� �
<br /> prior to entry of a jud�ment onforcinQ thia Mort�aye if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under
<br /> tlfis Mo►ip�e. the Note and notes aecurin� Fumre Advances, if any, had no accderation occurrcC; (b) Borrower corec all
<br /> breaches of any other covenantc or a`reements of Borrower contained in this MoRgagr, (c) Bortower pays all roasonable
<br /> e,xpcaseo incuned by Lender in enforein� the covenents and agreements of Sorrower contained in this Mortgage and in
<br /> enforcin� L,eeder's remedies as providod in parasraph I R hereof, inctudin�, but not limitod ro, reasonable attorney's fees: and I
<br /> (d) Borrower taka such action rs Lender may reasonably require to accure that the lien of this MortQago, Lender's interest
<br /> ie the Property and Borrwver's obli;ation w pay the sums cecured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired. Upon auch
<br /> p�yment and curo by Hurrower, this Morteage and t6e obliQations secured heroby shall romain in full force and eftect as if
<br /> no accekration had occuried.
<br /> 2�. A�ue�t ot leW; Ap�oi�f�t of Recefver, I<eder In Partadon. As additional security hereunder. Borrower
<br /> lkroby assi�ps to I_ender the ronts of the Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under para�raph 18
<br /> heroo[ or abandonenent of the Property, have the riyht to collect and re[ain such rents as they become due and payable.
<br /> Upon acceteration unekr paragraph 18 hereof or aba�donment of the Property. I.ender, in person. by agent or by
<br /> judicially appointad receiver, ahall be entitled to enter upon, talce possession of and manage the Property and to collect the
<br /> rents of the Propeny, including thoso past due. All rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applicd 8rst to payment
<br /> ot ttrc cottc of mana�ement of [he Property and collection of rents, including, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on
<br /> roceiver's 6ondc at�d rcasonable attorney's fecs, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver
<br /> sha11 be Iiable to account ooly for those rents acwally received.
<br /> 21. F�hre Aaraacar. Upon request nf Borrower, Ixnder, at Lender's option prior to release of thic Mortgage, may
<br /> malce Future Advanees to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage when
<br /> evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall the principal amount of the
<br /> indebtedness ucured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith to protcet the security of this
<br /> Mottjaje. ezceed tht ori¢inal amount of the Note plus USS . . 13 ., 300 . 00 • • • •
<br /> 22. �elare. Upon payment of alI sums secured by this Mortgage. I.ender shall discharge this MortgaQe without
<br /> chuse to Borrower. Borrower ehall pay aIl costs ot recordation. if rny.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHBRBOF, Borrower has executed this Mortgage.
<br /> J . �
<br /> ,��./�'L�-�+�C �'!7L/1' . .�. ./. � .. .K��j� . f/ �.�... . . . . - ' —oorewwr
<br /> Will am F . Ziegler , ,%
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<br /> . . . :C:-�:�-:�: , . �- .� ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> Barbara S . Zie er �� ;� —"�'"r"'
<br /> Sr�re or+ Neeu►s�cw. . . . . . . . . . . . Na. �. l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County ss :
<br /> � � . . . . , 23rd. . , . . , , �y of , , .Decemt�er . . , � 9 . ��. , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br /> dWy commiseioned and qualified for said county, personally came . W1 L.L. I.qM . E , , Z I �GI.ER . ANQ. �ARBAEtA. S.. . . .
<br /> Z� �G��R , , hy� spand ,and , wife ,, . each , in, ,hi, s , and. her , own r,ight , n ¢ , �5. . , . „ tomeknowntobethe
<br /> identicsl person(s ) whose name ( s ) are subscribed to the fore����ts�m�� a���i'eEnowledged the execution
<br /> �}�� � � , . , th6 i, r. . , . . . . . voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witnecs my hand and notuia! seal at . . . . Grand. . IsLand . . Nehr.aska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in said county, thc
<br /> dste aforesaid.
<br /> My Come�ission e:pinx : 3� �► •• e.- ea � 1 �l E' 1
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