<br /> �
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> �� SAVINGS FUND
<br /> FORM No.720
<br /> L'� Loan Number___35044_____ 188__ __B 1 n
<br /> r -
<br /> 77- UO'74'70 MORTGAGE
<br /> THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this ___ ____.... _�-�day of �-p-��-�'-ti-..__ A.D.,
<br /> 19.�/.`7.,between the Mortgagor, ..�arles.,E,.. Renter ,and„Pamela S. RenX�r., hu.Sbc'iAd_.aasi.t�ife,
<br /> jointly and each in their own,.right.,_ . .____
<br /> _..... ........_ _.._._. .__. _ - ._..
<br /> at Grand Island , County of Hall _ __ _,State of Nebraska_ ,hereinafter refetred
<br /> _.._ ___ .... ___..
<br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska FiR501, its succer�rs and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> W •'r • T},at �},e sa'd Bonower for and in consideration of the sum ot TwENTY FIVE THOUSAND
<br /> SIX A�J��{S �tFTY AND NOI100--- ----------- -------- 25.650.00 _ _
<br /> ... ._..._. __._ ____.._ .. ..__ -_.._ ._ .__ _ _ __ __ __ ... .Dol'.ars (US$ _ __ )
<br /> paid by said Lender, does hereby murtgage, g.ant and convey to Lender, it.ti auccesaors and assigns; the�
<br /> following described property located in the County of . llall , State of Nebraska: Part of the
<br /> Northwest Quarter of the Southwest�,uarter of Section 21, Township 11 North, Range 9, more particu-
<br /> larly described as £ollows: Beginnir� at a point 53.9 fe<>t Nort}i of the Southeast corner of said
<br /> Northwest Querter of the Southwest Quarter es now located; runnin� thence Northerly along the East
<br /> line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest 4�uarter as now located 143.9 feet t;o the actual
<br /> point of beginning; running thence Westerly at ri.ght angles ?30 £eet running tkience Northerly at
<br /> right angles a distance of 106.55 feet thence Easterly :yt right angles a distance of 230 feet
<br /> running thence Southerly at right an�;lee a di:tance of 106.55 feet to tYie place of' beginriing;
<br /> subject however, to the county road way 33 i'eet ln width alor� and uFon the East edge of said trect..
<br /> TOCETHER with all the improvements now or hereafter erec:•ted on the property, and all easements,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents, royaltieF, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, wat�r, water rightE, and
<br /> water stock, and all fixtutes now or hereafter attached to t.he property, all of which, including replace-
<br /> ments and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the pmperty covered by this
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br /> Mortgage is on a lear+ehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> Borrower covenants that Bormwer is lawfully seiaed of the estate hereby conveyed and has the riRht
<br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that. Borrower will
<br /> warrant and defend generally the title to the Propert,y against all claim� and demandti, subject to any
<br /> easements and restrictiona listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance Fwlicy in-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the Property, or (°) attorney'S opinion of title from abstract of title certified
<br /> by bonded abatracter.
<br /> PBOVIDED ALWAYS, and these precent,r are executed and delivered uFwn the following conditions,agree-
<br /> menta and obligatione of the Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> The Bortower agrees t.o �ay to the Lender, or order, the principal �um of TwENTY FIVE THOUSAND
<br /> SIX HUNDRED FIFfY AND NO/1p0 -------------------------Doltars (l.'S $ 25�650.OQ )
<br /> __.... _._... __ ...._.._........__ _ _.___. .. .____._ _ ._. _
<br /> payable as provided in a note executed and delivered,concurrenth�herewith,the final paymrnt of principal,
<br /> if not sooner paid, on the _ fir.s.t _ _ , �ay o}' J:3nu;�xy , l9 y3 •
<br /> Utv�rY�aa[ CuvFN�NrS. Burrower and Lender covenant and aKree as followc:
<br /> 1. Payment o! Principal aad Interest. Burrower vhall promptly pa,y- when Jur the principal of and in-
<br /> terest on the mdebteriness evidenced by thE:Notr, prepayment and late charKev aF provided in the Note,
<br /> and the principal of and inter�t on any Future Advanc•eti srcured b�� thiti Morf�age.
<br /> 2. Fuada for Taxes and Insur�sce. Subject to Lender'� option under para�;raphs 4 and S hereut, E3cyr-
<br /> rower shall pay to I.ender on the day monthlv installturnts uf prinripal and intrsent are payable undvr the
<br /> Note, until the Note ie paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the }�early taze. and
<br /> asaessments which may attain priority over this Mortgage, and ground rrnts on the Property, if any plus
<br /> one-twelfth of yearl,y premium installments for hazard insuranc•e•, plu� one•-tw�elfth of ye�arh� premium in-
<br /> atallments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasunably estimated initixllv and frocri time� Lo tiiue by
<br /> Lender on the basis of aR�e�ments and billF anc�rraconahle F�timatec thNre�if, i.rn�irr chell a��s�l��thP Fun�i�
<br /> to pay said tazeF,axsee,�;ments, insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender shall make� no c�harge for .o
<br /> holding and applying the Funda or verifying and compiling tiaid a..r,esament� and bills. The Lender�hall
<br /> give to the Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds hhowin�credits and debita to the
<br /> Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds war made. The F'unds are pledged aF additional
<br /> Pecurity for the sutns secured by this Mortgage. The Borruw-er agree�; that.t.he Fund. uiay Lr held b,y Lhe
<br /> Lender and commingled with other funds and the I.ender's own funds and the Lender may pay such items j .
<br /> from its own funds and the Lender shall not be liable for intereat or dividend+ un euch FundS.
<br /> If t3se amount of the Funds held by Lender,together with the future monthly installments of Funds �M'
<br /> peS+able prior to the due datee of tazee,asaeesments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed I .
<br /> the amout�t nequired topa y eaid tazes,as�eeements,ineurance premiume and�,mound rents ar, they fall due, 1
<br /> u
<br /> such e=cees sha1;be.at Bozrower's optaott,either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to &>rrower on
<br /> munthty �nxfxlIaieate� ot Fun�. If the amount of the FundF held hy Lender shail not hu� �utfi<�iPnt to pay
<br /> taxes, assescments, insurance prEunitu►u and ground rents aez they fall due, Burrvwer shall paY w Lendrr
<br /> any amouat nece�esary to mske up the de6ciency within thirty days after not.ice from Lender to Borrower
<br /> �9����8 p�y�tt thereof, or Borrower shall, by an increase in monthly installmrnts of Fuads required, �
<br /> repay the de6ciency within the Fund accountinR period.
<br /> Upon payment in full of ail sumF sei,�ured by this Mortgage,Lender ehall apph Funds hrld ati a rredil
<br /> sqainet all sume due.
<br /> �
<br /> i`
<br />