<br /> I �
<br /> sio�rcwc3e—aaw�. a.a r,� ra.—m�..a c..aa rm� sea: ceo.a��
<br /> 71-U07467 MORTGAGE
<br /> � �Wo - �
<br /> ��y�, �d � 17th ,�,,;, ,� December _. IB��.bY�d bw�«a
<br /> JAMES A E3ERZINA AND MARCIA K FSERZINA husband and wife each in his and her own rigit
<br /> and as spouse ot the other
<br /> �. H8 I I ��ty.li�bca�kQ,m m�qaqa�.,wd Ilor Fd�ral Smrinq�and Loan A�welatlon of Qraad Liwd.
<br /> a eorporaliee apmlf�d md Mttlnq uader th� la�r�d Ndua�ka with!b prtndpal ottic�aad plao�ot buslaN�at Graad Llaed. N�braalca.
<br /> a�:
<br /> - W[TI�86ET!{: Thul wid awrt9aqor_...�.. !or aad Sn mu�id�raHon ol th� sum ol..__...---------.._'.-_.--.-- --
<br /> THIRTY 7YY0 THOUSA;JD F1Vt HUrJURED AtJ`J �JO«LLI-----------------__--__�UQr. �s__ 31,S�,.QQ__�,
<br /> Hr »plyt d +rhieh L L�r�by aelcnowledq�d, do_ by th�w preseeb mortqaq� aod warrant unto �ald mortqaqN. [b �ucc��or� md
<br /> ariqqr, bn�tr, all Ih� tdloviaq dwerlbed rsal �Nat�. �ituand in th� couaty oL. .--. --- Ha.�-�,--.-
<br /> ..___._.....__..._.._---__...----��-
<br /> aOd SWN O! li�brska.to�ll:
<br /> S
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<br /> �
<br /> S Toq�fMr wiW dl hwtloQ. Ifqhltoq• aad plumbinq �quipm�nl ond fi:turw. includinp�tok�n and burner�. �c�n�, avninp�,aorm windo�v� �
<br /> aad deon.oad wfado�a6adw a blinds, uwd oe or in camwctloa with wid propsr�y, wh�th�r t�e wms aie no�r lacat�d m�aid prop�ny
<br /> a herwf4t piawd 16�r�oa.
<br /> i
<br /> 70 IiAVE AND 70 HOLD THE SAME. together with aU and dnqular t!w tanoowab.h�rtditam�nta and appun�nmees tlur�unto belonq- CS
<br /> S}
<br /> iaq, oi in aay�i�s app�rtaldnq,forowr. and warzant t!y till�to th��ame. Said mortqaqor_� h�rsby eovenan�___ writb wid morlqa� Sr�
<br /> � f►_�_�,_v afe , ��}u �llvsry hsr�of.the !awlul owaeb._. o! the premi�ss abov�eonvwy�d md d��eribsd, and ___..3L�__ }S#
<br /> rla�d d a qocd and iad�fwaibb s�tate et inheritanee thsroia, f:se and clear ot all�uwmbranws, aad thot __t.heX-.. �r1p wanmt �d i�
<br /> d�leed�Ae titl�th�rMo fuewr aqain�t �h� elaims and demaads of a11 parwns whomwa��r.
<br /> r
<br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS. aad thb instrument i� eaeculed und daliverod to s�cura the paym�nt d th��um uf.._.__.-__-.__-__.___._-
<br /> THI RTY fiW0 THOUSAIdU _F I VE HU�Ji)REu RPJ� IJC1/a-04--- ----- ----------���Q�, iy 3Z,5 �n_nn___>,
<br /> --__--- — - ------ -- .._ . _ _------
<br /> wllb inler��t [Lsrson, loqether w�ith +uch eharqea and advane�� a� may be dus and paynble fo wid mor�gaqeo uader tM Nrm� and
<br /> eonditlons of th� yromi�wry eob o! evsn dcta h�rewith and �wcured hcreby,e:ecuted by�cid morlqaqo:S_.�o wld mortqaq�e,payabls
<br /> d��ryrewd "w taid nWs.md to�ecurw ths pertormance of all t�urms and coaditions coatan�d the��ln. The arms ol svid noN ar�
<br /> L�r�by ineorporatsd hsre/a by thU r�l�rsne�.
