5. :4
<br /> ti'+R1
<br /> _- r- -1
<br /> � not extend or postpone the due date oi tl�e monthly � n.t :� llnu�nt � ruferred to in parsgraph, 1 and `l heceof or
<br /> "J change the amount of such installments.
<br /> �' !O. Borrow�r No! R�baNd. Exteneion of the tiine for ��avment m• modification uf acnartization o[ the sume
<br /> Qeecured by thie ?�Iortgage grsntecl Ly I .ender W any �uccessor iu interesc oi Borro�rer shall not operate to releaee ,
<br /> O in any manner, the liability of tl�e original Borrowcr and liorrow ��r . successors in interest . I.ender shall not be
<br /> � requit�ed to commence �>rooeedings against �;uch Qucce,sor or i•eCusc io extend tirne for paytnent or otherwise modify
<br /> � amortiaation ot the sums secured by tLis 1lortgage by reasuu oi u�w demand made by the originsl Borrower and
<br /> Borm�ver'e successora in interest.
<br /> I1. Forb�e� by Iwnder Not a Waiv�r. Any forbearance by I.ender in exerciaing any right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable la��• , slisli not be u wai:�er of or preclude the exerciee of any riQht
<br /> or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payrnent of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> s6a11 not Fie s waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the muturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> 12. Rtm�di�aCumula4ve. All remedies provided in thi� \lortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> right or remedy under this \Iortgage or afford��l b�� Izi�r or ��quity, and inay I �c exerciced concurrently , independ-
<br /> ently or succeaeively.
<br /> 1S. Suc�wason �d Aaaigas Bound: Joiat aad Several Liability; Captions. The co�•enxnt.s and agreements
<br /> herein contained shall bind , and the right.s I�ereunder .+hatl inur�• to, thc respectivc successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> and Borrower, subject to the pro��isionn of para�ru��h l : hrreof . All co�•enant � and agrecinenls of Borrower shall
<br /> be joint and several . The captions und hcadings of thc � �srugra� � h� of thir \ IorY �;��;i• sm for conver� ience only and
<br /> are not to be usecl to interpret or define tlir. ��rovi�iun, I �ereoi .
<br /> 14. Notieo. An}� noticc to Borroµ•er � n�o�•ide�l tor in thi� � lort �a�;r .=hall hc� Ri � en by mailing ,uch notiee b��
<br /> certified wail uddressed to BorroN•er ut th�.� Prc�prrt }� a� ldri�.�� .txte� l hi•lu�� , .•xce•� �t fur au}� notice reyuired under
<br /> paragraph 18 hereof t�o be gicen to Boi•i•oH�i�r in tlu� � usiu�er � � re,eribe� { by a� �� �lli•athle � aw� . An�� uotic�e provide3
<br /> forin this \Iortgage .hall he deemed to lia� c brru Ki ���•u to liurru�s��r �� lu•n �;i � �•u in thi� iuunuer dr.ignated lierein .
<br /> 15. Unilosm Mortgage; Gowrniaq Law; Sev�:ability. 7'lii� iorn � uC u �ortguge rombine� unifortn covenantn
<br /> fornntional use snd non -unifor�n cuvenxuth �vitli lirnite� I aariatiom I ��� ,iurisdiction to �-onstitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity inatrument covering real property. 'i'his \ lortgagc ,hull I ,c governe� i b�� the la�s o[ the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located . ln the e�•ent that cin,y � �ro��ision or clausi� of H�is \lortgage or the Note conflicte with
<br /> upplicable law, such con8ict shall not affect otlier � �ro�' ision� oi thi� \ lortgage or tl�e Note which csn be given
<br /> effect without q�e conflicting provision , und to t his end t he � �rovision� of the \ lurtKage xnd the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Boaow�r's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisLed a cunfor�ued ��op�� of this \lortgage at tl�e time of ezeeu-
<br /> tion or after recordation hereuf.
