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<br /> ' Liew cl�med b�: ...--...__.Decembe..r....2.�., _......f 77
<br /> ) . ____-........... . y.....__ ,
<br /> � i Hoppe. Lumber & Concrete..Company Agais,st:...Jot►n_Dhillon,._.Inc., . , ....__,_ .._._ ' I
<br /> ' i '�� 325��1�ort�i��E1m�Street 1012 S. Shady Bend Road
<br /> Add•ass._.Grand, I.s.land.s_..Nebrastca 68801.. . .............G�qzt�1..�.s.1,szL�,...N�t�?r�akca....6.8.&Ul.. '
<br /> '; 1 ig...-----... Ut. Cr. i
<br /> ! _____ _.For__concrete__f�rnished �nd__building____;'i_________�_ ;
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<br /> Srarc of_...Nebraska. _....__..
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<br /> He 11 ss.
<br /> .................- ........._.._....... Counf�,
<br /> A�ar�, ._Robert Peshek, Vice-President of Hoppe Lurnber & Concrete Co be�n9 �;�Sr
<br /> __..... .. _..__....._......
<br /> duly su•or„, on his oath sayr thut Nee foreqoing itemi_�ed cucount of work, lnGor,skill_.....__.._. -_ ._ ___ ___.___ ...
<br /> fnaterials, and i»tprovrments is true and rorrert: that same u�e�c donr und rrrfurmed and furnisk�•d h� the undersigned
<br /> fo. th� sa;d ....John .Dhillon, .,Inc._,___. ._ _ _
<br /> _ __. ..___ __ ___ _ _ _ _.._._ . _._.
<br /> uxder a° -.._-.__.YEZ�al_ ......_..._ -_..... contract._.. .......
<br /> _...._ ____ _ _ __. . ____ ____ -
<br /> ro.ehe'._..m�terir�l.__fuzni_�h��i...for_ r�siden.��al_.construct.i.on _ _
<br /> _. _ _ _. .._... .
<br /> , _. . .....__ _____- -_. _ __ __._ _..._. ... .. _ _ ._..... _ - -._.. _ _. .. __ .__.. _. ._.. .._ ......._......_.
<br /> on thc fo!lox�hn�lot, piere nr parccl of land, :���:�._..I�Ot..3.,...Bi.�hop...He.ights _Third__S_ubd_ivision� '
<br /> . ..
<br /> _..... _k�.11..County... .Nabze.ska.--......._. _ __ ..__ __ ___. ____._..
<br /> _._ ..... .......
<br /> ... ........_. ...__.__. _._ _ . ........ __....._... ..___ .. ...._. _ ._______ __ _ _..._.__..._ ..__ ._ ._. _. . _
<br /> . ............. ... .. . .......... _..._ __. _...__._ .._.. _..__......__ _ . __. ..___... ..___ .___..._..__
<br /> T'hat at thr tiuie sniJ contract zn�as rnade rrnd labor axd wtaterials Ji+rnished n+�d dc[iz�ered thereuxder...__.._...__...._
<br /> John Dhillon, IriC. � _ ....._x.�as tJie oxe�rter of said prcmises" ,
<br /> .. ..... __ _.....- -..... ._..____ ___ _...... __ _____ .__.
<br /> .....___.... ._._.__.___. ._...... ._ ___... -..._. .. __._..._ ._.._.._.._ .._ __ . __ _ _ _ _.... _ . _ _ _._ .... ._. . ._ .__ ,
<br /> _... . .._._.... .... .... . ___ __ _ __ _ ... _ _ _
<br /> _ _ ___ .._.._._..__.. __._..
<br /> ...... ... _... _... ._ __._..__...... .._ _._...____. _.._ __... _ _ .__ __ _ _-
<br /> 7'hat the date of fl�e frrst item furnished a„d delivered u�s__ _F�.t?X.U�0.��C__�$�1977___, .__ __ und thr
<br /> � _..-
<br /> date oj tke last item u�as.._..September 10 1977.
<br /> -.....� . . ......_ ___._.. ... .. __._..___ _ _ _._ _ ._ _.._.._._..... ____.
<br /> Aj/'iawt further states tkat said laGor was perjormed on, and raateruils ze�ere furnishe�d �or, d<�lix�ered a!, and ased rn
<br /> said bui/diwg or p�crsaises ort and 6etweex the dntes sretij�eJ.
<br /> That tkn prires �harged tbeiefor are fair and reasonah/e, nnd ehat there sr nor,� due on said r.rcount the sum of
<br /> I Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Sixtv-Eight and 49/100 -----,
<br /> . _....., .,�... rFar .s,:id.
<br /> __ .,..,.,�, .
<br /> Hoppe Lumber and Concrete..Coa�any
<br /> � _ ._ _ _ __ _ _ . - _ rinims n lirn un the saiJ j+rri��ie'es fos Ihe Jull amaunt of
<br /> _.._._..... _ _. . _
<br /> ; f$ 15.�.76�..�k4..._._.... __....togcther ;vith interest fhereon at tJie legal ratr,
<br /> � sa+d accox+it, tu-sxnt: The sr� u _ . _. ..
<br /> i 1+'o+w the---lOth _ .day of...... Sep.tcmber .... � __ . ., ry�� ._.., axd furthcr ogrant say�s not. .,
<br /> �1�1��111���rr�M�� ..................• ---/.._. " . ..... . . ....�y. -�.....y.� __.... _..._
<br /> � ) Y p
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<br /> CFA7. CsFhsrrih�d iw m�� p•r�enrr ard rTrorn tn hcf�re mc !l:is.._...__ _< _�_ _
<br /> �� i /� . _. ..__ .
<br /> i day of ............h�(: :.>-'.._ _____. .._._ .._.. .../f�. l/. ..
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<br /> �tT'�.` -,�
<br /> (See revcrse side for instructions) Nor,�>l ('uldi<.
<br /> -:.._ a s:� ... _.. _ .. . . . .. _ . .. , : �
<br />