� �
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> � FowM No.7ao
<br /> V Loan Number___35262 -- 188 _. _ 1 .
<br /> --------,r�: ��.a,,.�,
<br /> 77- 00`7439 M O R T G A G E
<br /> THI$ MORTGAGE, made and executed this . ____����'... __.__. day of _���s»�,6e✓'___.... A.D.,
<br /> 19.'3�]..,between the Mortgagor, _...G�earga..N._Turner..and.Karon M.. Turner.,.ak� Karon M. Stew�rt, husb�
<br /> ana wife,iQ.intlY-..ansi...eaah...i.n..t}a�i.x..o.�n..x�ht,.... .. ....... __ __._....._ _______.. ___ _ . _ _. _
<br /> of._.__Fla�t.1A86.__ -_ _._, County of __.___.._. . ___. .__ ....,State of Neb.r.aska . ,hereinafter referrerl
<br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mort.gagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Linmin, Nebraska 6R501, it.s tiuccectiors and a�.GignS, hereinafter referred t.o
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> s • T ' Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of SIXTEEN THOUSAND
<br /> �rwo x�r'ib� ���rx ��c��3$----------------- ------nona« cus�; ib,zso.00 >
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgagc:, grant and cumev to Lender, its succesaors; and a4signs; the
<br /> following described propertv located in the County of _.__Kall , State of Nebraska:
<br /> Lot Two (2), in Block Five (5), in "Koehler Place", an Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County,Nebraska.
<br /> TOCETHER with all the improvement5 now or hereaft.er erected on the property, and all easement.,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and �as rightti and pmfit�, water, watr.r rights, nnd
<br /> water atock, and all fixtures now or hereaftcr attached to the property, all of which, induding replace-
<br /> ments and additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event thi�
<br /> Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> Borrower covenant�that Borrower iF lawfully sei�ed of the Ptitate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Pmperty is unencumbrred, and that Bocmwer will
<br /> warrant and defend generall,y the title to the Property against all claims and demands, aubject to any
<br /> easementx ancl rest,rictions list.E:d in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance {wlic�• in-
<br /> suring Lendeis interest in the Property,or (2) attorney'.� opinion of title from abstract of title certified
<br /> by bonded abetracter.
<br /> PROVIDEU ALWAYS, and these prer,ents are executed and detivered u�wn the following conditions,agree-
<br /> mentti and obligationh of the Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> The Bonower agrees to pay to the Lender, or order, ihe principal sum of SIXTEF�1 THOLiSANA. '�14
<br /> HU�dl?RED FIP'IY..AND..NO.(.100- _. ..-.-- ---------------.----tHollars (US S 1.4,25Q.40. _ 1
<br /> psyable as provided in a notr. executed and delivered, cuncurrently henH•ith,the final pa��mc:nt of prinripal,
<br /> if not eooner paid,on the. _ _1st.- day� of . ... Janu,ary .xbP 2D03
<br /> UxieoRNt CovFNwxrc. Borrower and I.ender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 1. Payanent o! Principa! �d Interest. Bormwer�hall promptiv pay when due the princ•ipal of and in-
<br /> terest on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charRe� as pruvided in the tiute,
<br /> and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances vrcured by this '.1lortgaKe.
<br /> 2. Funda for Taxes and Ix�uranee. Subject to Lender's option under paragraphs a and .5 hereof. Bur-
<br /> rower�hall pay to Lender on the day monthly instnllment�of principal and intere�;t are payablr.unde•r the
<br /> Note, unti! the Note is paid in full,a Fum (herein "Fund�") equal to onc�-tµelfth of the yearl�� taze. and
<br /> assesements which may attain priority over this MortgaKr, and Krounci rents on the I'ro��erty, if an� plus
<br /> one-twelfth ot yearly premium inxtallments for hazard intiurance, plus une-twelfth of}•earl�� pre�niurn in-
<br /> etalimentc; for mortgage insurance, if any, all aF reasonabl�� estimated initialiv and tro�n timr to time b��
<br /> Lender on the basis of a.�.,essment�and bills and na,onable c,tiaiute, ther�vf. L�:ndcr shall a�pl��thi� P'unrl�
<br /> to pay asid taxeR,aFse�ements, insurance premiums and ground rent�. Ixndt•r chall makF no charK� for�a
<br /> holding and applying the Fundr or verifyiag and compiling said aF�Gsments and bill�:. The I.endt�r �hall
<br /> give to the Bormwer, without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds showing credit�and debit�to the
<br /> Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funde was made. The FundF am pledQed as additiunal
<br /> security for the same secured by this Mortgage. The Born>wer agrees that the Funds may be held by the
<br /> I.ender and commingled with other funda and the Lender's own funds and the Lender may pa>�such item� ' 2
<br /> feom its ow� funds and the Lender shall not be tiable for interest or dividendF on such Fund�. �. '
<br /> If the amount of the Funds held by Lsnder,together with the future monthly installments uf Funde � �
<br /> , p�yable prsor to the due dates of tue�, aeseeamenta, insurance premiums and ground rentc, shall ezceed ��
<br /> tlae amount requireii to y said tazea,aesae�ents,inaurance premiums and qround rents as they fall 3ue,
<br /> aesae
<br /> iwch exce�c ehafl kre, at w�rr'w option, either promptiy r�a i�i t.r Rnrmwpr�r�rsv�itv+i tn R�rmwPr on
<br /> enonthlv inatalltceents of Funds. If the amount of the Funde held bv I.ender�;hall not F�e�uffir•ient t,o pa�
<br /> ta=es, as�e�sments, ineurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lendrr
<br /> any ampunt neoeeaary to make up the deflciency�vithin thirty daya after notice from Lender to Borrower `
<br /> requedting pa yenent thereof, or Borrower s�sll, by an increase in monthly inFtallmenth of Fund. required.
<br /> repay the de$cicnc;� a�ithin the Fund accounting pc:riod.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thie Mort.gage,Lender shall apply Fund�he.lrl a.a c•rrdit
<br /> against alt sums due. 1
<br /> J
<br />�
<br />