r �
<br /> 6TATE OF NEBRASKA, Cowity of ....................................................:
<br /> Filed for record on ................................. 19........ at......_..................... o'�•lock ........................ M.
<br /> aud recorded in the I)eed Record ................................. Page .........,...................
<br /> � .................................................................................... �,. ............................... �
<br /> ... .......................................................
<br /> $egiater uf Deeds lle�uty Ftegihter of lleede
<br /> i7. U07�5b
<br /> J. De.niel Casey and Marsha J. Casey, Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants and not as
<br /> Tenants in Common , herein called the grantor whether oae or more,
<br /> in consideration of Sixty Thousand and NO/100 ($60,000.00) U:�ll.ars
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, aell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Gerald L. Henn and Mary K. Henn, Husband an3 Wif'e
<br /> ae joint tenants with right of survivorship, and uot +i+ tenants in co�iunou, the following described real
<br /> property in ......................F3.a11................................ Count��. _�e6raska:
<br /> Lot Three (3), Casey Subdivision, Hall C;ounty, Nebraska :iT.,�..:+��%..+ � •••�� '�-+�
<br /> NEiuHASKA GciCli4,^"tNTAR'f
<br /> 2>TAh4P �"AX
<br /> U�C `��3 1977
<br /> �g .no [�v-.�._
<br /> ---�--------
<br /> To ha��e and to hold the <ibo�e descrited ��remise, t,u�;ether with a]! teneme�its, hereditti�nente
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging uuto t}ie grantec�s .u�d to their assigns, or to the heirs und an5igny
<br /> of t�he survi��or of tLe�ri fore����r.
<br /> Aad gtantor dues hereby covenaut with the krantres and with their aeaigus and with the heire
<br /> and a�►igns of the �urvi�ur of them that. grai�tur ie la���f'ull�-se•i,e�] of said premisea; thst tt�ey are free fro�u
<br /> entumbrxnce except easements and restrictions of' recvr3
<br /> that grantor has good right aii�l IaK�ful xuthority tu cnu�'<��� 11ie �;i��u•; an�i that �runtor �t'arrants �ud u'ill
<br /> deferi3 tl�e fitle to suiil ��rewiees agaiust thr lawful claims oi' .�11 ��rr.�ms ���Luw�o��ei�r.
<br /> It �r: the intention uf a❑ pmrties hereto that in the event of the dessth uf either of the granteea,
<br /> ih,• «•ntire fE•�• title tu t�hic r�•e�l ��ru����ri�� �h:�ll ����n� in ILi• aur��i�iu{� �r:intri�.
<br /> Dated ,'anuary, 3 19���
<br /> ................................................................................... ........._....................................... ................
<br /> ,.,t. �:�.�..
<br /> .
<br /> �_, � � . :
<br /> .................................................................................... ....,......�i.L.,..�.f c:i.,....._.. � ,
<br /> .....- .........(...�3.,,r,...c.�.........
<br /> 6TATE OP' ....NEBItASKA ............. (tounty ul' ......HALL l
<br /> ................................. ..................................................:
<br /> Before me, a notxry public qualified for said ruiuit}�, ��ereonally came
<br /> J. Daniel Casey and Marsha J. �asey, Husband an<9 Wife
<br /> `.
<br /> known to me Lo be the identicnl pc:raon or pereons whu si�;ned t.iie foregoinR instriiment and acknowiedged �-
<br /> � the ezeoution t�ereof to be hiei, her or their voluntary a�•t und deed. 4� �
<br /> � � �d�
<br /> .
<br /> WiLaeae my hand and notarial neal on ...........January..3............ .... ........... 19.�.-�........... '�0'.
<br /> a ts
<br /> W6Yl��M-paMM11�Mr1r c-!..'.�:�...r.:.5,-.:�,.x:�-� =--......r�T:..........-:..c:;c.+.:i....... I�otxry 1'nblic
<br /> .-,,,, .- COMSTANCE R.SCOTT : �..� ...•,
<br /> MyG�ma�.E,�.Apnito.l8�t My rommiseion ezpires ..,%..+�L:.::.Yc...G.........1....:........_, 19...:iJ:...
<br /> Fonu �.0 To Or a���roved by \��Lravkx Ftatr Rar:4�Furiat ion Fd1T.t Wdt m..Liaaoln.Ne4r.
<br /> J
<br /> 4
<br />