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� � <br /> uot ext,end ur � �ust }�unu tlic due ��lstc ul thr iuouti� l�' in, i :� lliu��ut� r�• i�� rre� l t � � iu � �xra�;ra{iii � I :xud 'l hereof or <br /> ciiange the auiauut ut sucli instul �me��tr <br /> 10. Bosrower Not Rebawd. I�xleusiou o1 tl �c tiu �c for � �symeut or � uodificxtiuu ut amortization of the suins <br /> � eecured by this �Sortgs6e gratited by I .rnder to ati�• ruccrs.or i � i iutere.t ui Borruti�•er siiall not opersste to release , <br /> � in any �nanner, the liai�ility u( tL� origival 13urro�< < i nu�l liun•wc�a � . iiccc»orc in iuterest . I.ender �tiall not be <br /> � � required to commence proceedmgs ygaiust >ucl � �uc� eaaor or � riu.�• tu cxLend time for puyrvent. or otherwise modify <br /> � un�ortizetion of tl�e sums secured bv thi� \ torcgugc � n rea�ou ui :u�� deruaud iva� le by the original 33orrower and <br /> Borrower'e euccecr�ors in interesl. <br /> � 11 . Forl�wrcmes by L�ader Not a Waiver. :�ny iorUezsrance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> � liereunder, or otherwise afforded by spF �licable la�� , sliul ] ❑��t I �c a �rai�er o( ur preclude ihe exercise of any right <br /> '� or remedy hereunder. '1'I�e ��rorureiuen� of insurance m• rhi� � ,:i}•�uem uf caxes or ot.her liens or charges by Lender <br /> � ethall 210E � 8 WiIIYEP OP I,ender's right to accrlerate tLe � uuturit}� oi td�e iudebtednes, secured hv this �4ortgage. <br /> 1Z A�m�ditsCumulative. All re�nedies pro�'ided iu tlii . \lortgage are �listinct and cu�nulative to any other <br /> right or remedy under thi, \ lort �a�;� or ;�fiordcr{ f ,� lu �� ur ryuii �� . :+ n�l iuuc I ��• i�x�•r�• i.:cd i•un �•urreuily , independ- <br /> ently or successively. <br /> 1S. Sueeessors and Assigns Bound: Joint and S�veral Liability: Captions. '1'ho �•u� ruunt� and aqreements <br /> herein coutaiued shall i�ind . and tLr rigFits I �urcuud��r <Lall inur� io . � h�� res� �eoti�•� � � uccessor, :u�d aseigns of I.ender <br /> und Borrower, sul�ject to tlir �>ravi�iui�� ui � �:irn�;r.i � ,l � I ; I �er�>ut . :� ll �•u�� �•uaiu - au� i ;iRrccuient� oi F3orrower sliall <br /> be joint snd se �'rral . '1'I �c �•:s� �tiuu� nn� l lu;uliu�• nt thi� � iaraKr:i � �l �- ui il � i . Alurt �:{ �e arc for eoucrniance mih' and <br /> are not to be used w incrrpret a• �ietiuc tli�• � �ru� is�uu., hereui . <br /> Il. NOtic�. Aiq' nutii•� tu liurru�� . r � � ru�' i� lo� i lur ii � tlu� \ lort �;.ig� .4ulII h�� �;i � �•n I �t- w:�ilin�; �ucl � nu[ice b}� <br /> i•ertified mail uddreyned to liurru���cr ut ilio Yru� u• rn� A�i� irc.� ,ta � i•� i hi� lu��� , i� aco� �t I'��r uuy nutice reyuirerl undrr <br /> parngrupL 18 hereo}' tu I ��• �;� ����n tu li�, rru�� rr iu th�� ivanu �� r pn .i• ril �e� 1 I ��� :ti � q , lu•xl �lo L•� �c . :1nc notiee provided <br /> forin tkiis \IortgSge �hull hi • �ic•cin��� i tu hs��� I �� � •n �;icru tu li� �rru�c �• r �� Virn �i � cu iu tlio inunner �1e�i�nute�l hercin . <br /> 15. Uoiforta Mortqage: Govarnittq Law: Severability. I'lii- iurn � � �i worcR:i �;c �•ombines unif'orm co�'eussntr; <br /> fornational u�e and non-uniform coveniuu � �� itli limitc� t � ar � siiun� I ��� iuri.dictiou tu c•onstitute a unifonn secu- <br /> rity inetrument coveriug real � �roE�erty . '1'hi: � lorcgttgi• �Lull i ��� �;o���•ru�•� ] h� nc� la��� ol the jurisdiction in which <br /> the Property ie located . ln tlie e��eut that au�- �� ro�•ision or �� lau�o ni chis \lortgugc or the Note conflicte