<br /> �
<br /> - � �
<br /> � not extend or � iostpone the due date of tlir montlih� iu � t :illnu�nt � rr•ferred ta in peiragrapLs I :ind 2 hereof or
<br /> � chxnge the amuunt of sucl� installments .
<br /> �, 10. Dossower Not It�bas�d. Lxtension of the time for ��symcnt or iuodificacion of �roortization of the sums
<br /> 0 secured by this �Sortgege grunted by ] .e»der to sup .�aecezsor in intr. rest of Borrower .hall not operate to relesse,
<br /> � in any inanner, the liability of the origiiisl 13orrow•er und 13orro�ver'.. .uccersors iu intereht . I.ender shall not be I
<br /> I � required to commenee proceedings againEt �uch successor ar refuae io ex�end time for paymenk or otherwiee modify
<br /> ^. eur�ortisation of the aums secured by thi.� \lortgage I �p rcarou oi :u�� demand made by thr origina! Borrower and
<br /> (� Borro�ver's suoeeeeore in interest.
<br /> 11. Forbwrmcs by Iwader Not a Waivor. An,y forbearancc by I,ender iii exercising any right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otherwise a$orded by spplicable la�ti• , shali not I �e a �vaivei of or preclude the exercise of any righk
<br /> or remedy hereunder. The procurement, of insurance or tl�e � �ayu�eut of taxe� or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> ehall not be a waiaer of Lender's right to acceler:tte the rnaturit,y of the indebtedness secured by this �iortgage.
<br /> IZ R�m�di�sCumulaliw. :�11 remedies provided in thi. �iortgage are clistinct and cumulativc to any other
<br /> right or remedy under this \tor[gagr� or .�ffordcil hp- la�c ur �•quit �� . ;imi nis}� bo exerci,eci cwuurrently , independ-
<br /> ently or succeseively.
<br /> 19. Suecoason cmd Asaigas Bound; Joint �d Several Liability: Caplioar. 'I'h�� ro� en;ints at�d agreementF
<br /> herein eontained shall bind , und t6e rights Lerew�der �hall inun � tu , thc re���ecti���� successurs and assigne of Lender
<br /> and Borrower, eubject to the provisionn ol psra��:i� �li 17 heri•oi. All ��o�•eusntr .sm1 ;igrec�uente of' Borrow•er 5ha11
<br /> be joint and Deverul . 1'he ea��tions snd hea.iing. ol the � �urxKr:� � �li� oi thi� \ lurt ��s{;�• ari• f'or ��on ��enien��e onlv and
<br /> are not to be used to incerpret or define t6c ��ro��i�iun � her��oi . �
<br /> 1t. Notieo. Any notice ro 13orroHer � uo� id�•�i ior iu tlii� \ lort �;x�,e ,hatll hr � ic��❑ hy uiailing .ucl� notice b}�
<br /> eertified mail addre�sed to Borro�cer xit tho f'ro�iert }• .a� liiro.. �ta[� •�i hrlo��� . ��x�•�•� it fur .iuy nuti��e reyuirc�ci tmder
<br /> paragraph 18 liereof ro bo gi.�en tu f3urraH�er in � h�• iu�,tiun�• r � � n•.rrihi•� I I ��� xp � � li�•al ,l.• ix"� . Any nutiri� � ,ro�•ided
<br /> forin this \lortgage el�all bi• dec•�ue�1 to liai�•�� hren gi � ou to 13�.irru�� �•r �� lu•ii �ic��u in tho � uunner �lesiKu.tted hereiir .
<br /> 15. Utfifosm Mortqage; Gov�rtiiag L¢w; Severability. '1'lii� iurui ul iuort �;a�;�• �•urubine� uuit'orm covenants
<br /> tos naLional use und non -uniCorrn cuvenanta �viiL limitc� l varia� iou� I ��� jurisdiction to eoustitute s uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering real propert��. '1'hi� AIm•tgage at�isl ] f �e go�•e�rned hp th�• ls�c of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is IocateJ. ln the e�•ent that :ui� � �ru��isiwi or �� lause oi tlii � \1or( �;age or the Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law, such conflict shall not aNect other � �ro� isic�nn ot thi� \ lortgage or tl�a Note which cun be given
<br /> e8'ect without the conflicting provision , :ind Io thin end tlu• � �ro� ision. oi tl �e \turtKaKe and the Note are declBred
<br /> to be eeverable.
<br /> 16. Borrow�r a Copy. Borrower shall be furni�hed a conforme� i �•opy of thi� �1urtgaKe at tLe time of execu-
<br /> tion or sfter recordation I�ereof.