<br /> H L tlN iebetioa¢ed aqrNm�nt ol the par�ies hercee tho� thi� mortqaqs �hall alw aKurs any future advancs� mad� b wid
<br /> . soHpaqor�._ by w!d mortQaqee, aad aay aad all iadebudn�r in addirioa eo ths amount ahove �tat�d which amd moriqaQors, u aay
<br /> ot ti�m. ma� ows W wid mottqagw, how��ver evideaad w�AstAsr by note. bool�acount o+ ot6srwiN. T6is mongage �hall r�aais la !ull
<br /> foru md �It�cl bst�we th� partiw h�rsto cnd tMir hwin, y�c�aaal r�prewnfatiw. �uccewn and maiqns. uatil dl amoueb rcwa:«!
<br /> 6sremd�r,fedudieq tutu»adraaew ar� paid in full wit6 inureN.
<br /> T1� sorlqaqor`+i_h�r�by � -_ to�aid sort9a7aa e11 reaM aad faoom� ari�lnq at aear and all tim�� !rom wtd prop�ety md
<br /> �r�by authoris� wid mriqoqw O[ ib aqsnl. at 1b optioe, upon 4fau1L to talt�cdarq�o! �aid property aad tollecY �ll r�nn oad in�w �
<br /> t6erNiom and apply tM��s b ths paym�nt of inlsre�t. priatlpal. Saru:anae pRaiuma. tar�, arnwments, repain oi impiov�m�ne� a�c.w-
<br /> wry Io Iw0 b7d pfep�rty !n Mmebbl� eondlHon. or to othar �harps�or palm�nb provid�d loc lurein or in the n�to 6e*�y weur�d. Thu
<br /> »W atdqaaeat ahall eoaNnw fa lorq until t6s unpaid balanu of •nid nob i�lulty padd. Tho takiny o� poswa�ior.Mrwnder �!w!!in no
<br /> s�maer yr�rrnt or tMard �dd moriQaQee In ths collection o! wid sum�by foreel�uxs o� oth�•rw:�e.
<br /> 23� ! -----• ��. d it� riyhL heteuad�c ul aaY Umx�Au:;n�t Le ���x;:�..�.1 as ,a wi�..�x �l ib aipht to�arcrt
<br /> ��as�et �p�,���►IYArk u�md enforc��trl�l compLLanw �lth all the tera and Nc.v���ioan of xcid not� Qnd d t6u f
<br /> �eelqnp�. ��I'KYICA«a,' �7. . j
<br /> � I! wid ���""++N�taor to b� pald to wld moRpaq� ��etf»amount due it heis��nde,.uud un�iu:ths�eim�and yroviron�
<br /> d�sid�aY Yrrbr YC�nd,fmhdh�fialun ad�meM.dd ae��slWbas a i�aL th�rwf la a000rdance �ith th� term� md Wod�ior ,.
<br /> IYnre1.a�d tl�dd�Maiar�._�Yali eaayly�ri�att Ur yee�iroa�el�atd mh�d d thf�morpeq�.�han ehw�P„asna�II b�reld: ,.,t
<br /> a
<br /> �11yrv1�W eNsis 1�!rY iwe�a�d NMa4 a�d�edd sr'WaY��iaR b���tlIW b tM powriaa d all o! �aad prop�rty. md�a�. ef 1M ..
<br /> aMw..armar.�e. .�d.d .da oa.a.a an iee.eaa....r.�».aaa en«.er w w�...�r d�.acd paYabl�.aad say Ioreciw� fiV ,�"
<br /> aays�� or �ak� ��di�[ bvsl ea�M� b p[aral W e�lt.ad 6a� 16� dsM d wek ddauL all lt�m� W ineLb4dew reu:�d Lwb' ��:•� •
<br /> . � idY deG�6�MiMf d��{K� Nr�r�. Apped�wt�al��d. .; �
<br /> ttif. .ea..r. .�al�.. lirdl., �ye. �.i...dl .n.e. �s fY�. Yr...k N A. ..Y...a.e,.we.. addewrewr...uca..o�s m4 ...iq..d J .,;�
<br /> I�w a�rYM N1W iwiYs �`.
<br /> %1�I WflMY MIO'�Of. rH Mew���ri__�_YB lMw�Ms Mt _____#.tl4i�'.—__.__ _.. Aa�d.�:.- �h�dW and v.a. li�a a6ow . � .
<br /> �wlr,Y. ;'� .
<br /> /J ' �7/f n��.. �.'1y�.�.- � �,.
<br /> �2 - +
<br /> A. oertina Marcia K. Berzina U
<br /> � �
<br />