:v? �`fr.`V�
<br />`.��u�'n..;
<br /> r �
<br /> �
<br /> � not extend ur � wstpoi�e the due date u1 the montlil� iu�tniiment� re(rrre� l tu in ��xragraphs 1 und 2 hereof or
<br /> � change the a�uount of sucL installmer�ts .
<br /> �' 10. Hosrw..rNaA.l.as.d. EYtensiou of the time for � iu}�ine��t ur inodification ot arnortizaLion of the sums
<br /> � secured by this Mortgage granteci by I .eiider to any = uccr�sor i� i iuterent oi Borrower �iissli iwt uj,erate to releaee,
<br /> �-7 in sny manner, the lisbility of the original 13orrowtr and liorrow �•r'� .uccessora in ir�terest . Lender shali not be
<br /> � � required to commence proceedings against such succeesor ur rrfu,e• to exteud time tor payment or otherwise modity
<br /> � aniortization of the xums �ecured by thiri \fortqak� ��)' reasou oi an�• demsnd made by the original Borrower snd
<br /> 13orro�vei'a euccessore in interest.
<br /> 11. Ferb�arraaee by Lnd�r No1 a Waiv�r. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otherwirae afforded b}• uE�plicable la�� , �6a11 not Le a « aiaer of or E�reclude the exercise of any right
<br /> or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the papinent ot taxe� or ot.her liens or charges by Lender
<br /> ehall not be a aaiver o[ Lender's right, io accelerate the maturit,y of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> 1Z. R.m.di•s Cumulaav. .�ll remediec pro��ide,d in thi. \lortgage sre distinct and cumulative tv any other
<br /> ri�ht or remedy under thin �lortgag�� or ufforded h�� l.i�� ur ��quitt� . and nui}� I ,�� c•xerri�ed c•oneurrently . independ-
<br /> ently or suceessively .
<br /> 13. Saeeevors �d A�igas Bound: Jeint �d S�veral Liability: Captions. 'fl�e ro�•<�nants and agreements
<br /> herein contained shall bind , i�nd the rights liereundex ,�hall inur�• to , thc res� �e��tiv�� successors and assigns of I.ender
<br /> und I3orrower. .�ubject to il�e F�ro��isiom of � �ura�;r;y �l� 17 hf•reul . All �•u� enautr :�nd agrecu �eutn ot I3orrower xhall
<br /> be joint and neverul . Th�� �•a� �tiun- and I �c:iding, of tl ��� � �;irnKrn� � h= ul' thi> \lurt �;�g�• are for r�oncenienee only and
<br /> are not to be used to interprec or definrr tlic � � roci�iou . lirre�ii.
<br /> 1 �. Notie�. any nutia• tu 23orro�cer � �ro � i� to�i for iu tlii- \ 1or� �.igo .iixll { �c Ri��cu by roailink ..urh notice by
<br /> <•ertified �uuil uddres.ed to 13orrow�•r at tl � �� Yrup��rn .1� {� lre•. •t :tt ��� l I �i� lu�c . �•aoe�x fbr ;u�y notire reyuired under
<br /> paragraph 18 I �rreof tu bc gi� �ru tu f3orro« �� r in tho iu:�nu�•r � � ro.c• rih�vi h� a� �� �li�:tbl�• lu�� . Ana• nuti�•c provided
<br /> for in this Alortguge aliall I �i� dee�uc� i tu I�x���• bu�•n �;n��•n tu liurru�c�� r wlu•n �;i ���•n �n � h.� uiunner dcaiKnate�l hereit�.
<br /> 15. Uailosm Mortgaqe: Gov�rnietq Law: Severability. 7'lii� iurn; ut uion �;:�Re �•ombines iinifor�n co�•enants
<br /> [or nstionsl use and nu��-unSfortu rovenant.� �vitli limiti�� i �� anatiuu� I ��• iurisdiction to con�titute u unifortu seeu-
<br /> rity instruiuent covering rea ! � �ropert }• . "1'Lis \lortgagc shall ho gu����ruc�i by tlir la��� ul the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located . In the e � ent tli�t auy � �ro�•ision ur rlauso of this Uortgss}�e or tJie Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law , such c-unHict Shall not xffect ot6er � iravi�iun� oi tl � i� \ lortgage� or tlie Note which can be given
<br /> effect without tl�e confliating ��rovision , xnd to thf � rnd � I �c � �ru�• i.i� sis oi � lic A1ort�;a�c ;sni1 the Note are deelarecl
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> li. Bertovv�r's Copy. Borrower shall be turnisl �e�l a �•�'informed ru�ic of tl� iti \1uriKage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation Lereof .