with <br /> applicable law , such cunflict a}iall not utlec•t uther � �ro� isiun� uf tl � i.. \ lort��ge or thc lutc �vhich c�tn be given <br /> e8'ect without the conflictiu� � �ro�' i�iuu . an�l io thi � ��nd th�• � n�o�� ision� ui tlic Alurtgssgr an � 1 the Note are declsred <br /> to be severable. <br /> 1& Dosrow�r'� Copy. }3orrowrrrl �xll bc iurni,lie� i n < uniornie� l ro� ip o1 thi, �SortgaKr. at tlie time of execu- <br /> tion or sfter recordation hereof . <br /> 17. hmuf�r o! tho Prop�rly: Acsumptioa. I f all ur n�iy � �:irt � �i t hi• Properc �• or au interest therein is sold <br /> ortrsneferred by Borrowcr without l.ender '.� � n•ior �srittrn cunse��t . ra�•luding � ai thc• crestion of u lien or encum- <br /> brance eubordinatc tu tlii� �lortga�;�� . � hi thc ore� tiwi ut n ;�ur�•h:x.�c iuuncy securit,y interest for household appli- <br /> ances , ( c) a transfer b�• d��� is�� . de��•��nt ur h�• u� irrxtiuu ui l ;rn� u� �un thr � i�antli uf s ,joint tenxnt or ldl the grant of <br /> any leasehold interest oi thrca yexrs ur ]rh� not �•untuiniu � su u� �ti�ni tu � �ut'rLxar , Lcnder mu�• . at I.ender's option , <br /> declare sll the sums �ecured by thir \lortgagc tu ix• iuuuediat ��l �• � iu�� :+n� i � �ayabl�� . Lruder .hxll t�ave n'�ived euch <br /> optian to ucce>lerate il , prim• tu thc cale or trar„ier, L�,nder :in� 1 tLo � �or�un to �chom the }'ropert}� is to be sold or <br /> transferreJ reacl� xgree�nent iri « riting that tl �i• credit of .ucl � � �er,o� i i� :uti�fuctor�- tu I.ender and tl �sst 1Le interest <br /> payable on the �;ucns secured by this \1onKaKc ehall I�e at �uoli ratr a� Lender nhall reque�t . lf ] ,eiider hae wai��ed <br /> the option to ucceleratc: �,rovidrd iu thi� � �arugra�� h 1 i au� i ii }iorro�crr'� �u��cr,aur in intrrest ha� executed a writ- <br /> ten aesumption agreeinent accept.ed in �� riting bJ� 1 .�•nder. Len� ler �I �all rclr:sse Burruwrr from all obligationn under <br /> thia Mortgsge and the Note. <br /> If Lender exereises sucL option tu acceleruie . ].en�lei• ,hall � uuil liorrower notice uf acceleration in aeeordance <br /> �vitL }�aragraph 14 her�•of. �uch nohi•�� -1u� ll E �ruci� l�• u � �c•riod uf nut lc.- tli:u � 3l1 � iu}�n irom the dnte ther nutice is <br /> msiled within whieh 13urrowcr wa�• { �uy � Vu• .�uw� �1c�• larrd � iuo . li liurru�� ��r i:� � l� to � �a�• .uch ,�i�u� prior to the <br /> eYpiration ot such periud , Lendrr uiay . ��ithout furth�•r uuu��� ur � iciuund uu tiurru�c�r . im•uke any n�meriies �r- <br /> mitted by paragr�ph 18 hereof . <br /> \ uN -1 ' ri[�oeM ( 'u�•t: se !: �r:;. f�urro �c��� r :uul L�� iiver Ci� riL�• r �•o�•vi �utit und uk're�• a� fc�llo ��� . : <br /> li. Aee�Lration; R�medi�e. }•ar�q �i :s� � u�u� nlo� i � n � �:u:��;ra � �li 17 lu�rroi . upun liurroN�er '> bre:seli of any <br /> covenantoragrrelurnt of Borru�c�• r iu clii� \ 1ort �;a�� . iu� lu� I � nR ili� ��o� �•n;un � � u � �n>� �� ha•n �iu�• nm� .urns ::rcured <br /> b�' this \lortg8ge . Lcuder � � nur tu xr� � � l�• rstiui , .luill iii: � � i nun�r t � � liurru�� i� r u� � � ro� iilc� l ui � �ar:i�;ni� �li 14 hereof <br /> specifying : ( Il the bnai�li : Ili tLe ;i � •ti� �n rc� � uu�o� l ti � o� u�� =u�� h I � n�:u li . � :{ i ;� � {atr . not 1 ��.. tlian thirty daV. <br /> fron� the dKt�� thc notice i� iuxil�vi to kurru�vo !� . I ��� ��� I , ir• I � > ur '� : I � ro:u� l � n , � i�� ho <� ur� •� I : au� l � 4 � tl�ut failur�� tu �•ure <br /> .ueh breaeh un or b<�S��r�• tLr rixti� >� i��� • ifii•� 1 in tli. uut ��•o iuuc r�•. ult in ai�r.