r -�
<br /> $TA1'E OF N�B1tAS!{A, County of .............................. ........................:
<br /> File� for record and eutered in Numerical Iudea
<br /> on ............................................................ at............... o'clock M., NEBRASKA DCti;'vMEfJTARY j
<br /> . ................ STAMI' 1"AX 1
<br /> and recorded in I�ed Record ............................. 1'age ............................ (
<br /> ......................... sy ......................................................._.
<br /> ,.. U E i; 2 ri 1977
<br /> County Clerk or lleputy County Clerk or
<br /> � �
<br /> � Register ot Deeda Deputy Register o4 Deede gy_ 1 �
<br /> o -o �1GJ
<br /> 77.U0'74'77 (�UITCLAIM DEED STATECJ,E(J� .�,r���1E�
<br /> Q,FSi GTmABACX and � M. CUl]ABACK, h:--La.-.; and wife, each in his ar�d her own
<br /> , ri.qht and as spouse of the Ul:iieY herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of----�lE DOLLAR �1AID O'I��'R VAd�]ABLE aCNSIDER�ITI(kd-----------
<br /> recei�•ed 4rom grantee, does quitclaim, RT&IlY� I181'(IRIfI, 5PII, convey and confirm unto
<br /> POC�}2 G. f�[.IZVDGE and JUDI'IH A. �'s.rwFr�, h::�!-r,ru and wife, as joi.nt t�.t�arits,
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the follu�rinK described real l�roperty in
<br /> ..............................H3L]............................ County. Nebraska:
<br /> c6) �nP�� �� �o�� that lies betw�een rvt Ten (lo) ana Lot six
<br /> ion City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nehr-
<br /> aska. It being the int�tion of t1�e qrantDrs to oonv�ey any interest they
<br /> mi,ght have as a result of the ordinance vacating said street, being Ord-
<br /> inatx.�e No. 5590 found at F�chibit to Entry No. 29, said interest being
<br /> subject to reservations reserwd by the City for alley, sanitary s�.�er
<br /> ar�d utilities as set forth in sai.d ordinarice.
<br /> To ha��e an3 to hold the above described premise� together with all tenement�, hrre3itamenb
<br /> nnd appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee +ind to graut«�e's iieirs and assigns forever.
<br /> Dated �,r % , 19 77,
<br /> .,
<br /> . �,�'..��.. ✓�'-.��-�........
<br /> } -y /l., �
<br /> .................................................................................... ��.,r'.Y.l./Y.l.s�......./.....�.. ��.t.,�:.........?Z::A:�.
<br /> AN$df1� 1M. (�JOA$AL..'I(.
<br /> STA'fE OF\EBRASKA,Count� uf ..Hall _..... ... ...............................:
<br /> BeY'urc iiie, a noter�� piiblic yuxlified for said couiity. personxlly came
<br /> t. ,
<br /> Q�i C[�ABAC.ZC and .�1DII�A M. Q�1A8AQC, t�usbar�d and wife, aaah
<br /> in hi.s ar�d her awa� riqht and as spouse of the ott�er,
<br /> ��
<br /> L-uowu to �=i#,�e'-.�e i�leiitiuxl ve.rron or ��rr.��n� w•lio sigaed the �,'�
<br /> fozeso�rg�`DsEturyq�.pt �i'acknowledged the ezecution thereof to be hi�,
<br /> her or t,�bit y+aiµhbsi� 'aFt snd deed_ �Y
<br /> Witnesj;m}�Fhs7�d and ... ..�...L9.7.T� ............. �
<br /> ; ,
<br /> . .....^ .
<br /> ...
<br /> . . �.,
<br /> � .......6... ,.�,.a.�.,�..... .........."'�..�ti. . ............. .�... Notarv Publ�e .�
<br /> . , sj`'" �
<br /> f L2 � _ , �-
<br /> 1/jF.eod�4oa ezpires ..... . �.�......... ......y,r. ...., 19�.�,��
<br /> .�._...� 7
<br /> `/
<br /> Form 1.2 Approved by ,\'ebr�ulcr C1btr Rar a.u.�i.•;�����,i .,v,,,,,A wdr eb..i....+.. u��
<br /> �
<br />