<br /> 17. Trami�r o! the Prop�rty: Aarumption. It all or anp � �art oC the Property or au interest therein is sold
<br /> or transterred by Borrower without Lender 's prior writte�n consent , excluding la 1 the creation ot a lien or encum-
<br /> brance suUordinate to this Diortgage , � b � the oreation oti u E�urchx�e money security interest for houeehold appli-
<br /> ances, ( c ) a trunsfer by de�•ise, �escent ur I,y oT�eration �i lu�� u� �on the deatl� of a joint tenant or ( dl the grant of
<br /> any le�eehold interest of t6ree yesrs or les. not containiuR au uptian to purchase , Lender rnay , at Lender's option ,
<br /> declare all the sums eecured by this '�4ortgage to bi� inuuediatilc � iue and payable. Lender ahall ha��e waived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale or transfer, Lend�• r un�i thc � �ercun Co whoui thc Y►•operty is to bt: �old or
<br /> trsaeterred reacL agreement in �vriting that tlie credit of �u��l � � �er�on i, eati�faclor�• tu Lender and cl�at tl�e int�erest
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this \1ortKage sl�all be at �u�•I � rxtc• a� L��ndc� r ,hall requeat . If Lender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provi3ed in t 6is paragrapl� 1 i und ii Borrower'r ,��iecessor iu interest hxs executed a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by I ,endrr . L�•nder .hall releese Borrow rr 1ro��i all ot�ligationx under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucl� option to ssccelerate, Lender chall u �ail Borrower notice o! acceleratiuu in accordance
<br /> wiW� Naragraph 14 }tercoi. �ueh noticc sLall pru�•ide� a prrio� i ui uot lrn. thun 30 dayr fro[n the date thr notice is
<br /> mailed within w}iich Borrower ina�� pa�y tlie ,wu> �lci•liir�•d du�� . li }3m•roHer iail� to � �uy �ueli �tiiiva prior to the
<br /> ez�iration ot such period , Lender map . �� ithuut fur� h�• r nutie�� or � i�•�iiaud un lim•ro�� er, in�'ok�• any retnexiies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> :�iON -1 ' :JIFOHM �.�UVENA \ TF. I�OI' PON'�• r aud Leiul�• r 1'ur� li�� r cu���� nxnt aud a;�• r���� x • t'ollow � :
<br /> 16. Aee�bratioa: R�msdi�a. Ear�•� >c :i,. � iroc �� l� vl iu � auu�;r;i � ili 17 li�•ri�of . u� �uu Rorruwer '� hrrxch of an��
<br /> covenant or agreement of Borruwer in ilii� �lurt �;u�r . iu � lu� iin� tlu oo� enant � tu � ia�• �sh�•n duo an }' �un�r •rcured
<br /> by this \ lortELaqe, Lendc• r � �riur tu x� •c��l�• rutiun -1ut11 iu:ul n� �uce tu }iurro�� i�r a� � �ru� i�1��� 1 iu � �xra�, ru�� li 14 hereof
<br /> epeclfVing : 111 the brearli ; i2 � tl�e :irUon rc� � uin•� i to �•� � n• wcli I , n •:.� li � i3 � :i �{at�� . nut I��•: thati tlii�ty �iayt
<br /> from the date the notirc i� ivaile�{ to 13urru�cor . I �� �� hi�•li .• ucl � I � rc:u • li iuust I�a �• un•d . an� ! � 4i tl�ut (aiiurr to ��ure�
<br /> nuch breuch on or brforr cLe date ,��ri•itir�l iu tli.� nuuc.• uiu�' rrsult m accrlcrauuu ui tL. • �wu- �ecur��� by this
<br /> !�fortgage and snle of che Yroperty . lf the brexcl � i; nut curod uu ur l �etorc tiu� � i:iir .periti�•.i in tli�• uuti��r . Ixniier
<br /> at Lender's option ivay declari� aIl uf the .wu . sei•urr�3 1 ,�• tlii .. \lort�;a�c tu t �i� uimu•�iir� tol �� due an�1 �.a�•ablr
<br /> without further demand and inny 1'ore�• lo�r tlii> � i �,�c �;:�K�• f ,�• , �,�i ��•���i i ��•�,<•�•�,d ; ��,; , � .����d�� � ,t�Hu i�.� �•,�� �� t��i w �•one�c
<br /> in � nuch ��roceedinq al] exper�ses of ioreclosur�� . �nrlu� lin�; . hut nut liuut ��� i tu . ��u.t . of �1u�� uu ���ntan� r��idrn�•e .