<br /> 17. lraaaE�r of the Ptop�rty: Araumption. lt sll or anp � �urt uf tlu• Propert �• or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or traneferred by Borrower without Leuder'. prim• writtc�� oonseut . excluding ( al the creation of a lien or enoum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this �foMgage, ibi th�� ort�xtion of :i � �ur�h ,a.� • mon,•y .erurity intereFt for household appli-
<br /> anoes, (c) a transfer by devise , desueut� m� by uperatiun oi lu��� u� �un the �leatli ut a joint tenxnt or ldl the grent of
<br /> any leasehold interest of three years or le�,: not containiu� <<n u� �tiun tn tiurchusr , I,ender mxy . ut Lender'e option,
<br /> declare el! the eums eecured by thie VLortgage to be iwwediately � tuc• cui� i �,ayablr. I ,ender ahall l�s��e waived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, �:irior to tl�e sale or trunafer, Lemler un�i � Lc � ���rsun tu �cliow the Yiro�,erty is to 6e sold or
<br /> transferred reacl� agreemenc in writing tLa� the credit ui �ucl � � ier�on i. ;3ti� iuc[ur� to I.ender and thst t6e interest
<br /> paysbleon the sums nreured by thi� �lortkixge �hall lic ut �u�� li rat � aa Li•nder .La(1 reyuest . li Lrnder ha� Hai�•ed
<br /> the option to acceleratr provided in this parttgrapl � 17 aud i ! liurmwer'� �u�•�•enboi• iu intrrest hxa executed a writ-
<br /> ten ass�mption agreemenc xccepted iii writing b,y I .en�ler. l .rnder �hxll releser Borrowrr �row all oGligatione under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Notr.
<br /> If Lender eYercises sucL option tu accelerutc , Lender sl�ssll � usil Borrower uotice oi acceleration iu aceordance
<br /> witli parngraph 14 hereof. �uch noticc ;hrall � �ru� i� 1�� u � ��•riu�i ui uot l�•�- tli :iu 30 � isy� from thi• �latr tl�e notice is
<br /> �usiled within which Borrower may ��ay t4c �iuii• �li•clxrrd duo. li Burru�c� �r fail. tu � �n}� ,uch � wii. prior to tl�e
<br /> ' expiration of such period , Lender � uu}• . �� ithuur luitlu�r uou��� ur �Icnianil un HiirruKer . iu � oke :snp remedie� Frer-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18liereoi .
<br /> Nox- [ ' xiFotctK ( 'ovr: xn � �rn. tic� rruw��� r aiid L��uder t'urtL�• r �•o�• ounut :and a�; r��c• x . follu��• � :
<br /> !E. Aee�l�satioA; R�mtdiss. }?�ee� �t u= � irrr� i� lc� l in � �.� r:i �;r:i � � I � l7 li . n•ui , u� �uu Rw•ruHer �� hrracli uf n�i��
<br /> covenant or agreemBnt of Horru�c��r in tlii� \turtR;t � �• . inrlwlin �; tlir ci��•i��iscils ku � uay whrn du� um �uiu< .eeurnd
<br /> by thic� \tortgage, l.end�• r � �riur tu zt�•��c� l��rstiun .liull nu� il nun �•�� to Burru�� �-� a. � n•o� ui�•� i in � �eu•a�rs� �li 14 licreul
<br /> �:pecifying : 111 tY�e breai�li �. � 21 tlu� :i ��ti��n royuire� l tu rur�� • ui•li Lrca��lr, � 31 a �1at �� . not lc�c. th.tn � liii7 �' da �•r
<br /> from the dati� the notic�� i.• uisilivl tu 13urru�cor . Ir�� �� Iu� li .n� L In•o;u� li iun.t lu �• un�� l :en� l i4 � rhat f ailuro tu � urr
<br /> auch breach on or before tlie dati spe�•�tied m tlir nuuor iuu� r��.ult in a�•crl�� ratiuu � �i th�� ..uu�.. .e�curvd hv this
<br /> Siortgage and nnle of the Yro� �erty . lf thr hreaoh i.• nul i•urr�i ur. ur befun• tlu• d :it «• :� �ec�rfi�•d in tlu• notice , Leniler
<br /> at l.ender's option may dci•lam :�It ui th.� .wu> .cciu•��d 6�• tlu .. \tort �;aKe tu b�• � n� u�e�{ iat�� ly du�• ;iu� l ��a,yable
<br /> without further drmand and mac t'oreelo,r tlii. \iurt �,a�;�• I �}� iu�{ �riul � u•uceediu�; Lcn� f��r .h�tll h�� � �utitlr� l to coilect
<br /> in +uch proceedinK ull expense� ul tor��clo..�in�o . ini• Iwlin�; . hut nut luiuto� l tu . �•u�t . of �iu�• uinentar�� r�� i�jeure ,
<br /> abstracts and title r�port,.