<br /> 17. TraAst�r oE tkae Pcopedy: Arsumptioa. If :� II or auc � �ari uf the Propert,y or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or traneferred by liorrower without lxnder'.� I�rior �srittcn �•unsent , exrluding ta � thc �• reatiai of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance e;uEwrdinate to this \lortgxKe. ib � th�• ��reation uf u purc� ha.�• tuone•y ,ecurity in4erest for housefiold appli-
<br /> unces. ( e ) a w•sn�[er by deviae , �IeacenL ur Iry u� �rratiuu ui la�� u� �un the deatl� uf a joint truaul or � d ) the grant of
<br /> any leaseliold interest of three ��eare or lrr. not runtaiuiuR xn u� �tiuu to � �urchasr , Lender map . at Lender's option ,
<br /> declare atl the sums eecured by this �Zortgage tu lm i � wurdiat �•ly� � { ue xu� i � �uyabl�•. Lender sLall liu��e waived such
<br /> option Lo accelerats ii , prior to the snle or transfer, l.en�ier ;iu�i tLe � u�r�wi to �� liom tlx• Yroperty is tu tx� sold or
<br /> transfetred reacli agreement� iii writing tliat tlia nredit oi � u�•h � ,er�on i� ,ati�fac•tor�� to I.euder uud tiiat the intere�t �
<br /> pYyable on the �umN sri�ured by ttiis \lortgagt• vLall ho ut �u��i � rut �• x� L�•nder �liall rec {uest - li l .rnder hae waived
<br /> the option to accelerate providrd iu this � �arx�;ra� di 1 i und if 13un�o�ti•er'.� �uecessur in iuterrst hns executed a writ -
<br /> ten asswuption agree�nent accepted in �criting by Len�ler , L�•nder .hHll ri•Iras<r Borroµ�c�r frou� all obligations under
<br /> this MorLga�e and thc Notr.
<br /> If Leader exercises sucL option to acceleratr , I.euder shxll aisil }3orrower notice oi acceleration in accordance
<br /> witL �yaragraph 14 hercul. �uch nuue�� :i �ull � , ro�• id�• a � �enud ui uu� Ii�., tl �:w 30 � lu} r from tl�r date the notice ih
<br /> utailed witl�in wliich t3orrow�rr niap � ui�� � he :wn� � le•clarrd �lu.• . II liorruwer iail , tu � �ay .ueh su�n. prior co the
<br /> expirtation uf tiuch period , Lender way� , �� ithu �it fu�Khrr notu�� ur � iriu�wd un }iorro�cer . �n �•okv an}• remedies per-
<br /> mitted by parsgraph 18 hereof .
<br /> \ � ir - l ' � � FoeM ( 'u�•r: xe ��•�. t�urruwE• r .in<i Li•uder 11ir� h�• r c•uvrnunt :tn� i :�K'rre a � fullu�� h :
<br /> 1 !. ReedKation: R�m�di�s. N:��•.y �t as � � rurl� i���l u � � �itru�;r.� � J � li h� •n*uf , u� �uu BorruH�<•r '� hre>»rh of am•
<br /> � covenant. o� aqreernent uf Borrou� er in tl � i� \ Iurt �;:�R� � . iurlu� iiuk tln � i�uc�•usnt >� ru � �:t�� .slu• n du�• am� >um= ..eeurcd
<br /> by this \lortgage, Lendi•r � �rior to eu�c��� li� r.itinu .•liall ur� il nutic�� iu liurn��vi� r :�� � �rucf� ii•� l iu � �:ir:a� ru� � ! i 14 hi� reof
<br /> ��>ecif�•ing : 111 the Irrrarli : iYi tl��• :irtiun r� �yuire� l iu �• ur� � -urli I �n•aoh ; i31 a d:u �� nut le>• tliain thi �ti �• duyr
<br /> Irom the datc t6�� nou.•i• i� inailivl tu liurro�crr. I �� �clii�•li .ucL I � a:u h iuust lio <� urr� l . :in� l � 4 i thst f:tilurr tu �� urc
<br /> �uch brexch on or beton the date• ,pr�ifird in the nuur.• u �uy rrsult in acerlrratwu ut ilu � .�uim �rcured b}� this
<br /> 1lortgage and sxle of the Yroprrtc . I1 th�• brrarh i, nut c• � rrd o�: ur brfun• ilu� � iai �� .� wcifi�•� 1 �n Uu• uuticr , Lender
<br /> ut I.endrr 'h option tuaY drels� r�� zill uf the .uni, .ei• w•rd b�� th � � Alort �;ug.� t � � he nnnit�dist �•h� �lui• and ,�ayaLle
<br /> withuut further demand an�i msy furcclo.�� ti � �� Jlurt �;u{;�� b} .iw ; ie �al � ,ru�•��i>din�; . Lcnde�r rhxll b�� ��nntlod to c�ollect
<br /> in nuch pruc+eeciin�; :tll rxEwnae. ot Inri•clu� un• . ini� lwl � n� . tnu uut Gniit ��d t � � . ru.t = ul � luouuu•utan' ���•ideuce,
<br /> abstrsetm and titlr report�.
