� _b.
<br />^�
<br /> � �
<br /> not eztend oc ��oetpone t4e dUe dat.e ui the mon [ hly � n�t :� lluu�nt < n• �rrred to iu ��xra�;raphs 1 und '2 hereof or
<br /> � charcge the amount oi sach installcnents.
<br /> �,, 10. Bozrow� NotR�l�as�d. �xtensiou of the time for � �a}�ment m� modificatiou oC aniortizucion of the sums
<br /> C;. secured by [his �iortgage granted bti� I .ender to an}� >urce�sor in interest o1 Borrower s}iall not operate to release ,
<br /> �, iq nny �nanner, the liability of the origiirul 13orrower und 13oriro�srr'.� succe,sor� in iucerest . I.ender shall not be
<br /> ( ` required to eummenee proeeeciings against such suceessor ur reiusr to extend time for paymenl, or otherwise modify I
<br /> amortization of the swus secured by thi� \lortguge I,y reasou ui un �• �feinand ruade b}• the original Borrower snd
<br /> � Borro�vet's successors in iaterest.
<br /> ^ 11 . Fosb�as�ue by L►nder Not a Waiver. Ai,y forbe�rxuce by Lender iu exercising uiiy right or remedy
<br /> (� hereunder, or otherwise afforded Ly up� �licablc Ix�v , shall iwt I �e :< <��ai:er of or ��reclude tl�e exercise of any right
<br /> or remedy herewider. 1'he pi•ocm•e�neut af insurance or the � �aymenc oC taxes or otl�er liens or charges by Lender
<br /> ehall not be a waiver ot Lender', right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtednes� secureci by this A4ortgage.
<br /> 12 S�m�di�sCumulative. All remedies provided in 2hi.� \tortguge sre �listinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> right or remedy under this \ lortgxg�� or ;aHor� ic� l I ��� l;rn ur ��� � uity . :imi in;t�� b� • eaevcised i•oncnrrently , independ-
<br /> ently or succesaively.
<br /> 13. Sueeea�ors �d Araigae Bouad: Joiat aad S�veral Liability; Caplions. 'I'I �c eo�•enxntr and ugreements
<br /> herein contai�ied shall bind , :snd tlie rights liereunder �iiall innn• to, thc� re�pectiv�� successorh :u�d assigns of I.ender
<br /> ssnd Borrower, aubject to thc pro��isiou:: ��I � niru��:i � �h I ; I �rr�•ui. .all ru��euant .� uu� l :i�;nremeut. of Borrower shall
<br /> be joint snd several . The eu! >tiorik a�iid l �ca�ling� ui tlre� � �a�•xkr:s � �h.� of rl�i.� .11nrt �uK� � :crr• for r�i� rer�ierece ottly a��d
<br /> are not to be used to intrrprer or � ieliu�� tIu> � �rovi�iuu� licreof .
<br /> 1 {. Notice. :1ny notic�� tu f3orru�arr pro� i� 1c•� i 1or in tl � i� \ lurt �;a�;� •hall In� �;i � �•u Iry ivailiu�; �uch notice by
<br /> certified ivail addrersed to 13urr����•er :u th�� 1'rup��rt �� :1� ldre�.. •r.it �•� l h.� lu��� . ox�•e� �t iur :iu�' noticc reyuireci under
<br /> Naragruph 18 hrreof to be Ri � iu tu 13urru�� � r iu � I ��• uianu�v � � ro..�• rib�•� t L� :t� �� �li� c. blo L•i�c . An} uuti�•e � �ru��ide� l
<br /> for in this \Iortgage �h3ll hi• �lecnu•d tu hs��c I,c��u �;i� cn to liurru�cer ��� li�� n �;i ����ti iu tli �� � nuuner � li�.i�uuted herein .
<br /> 15. Uaiform Mortgage; Governing Law: Sevsrability. ' I'hi� ioru � ui ❑ �a•t �;i�;c � umbinc. uniform co��c:nant�
<br /> fornationul use ttnd non-u��iform covcnunts �vith limitc� i �� ariation< h}• iiirisdictiou tu ��onhtitutc :ti unifotrn secu-
<br /> rity inetrument covering real �u•opert�� . "1'hi� \ lurt �uge .hull I ��• �;o�•ernr� i I �y thr la�c of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is tocated . L� tl�e e��ent that uuy pru��ision or rlause oi tl � i, �lorlgage m• the _Vote con8icts with
<br /> applicable law , such conHict shall not uf9�cc� oti�er � u•o� isiun� oi thi: \ lortga�e a• tl�c Not,e �vhich can be given
<br /> effect without tl�e conHicting ��rovisior� , :1ud ro tl� i� end the � >ro �•ision.� oi thc \lortgsgc :ind the !Vote are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. BOnowr�rsCopy. Bon•owershall be �urniefir� i a � •�in1'orme�i ��oE ��� uf this � lortgage ut t6e time of execu-
<br /> tion or sfter recordation hereoi.