<br /> 1'. 3oesow�r's &yht to $�ia�tab. \otNitliscatndniK Lrndrr'.. ,uridrrauuu ui th�� ,wu� .ecumd bti• thin
<br /> Mo�ga�e, Borrower shall have tl�e right to ha�•r any' ��rucir.linR.. I ,r�;uu I,�• L�•ndor tu ��nfurce t {iix �lortkaKr di�-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a � udKment rnf�cinR rlu. \iort �;;.�;�� if : � ar �iorrower � anye l.ender all
<br /> sumawhichwould hethcn (�U@ Lt1(�PIt �: :� � ( UM �;it;t ' . 2 � ;i � Ji� .�L � i IiJii'• �ccul7Lh �' 11141 � .� �1 \qllcl•a . 11 811� . 1�8U liU
<br /> scoelerstion occurred ; Ihi Borrower rurc�� ull I ,ri�ai�l � ��. uf nn�� uth��r rucona��t . ur x� r. ��•�u�y�t . uf Bm•ruwrr aun-
<br /> tatAed !n this Molt�age ; Ic ) Borrower pays all rrnaonxbl�� �•x��rnre. jncurr�rl h�• Lrm���r in ��nforv•in� t hr �o��rnanta;
<br /> and agreementa of Borrower containeci in thi. \ IortR:iy;�� an�i u � ouiur��in �; L.•u� l�•r ', rriur.iic.> a. � �r�n id.tii iu { �ttra-
<br /> graQh 18 hereof, including, but not limitt�l to, reusonable attoru��y < fir� ;ui � 1 i �1 � liorruwrr take.� .ueli actiuu �sa
<br /> Lender may t�earotu�bly require to asxure thut the lien of ihi.• \ � urtKxKi . Lvudrr'� int �-rrrt in the Yro�ieny an<! �
<br /> Boiroaer's oblieatioa to puy the e�u��s secure+l by thi. \iurtka�;r -Lall �•uut �iiu�� uuiw� �ximd . i "� �uii �uch payment ,,,�.. , .�;
<br /> aad eure by Beurover, this Mort6age and thr oblig�ttic>ns �ecurrcl hrre•b�• >hall r�•�uaiu in iu11 fvrce and ��fleM xs if �" `
<br /> no aeeelera+tian had oocurred. � ,�
<br /> �0- ���t d ��W% Apipaia�o�at af ��t.'�iwr. I.�ad�r ia Pa�ion. A, udditioiiat ercunt}• hem-
<br /> ut�der, Borrow�er hereby aeei�na to I,ender the rents of thc Pro��err �� . � �ro�•id�s1 thut Borrow'rr nhull . ��riur ro acceler-
<br /> sUoin undrr prr+y�rr{�i+ 18 t+�a�ewt w• ai�rnd�nu�ent ot tnr �i'()(�TCV , fly\'l• ihC riqhr to fnllfv`t xn.i reta � n k��rh rente
<br /> as t�ey becoa�e due autl �wyxWe.
<br /> Upan aaoeleration under ��at�rs��1i 18 }rereof or ahandone�irnt of thr k'ru�rt }• . l.endrr, in �,rr,un . I��� aqrnt ,�,
<br /> or by j�d'ieially appointed rece'sver ehall be entiHed to enter uaion , takr ��oi+�r•��:io�� o( xu�i ��isiiaKr the 1'roEu•rt �•
<br /> aYd to e�llee�t the e�enfr ef hiw� Pev+�+rTq , inrhteiin� tfie+.r rspt due. .1 ! ! rrr:tr co! 1e•c•tcd ' c Lci:,:� r w ; L. � � . � i � � .
<br /> rhali be applied fint W �ymept o! ti� eprt� of mann�e�r�et�t of the Yru�u•rt �� :iml �•ullr�•N. �n uf r�•nt � . inrlalinK , but
<br /> not lienited to, reeeiver'e fees, pe�emiumw on rireiver 's Irornit au� l rrn.onxhlr Htturm•�� '� i�n • . vn� { th<�n � n � hr• .um�
<br /> •eCuf�ed by t6ir Mottgage. I.epder and the rereiver niiall b�• linhlP to xo��ount �.nh� for ttro�r r��nt - ����tualh� r��cri ��i�� 1 �
<br />