<br /> IS. lOrre�l� l�iqht to H�iodab. \ otwitl �.tuu� iwg L�-u�irr '. accolrru[ iuu uf tiic >wu• secured liy thie
<br /> Moitgage, BOrrower shall have the right to ha�•e �u�� �,rocc��din ;:.� I �i�{�un I >�� L��nder tu onforo�� thir \1oMga({e die-
<br /> c�wtinued �it xny tunr prior to entry of a � udKnien� �•uiW�ein� ciu, \ lur� �aK�• ii : � u � Korrow'cr � �ayri l,ender all
<br /> sume which w•ould t�e then �1ue un�Prtlii� \ Inr!�a �r , � � �r \ otr :: r. � � rnr ,•. :c��� irit :r ti'� , � � , ••, . � � � �•:inri�. ; { sm� , hs�i no
<br /> acoeleration cecurmd : � bl Bormwer �ure�. stl hrea�• h��. c�f :u��� otlirr oo� � � n;tnf . or n�rv�rn ��mt . of Borroa�er �on-
<br /> t�ined ia 4hir Mortgag�e ; (c ) Bornower pays all rea.wnabl.• rc� x•n.e� iucurnv{ I ��� Lendrr in onfor�inK the covenantn
<br /> and agreeftifents of Borrower eontsinecl in thi� \tort �;:� �;i• :� nd iu �•nlarc•! nR Lr�n� l � •r ', rouu�die- :i� � vu.• i� ir•d in �,xra-
<br /> graPh 18 hen+of, including, but nat Iimitcicl to . reaFot�ablc• att �u•n.•�� '- i�e. : :irn { � �{ � Rorrow��r tak��. �u�• h xction x�
<br /> I,eede! may e�es�ooibly require to assure thst the lien of thi� \ Iort �;aCc . Lrndrr', nztem.t in thi• Yropertp and
<br /> B�tlro�veT's oblipti� W pay the eutns securecl b�• thi- �1ort�;aRc� �linll rontinuc unim��uired . i'E�ou such payu�ent �,
<br /> aod care by Boee�ower, thie� !1�oet�e und thr obligatiunr rreui�e.� lii� reb�• nl �xll rr�nuiu in full larr aud eFfect se if '"`
<br /> IIo aeeebention h�d ooeurred. �* , , . '
<br /> � �. �yt �! �MMo A�/oiwl��st �! It�o�iwr: L�ad�t ia PbMe�iee. A� additional aecurity hem-
<br /> under, Borro�ver lfereby awipfa to I.ender the rrnts of the Pro��e�Yy . � �ro�•idc�1 tl�at Aormw•er Khxll , Prior to acceler-
<br /> aGan u�6r fw+'aQrtl{ih IE Lea'a�f ur xtwaNlwiu.eut ut ti�r Pru�.ert.y . i,x � o ii,c riKi �i w ruilrct nu�i rrbuiu eucL rei�te
<br /> ae they beooroe due aad i�eTablc.
<br /> U�os aeoeleratioa under lura�rapii IS hrreof or abxa�donn�ent of the k'ro}�rt �� , I.rnder, in ��en:on , b�� aReat
<br /> or by ladterl4y appa�ted rootiv�er ehsil tae entitlod W enUer uF�on , take twn�e�zion of and i��anaRe the F'roPe.rto ""
<br /> •wd b ealient fi�e rsn�s ef tAk F�e�t.v . i�xl�ali�e tiwwp nxw �1�w All rnnt , r�llN�rwi I �v l ,�v�r1��� ��r rh�• rNrvivNr
<br /> �hal! be applied 8r�t te paymeat o! the earte oi tnaor�+ement of tl�e Yro��ert �� an� i cullert iun uf n�nt � . inc• ludin�; . but
<br /> not limitad to, ceeeivet'e feee. I�remiums on mceiver'r lwndt and ren.wnahlc vttorney '. ii•r.� . aud then to tl�c .uu�r
<br /> sieeured by thu Mort�a�e. I,ender sed tlte mc+eivrr hliall tK• liahle ro xc�i�oimt unl >� for tho��� r��nt� u��tuulh� rv�eri����d �
<br /> J
<br /> 4
<br />