<br /> abatraets and title reportr.
<br /> 1!. soaow�e's RiQht lo R�II1/tiTt�. :� OCN'1LIl�l,l71c{lllf; Leudrr '., uc��olevation ut thr ,uui, recumd by tLi_
<br /> Mortgsge, Borrower shall have the right to ha�•e anp ��rocerdin�;� lic��un b�• Lomler to �•nforce thi� �tortgaqe di�-
<br /> oautinued at any time prior to entry of a au�lKwrnt enlwciu�; � h �� \lurt �;uK�• il : i .0 Bunvwrr ��ayw l,rnder al!
<br /> sumewhich would be then due under thi� \ Inrt �*:i �,i� � b � � '� „tr• nn � { nnt �•, =��rnrinr M'ninn • � rjvt� nr�•. . i( an �� ha�9 no
<br /> awelention occurred : Ibl Borrower i•ure�: till hrrac�hr. of :;m� othrr ��o� rnanr < or a �r�v��nrnt. ui' Aorrower ron-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; ( c ) Borrower pays all reationubl�• rx� mn�e� in�•urred h�• Lendc•r �u �•nfon•in�z the� covrnant�:
<br /> and agreesnenta of Borrower containecl in thi� \lort �;u �;�� and in � •ninr�•�n� I .��n � l �• r ', r�•mt�� { ir. :�� � ,ro��i�1«�d in pxra-
<br /> Qraph 18 hereot, includic�{, but not limited to , ma�onahl�� s� rornrc '� itv� , un�i i � ii Borcowc�r takr� �u�h a�tion a� .
<br /> LeadE! may reasonably require to tu:aure that the lien o! thi� \IurtKa�c . Li•nder'.� intere�t in thc Yro�rerty �nd
<br /> Borrower'e obli�stion to pay the eums riecurt�l by thi� \lort {�a�;�• �hall �•cmtinue unimpxinYi . i.'� �on auch payment ��
<br /> Aud ouse by Borrower, thie MortgBge xnd the obligatioit� reeured L��i•��b�• .hall reu�uiu iu full force xnd �•Pfecc as if
<br /> no acoc.leration hui occurred. � ,
<br /> !A. �f�i�ns�at d ��ar: Appdw��at ot It�e�i�K: I.�ad�r in Pe�swaion. A� additional �erurity hem- , �
<br /> under, Aotro�ver hereby aaeigne to I.eaider the rents of the Pro�ienr . � �ro�� idevi thxt Bor�ow-er Khall , prior to aceeler-
<br /> dtioauaderpua�taph 18hereof oraYaacuioniva�c.tuf iLc I'ru��crt) , I... :�: tl�� �iKLc w � u. S. . t :.u.i rccnu. Ducl, r. i,ta "
<br /> aa they became duc and pnyablc.
<br /> Upoa aoeekratiaa uader parsarapl� 18 hereof or ah8ndonmrnt of tl�e Yro�iert �• , Ixnder, in � x�n:on , bv agent
<br /> or by luaFioi�ilY appainted reeeiver s�ali be eat,itlecl to enter uEjoo . take ��owrr�rion ol and ivan�Ke th�� Yropert�� "
<br /> sod te Colkot the nyate of tl�e Pf+o{�eety, includaflR tht� �aert �1ur AII n•nt� �•oll��rtw1 In• I .��n�ir�r cir th� iwrri ����r
<br /> eltall be spplied 62et to payn�eat of the cagtx ot ttuasgetiient of the Yro��en�� and �•ullert iori of re� nr � , inc� IudinR . Lut
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fcee, premiums on rccei��cr'x Iwnd� snd rex.�nahle uttorne�• '.� f�•r� . and th�•n to the �um>
<br /> eeeurod byt.his Mort;age. I.ender and the mceiver sl�all tH• liable to xc•c•ount onh� for tho�r r�•nt � xc•tu,yllv rrori �'�•d �
<br />