<br /> 19. Traaaf�t of tha Proporty: Asaumption. If nll ur au�• � �art uf 1he Propert}• or an interest therein is eold
<br /> ortranaferred by Borrower without Lender'a � �rior �vric � ��n cunsen� . excluding � ai the creution of u lien or eneum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this �loMguge , ik� 1 thc c�reucion ut :s � ,urclia,e � uoncr ,ecurity interest tor household appli-
<br /> ances, (c ) a transfer by devise , �e:cent ur I �}� uprratiuu � i la�r u��ai the de:itli ot :� joint tenaut ur ldl t�l�e grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of tl�ree yesrs m• lenr iwt contuini� �g un opcion � n � ,urchase , Lender may . at Lender's option ,
<br /> declare al! the sums eecured by this tlurtgage tu bc� inuucdiuc ��l�• �luc� nn� l � �uyable. Lender shall Lu��c H�sived cuch
<br /> option Lo aceeleraLe if, prior cu tt�e zale m• tr:insier. Lc•nder :iu� i tlio lirr�ou to �t� lioui the 2'ropert}• is to be cold or
<br /> transferred reach agreement�. in writing that the credit oi �ucli � �cr,un i. rutisfurcor}• to I.ender snd tha[ the interest
<br /> payable on the surns nrcured by this �lortKugc thall Im at �uoli rat �• a.� Londrr ,liull reyuest . I1 Leuder has wait�ed
<br /> the option w accelerate provided in th�s � �xrxgrapli 17 :u�d if liorro�crr '� ..uoc<•,eor �n interest {ias executcvi a writ-
<br /> ten sesumption agreeruent accepteci in ��• riciug by Lender. L��nder shall rclease Bon•ower from all obligations under
<br /> thie Mortgage and the Notc.
<br /> If Lender ezercises sucL option to :accelerate. Lender shall !uuil Borrower uotiee uf acceleration in accordance
<br /> wit6 {�aragraph 14 lieruoi. �uch uotic�� , tisll � �ro� idr a � �erio�l oi uot le.s th:tn 30 � leiyn irom tLe dsste the nutice is
<br /> mailed within whiel� Borrowe•r may � �a}• tLe �wn.> �lcelare�l � iuo . li }iurru�crr fail< tu � �a�- .•ui•1 � sun �s prior to the
<br /> expiration of nuch peri«1 , Lender mu�� . �cithout fin•clier noti���• ur � l�•�uau� 1 ou Ri�rro�sc•r, in��oko anv remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> \ ox-i '' v � roxri ( 'uvexw � -rs. liurru�� er and I .�Yuier Y'urtlx•r c•� �����nant uu�l ukr��e at . tullow . :
<br /> U. Ato�Lratioa; R�mediss. F:z�•��� �t a. � �ru� i� l.�� l iu � �;u:i�;rn � � h 1 i liorcuf . u � wu 13�rruw' cr'. hrt•aeh ot xn}•
<br /> covenant or agreement of Borro���•r in i LL• \tort �;a�;�' . im•lu� i � n �; th.• �•o��en;�nt . tu � �;t }� u• hrn duc• am� �wo� .rcured
<br /> by this \1ort�age . Lendrr � ,riur tu ac�rlri;uiun .•liull umil nuui o tu }iurnmi•r u� � n•o� i� l�vl in ��xraRr:i��l � 14 Lereo(
<br /> apecifymg : III Ihe bmxch : � 'll tlie :�rtiun rrywm� l tu �• w � . u<•li l � n•,y�• I � : i31 :i � { a1o . not le�s Uwn thirty daVn
<br /> from the date thc notic�� i� � uaileii to 13urru�c�•r . I ��- ��� lu�•li > u � � ii In•oa �� li iuu >t bo run•� i : :uul i41 tliut 1'uilum to ��upe
<br /> .ue}� Lret►cl� un ��r I�rfort• tVii� dnlr .ire�• itir� l iu tli�• nutir� � iuu� i � .uli in :aci•cl�� ruiivu uf tli�• .uiu- �reur��� i h�' thih
<br /> Slortgage and sate uf tl�c Yropertc . If tl �e bn�xcl � i, nut �•urr� ! uu or i �eioru th�• dat �• s���ecifi���! in th�• uutice, Lender
<br /> at l,rnder's option way dcelaro sll oC thc �uu �� ,�•cure� i L� tiii . \1ortKa�;c to br inuuc� iiati�ly du�� tiud pnyable
<br /> w•ithout further demand and mety iori•elos�• tlii.. �lurt �a�o I ��� iu�{ ii•iul � �ro�•re•dinF . L�•ndrr .hxll he �•utiticd to collect
<br /> in such pruceeding atl expeuses ui torcelo�um . � nrlwliuR . hut u� rt li � uit ��d tu . ru�t � uf � iu�• uw�•ntar�• c� idencr ,
<br /> abstracte nn�3 titlr mports.