• I�� rxtiun uf tlic -uw• secund hy this <br /> �lortgage and sale of t}�c Yroperty . Lf che hn•��� h i.. nut � ur.vt � n ; ur b��tun• th�� � i �t «� ..pec�tied in tlie notice , Lender <br /> at Lender's option map � leclam all uf th�� sunu .e�•ure� i h�� thi . \lurtKaR�� tu I �r iiuuu�diatrh• �1ur and papable <br /> without further demand an� l may iorr�• lo��� tlii� \lunKu�;�• h� iu� i �i�iul � �rc �o�•r�i � n�; L.�n� 1��r �hxll br � �nutl�•ci w collect <br /> in huch proceedln[� ;�II eXpeuse� ut � urcclo.uri• . rorlu� lin �; . hut uul IiuWo� l tu . ��o.t .. uf �iu�•unu�nrary i���idence. <br /> abetract� and titlr mport � <br /> 1�. sOe[OwK�s �iqht to R�iadab. \ o[u�itl�.tau�iiu�, Lend�•r'. :�ce�cloration uf t !x• .wu� �e•currd h�' thie <br /> Mort�e, Borrow�er shrll have the right tu ha��r xny � u•cK�c�din�;� begun hy Lrnd�� r tu i•nfor���• thi. \1ortKage dis- <br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judgiuf�nt Pf1I (�Tf171E; 2I11 � \lort �ufi�• i1 iri i Borro�cor pays I ,ender all <br /> eums which would be then dur under th�s \ IonKxR,c , u ��� \utr :u�� i notes srcunn�; Fwur�• A�icuncr� , �i aci�' , had uu <br /> tlCCCICt8L1011 i?CCUIh'i� : f1) ) �U2'f0AsCi' cU:�'> :l ! � 1 �:'� ':.rl . � .� , . r .i _ 1_ . , ,• I .r �� , , •�,' r �l:: •• r . i, l� . �7�or}ni�! tl � ��1 }jnrt'OwPP �•(�TS- <br /> t8ined ia this 14ortgege : ( cl Borrower � �ny� � 11 r«� tasonalilo ���S �on.o- inr � � no�i L�� Lrnd��r i � i � •nforrinR tln• �irventintn <br /> tad a�x'eemen4 of Borrower rontained in thie� \{urt �:��;e und iu e•uiun•�nK I .�•n�l�•r '. r�•uiedie. x. pro� idevi in pxra- <br /> ersph 18 hereof , including, but not limited w , n•a�anul ,l�• unurnr� '� i��r- . an� l � � 1 i !3m•ruHcr t ;�k�•.� .ui• h .�rtion ia� <br /> LCadEt m8y reseOnBbly rnquire to asFure tl�at thr lie•u o1 thi� \ 1 ��rtKaK�• . Lrnder '� intt•rr.t in rhr YmZ �erty an�1 <br /> Soee�ver'e oblitstion to psy the sume eecured bv thi� �foMKa��� �Ivill ountinue• uni�u��nired . ( 'pmi �uch ��ayuient <br /> aod otu�e by Boerower, this Mortgrge and the obli�ution, sec•ured h�� reb�� .h:tll n•uiain in f uli force xnd rtiect a: if * � <br /> ,,; �• <br /> eo �eeelerotioa h�d oociirred. E� `� <br /> � �. Af�i��et a! i��1�: Apy�eialowt d �e�i��r: 1wnd�r in Pon�nian. A. •rdditional ��eurity here- � <br /> s��n <br /> under, Bonow�ee 6ereby a�aitns W Lender tNe mnts uf the Pro��ert >• . � �ro�� id�vi that Borruw-er ;hall , priur to acceler- �'^��, <br /> .atioo vnder psra�raph 18 hereof os abandonment ot thr Yro� �erty . ha�'�� � ho riy;ht tu oollrct and retxin nuch mntn ,'� <br /> a t� beearne due asai paysbie. <br /> tipes aeoelent4ion undrr �wrr�r�}.1� i81�r�rv.f or nLau.iatiuu�-ut ut tLc 1 'iu�,. r: t , L� u.lcr . u� { �cr,un . b}' sgcnt <br /> ot by judieial3y ap(winted te�eeiver shsll be entitic� to enter u�wo , take ��o�tr��ion of :an�l � uxnaQe thi• }'ro��erty ,, <br /> sed ta eoWect Wu rents of the Prq�erty , ioeludinq those past due . Al ) mnt , c�ollrete�i h�• L�•ndor or the r��reiver <br /> !hall tx npplied hnrt to l+nq�+xnt of thP re!�fa �f mrneg�n�Pe+t nt the• Ym�..�ny xn� i ���+Ilr�tinn nf rnnt , inrludin� . hut <br /> net litt�fted to, e�+eiver'e fees , premiutrae on mceiver'. twn.i� xnd reasonxblr uttornc�• '� fe��.• . and thrn to t6e num. <br /> seettred by thie MottRa�e. l.ender rnd the rerei�•er sliall IK• IiaLk• to ac•roiu�t unly for thu�. rrnt .. a��tu:ill�- r�����i ��ed <br /> � <br />� <br />� <br />