amount due on srid
<br /> bond,rnd any uther bund(or additional advan�s,together with all sums paid by said Thr Equitable Bullding and Luan qswciation of Grand lelxnd,
<br /> Nebnslc.r tbr inwranu,[axec and assescments,and abstructing extension charges, wrth �nterest theroon, from da[e uf payment at the mazimum
<br /> bgal ratt.
<br /> As provided in the Bond securrd hereby,whik this mortgage remains in rf(ect the�nurtgagee may hereafter advancz addi[iunal sums to the
<br /> mdetrs af said Bond,their assi�f�ur successors in interest,which sums sh�ll be wl[hin the security of this murtgage the syme as the funds originally
<br /> �ed[hereby,the total amount uCqrincipal debt not to ezceed at any time thr uriginal amuunt of this mortgage.
<br /> d.cee�n � �L � day of Deeember A.D.,]v I J
<br /> �� �� y
<br /> � �,r-�_
<br /> v . � . _ _ _
<br /> c " �_
<br /> hla�ilyn S. rnold
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASICA,�� On this da of
<br /> 28th r December �9�� .before me, �'�
<br /> COUN'iY OF HALL ,,,r�;
<br /> che undercigned,a Noary PubBe in�nd for aaid Coun[y,personally came ���
<br /> , �q• < d and Marilyn S. Arnold, each in his and her own rigwt��anares sp��ne��yo�no��4o J
<br /> ,..•..��,�`'��i,-,`i4,
<br /> � ..e�q�pe�pn 5 vvfwrc name 5 d M2 affixed to the above instrument as mortgagur 5 ynd t hey severally
<br /> wk��<s�a icrst�un�nt w eo thei r va�luuuuy w.-t and doe3.
<br /> � . . �'1'1�iF.S�wy I+r++�l wwl Nuuuial5er!the dato aturewia. ..
<br /> ; `6/ '�i�'C°�W°n°xp�res � �CO �� f\� y r:
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