<br /> 1!. seere+��e's Riqht to R�i�utat�. \ otHitli.tuu�lurk L��nder '. s���•cleratiou uf thr .�imt .ecumd hy thin
<br /> Mortpge, Borrower shall have the right tu ha�•c unp proceedin�;� heKun b�� Lrndi�r tu �mforc�� t hi� :�1ort{;aRe dis-
<br /> c�oatin�led st any time pnor to entry oi a judKmrr3� rnfo7�oin�, thi. \1ort �uKr it : � s � Borrow�er � �aps L��nder xll
<br /> ewmr �vhiash w�ould be then due under thi� �lurt �;a�:�� . tli.• \otr nn� l nore� .ri� uriuR Futur�• Ad�•xucct . if any , i�ud no
<br /> aCoelecatron oecut'red ; Ibl fiorrower curr� �tlt brra �•lic. u1 any� uthrr cc��� �•nant . or :��;tra�n��•nt� uf liorrower con-
<br /> tsined in this :bfortgage : Ic ) Borrower pays all rranonablo rs � x�unc< � n�•urrcri I ��� Len�fe•r in � �nfur�•ing thr eo�•rnuntn
<br /> sad a�eea�entr of Borrower containcd in thi. \lortKa�;e and u � �ni'ureiu{� Lender'. rcmedii•� s. � �ro�• ide�i in pxra-
<br /> p�aph 18 hereof, iaeluding, but not limited to, reneonable .tttorncc '.� tee� . anii � e1 � liurrower takeh nucf� action as
<br /> I.en�ier tnay re��onsbly requirn to nr•�sure that the lien of tiii� \IortKaKe• . Li•nder'� icxerr�t m the Yroriem� and
<br /> Barrmw�er'e obli�stion to pay the sums secumd by thi� \tortku��• .:h :�ll runtnnu� un � nyiair�al - i " ��ou .uch pnyment „+�
<br /> L� cuDB by BoePO�ver, this !13orlgsge and the obligatiour �ecured hereb�� �hxll rruiain in full forcc um� rfTect as if .�"-
<br /> no �eL�o� had oocurred. �" '
<br /> �. Jl�i/�lirt af �ro 1Lppeie4ael o! ���r: L�sd�r in Po�sion. .�� additional security here- �
<br /> et�der, Bomo� hereby arsi�ue W I.eader the rents of the Propetty . }�rovided t liat Bormw•er �hall , prior to aeceler-
<br /> a�tia■ � para�eaph 18 fiereof or abandomnent oi the Yrotx�rtv , hssa•� r he rieht to rollfrt an�9 mta�n �u�h rent� r
<br /> as tfi+ry beoome due and psysble.
<br /> L7peefooelEratioa undes Iurt`ey�h 18 I�ereof or abandonmrnt of the Yro��rrly . I .ender , in �ursun , b�- agent
<br /> oe by jiudiaially appointed reoeiver a!a►Il Ix entitled to enter u}�on , take ��oasea�iun ui and �iiai�x�;e Th�� Yro�•rtv "`
<br /> Y�d to aolleet 4hc reata of tlfe Pnfperty , includinq thouc ��ast due All rent � collreta�l h�• Lernicr or rh�• re•criver
<br /> �hrll be appiied fisr4 W Ftaymunt o[ the cue�wt ut wanaySea�rnc. oi tlx Yro} >rny uu�i c•uiirctiun ui rrut , . inoiuu �nK . i �u�
<br /> not limited to, rcceiver's fees. pretniums on nxeiver 's bond� and rexs<mxt�lr xttorney '� (e�•.. ami tl�cu tu thr ..uin�
<br /> xecurod bythie Mo�t,Qege. Ixnder snd the mceit�er �hall hi• li�ble to u�•rount unh f��r tho=o ri-nt :- ;u•tu.ill�� r�•��ei� �•�i �
<br />