1 �
<br /> 77-0 0 7 4 2 9
<br /> 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clause) (Revised 1962) Tne Huamnn�mrat SuPpiy H.u■c, Liou��n.Nebr.
<br /> and w�fe.
<br /> � � ot Hal l County,and State ot Mebraska in rnneideration of the sum of ,
<br /> THRfE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFT11-FOUR AND 32/100 (53,954.32�--------�-��-"'�-90LLARS
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CDNVE.Y untn Flower-Evans Campany
<br /> uf Hatl C.ounty, Sfste ut Nebraska the following de�rcribed premieee aituat�l
<br /> ' ;n Hat 1 u,�ncY,ana stute �r Nebraska ,w-W;c:
<br /> The Easterly Fourtcen Feet (14') of Lot Fourteen (14) and all of Lot Fifteen (15)
<br /> in Block five (5) in Dill 8 Huston's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nall
<br /> County, Neb�aska.
<br /> The intentiun being tu cunvey herebc an ab�:ulute titir in fre simple, including all the rights of homee�tead xnd dower. �
<br /> TO HAVF: AND 7'U H<)1.1) Ihe• prt��uihe� atxiv�� dr:x•rifxrd, wiU� all the appurtc�ancea thcreunto belonging. unto the eaid �
<br /> � mart.�agec•(s) and Lu Vu�, Lrr ur Uir•�r h�•ir� and ar,i�;ne; furrvrr, provided alwxy�, and lhese Preuente are upot� the exprews �
<br /> conditiun tbat if the anid mortgagurlsl.hi�,h��r or thrir hrire, ex�utc��rs, administrators or axsigns ahall pay or cauxe to be ��
<br /> � paid tu the�aid rnurtgug.'els). ��i-,.���'r or thrir he�rs, �•xecutors, administrat�.�r5 ur aesigns.the principal sum of$ 3�954.32
<br /> paYable aa iolluws.W wit: .
<br /> Monthty pay+nents of One Hundred and no/100 (S100.00) Doltars per month for three
<br /> Opt onwishgivennthedaartgagorseto paytanyeaddlttonalna��iaunt ontthefprinclpataofi�
<br /> any payinent date.
<br /> with interesl accurding W thr lrnur �nd efteiK ut [hr murtgagurs wrilLen promiseury note bearir�r.ven date with theee preaente '
<br /> and shall pay al! taxrx and anw�snin�•ntn Irvifxi u{x�n savl real entxte,and all other taYex, leviea and uaiaee�ementr•levied upun this ,
<br /> mortgagv or the nutr'which this murtgaKr ia given tu aruure, bafure thr �;ame becumra drlinyuent, and kee��the buildings on
<br /> � 69id premieitw in�cun+J fur ihe num u( 'S , loux,if any, payable W the uiid mortgt�ee, then theeie presenta .
<br /> W br vuid, uthcrwis.� tu tw anJ rcinain in (ull f��rcr. �
<br /> � � IT IS F1'It'f1iF.72 ACrir:r c� (1) 7'hal if the aaid mortgagor xhall fail W paY such tazret ur pn�cure such ineurance, the .
<br /> scald rnorLgt�ee m&y {�ay s�i•h taxee und prucvre sua.�h inxur8nce; tsnd the sum ao advan�•ed, with interest at pe[ '
<br /> cent, ehaii 1.r repxid by traid murtgaKor,and thie murtgagu ehall sland as sa�urilY fur the eSame. (2) That a failure W pay any �
<br /> of saiA munvy. rithrr ��irincipal ur intr•rrwt, whvn thr wame bec�omes due, or a feilurr to i�mply with eny of the foregoine
<br /> agn�mrnU:, xhall caw+e the whuli� sum uf munry hrrvin secum.d to fxrcurne due and cultixtible al unce at the option of the �
<br /> awrtY�6ee. i (
<br /> Signed this �� � daY��f /\)��'�� . 19 )) .�y �� /
<br /> �1 �yR/�-
<br /> ln presrnce o� Td11y R� L��Z _ r�/__ __ __.._ .......
<br /> ��. _ AT1cia . Copez_ __ __. .
<br /> ' ' ; . , �
<br /> � �����
<br /> �3- ,... �
<br /> __ .. _ . ��� 1- a
<br /> , �+U•�......,,,�$��•�
<br /> STATr �)F M,ebrask.a. . <•��untv ��f Ha�� ,j:. ��;�N t kq•., t
<br /> � Before me, a notary public quali6ed fur e�aid county, pertionally i�amr � � ; �
<br /> Ton R. L z �d Alicia T. �o z husband ard wife � NOTARV
<br /> Y � {� . =•k con�nn+ssiot+ z �k=
<br /> � � known to me to be the identical E�ereon or �rcumx who signcd the (u�PqoinF jns[*iIDe t a�pJ�wl�gw�:the �xecution
<br /> tl+ereot fn be his, her or Meir voluntary aM and deed. � ,. ,'' � ; 'P •• :
<br /> ♦ •' �
<br /> ��/�� .
<br /> � - Witn�ws my haed and nolarisl real on_ .._. . - �.�;a /... ��x�',''O�! .
<br /> M.�v... , _ . . �!�``�` ��
<br /> ,,
<br /> , fity oommi�ion expirer: ...._ ..�l..'..��._._..._.. . 19��. `..._. ._ � 1�►1���.___ Notary Public. t�
<br /> � �"
<br /> � �I dTATE OF...... .... . ....... ... .... ..._.... .. ..........� Entered on nwnerieal index and filca3 [or rc�.�ord � .
<br /> �� in the Fiegisler ot Deede Oti'x�e of eieid County the �
<br /> . � �„� .._ . . .
<br /> . ....._......�.......d,Y Ot_ . ........ ........... .._........ 1!I_.._....... Yl........._ ._...-...___._u�a:lui:L iw1..._._._ ___.....i�ainutrn __._.i��.� .
<br /> �d l�00ld� ILL BoO�[........_.._....................__._Of-........_.........._......__._._..at pagE.....__.._._._.._. ._........._.... . ��
<br /> � f7Nn n( T'1M�1?
<br /> � __... . . _ . . _ .
<br /> By_ _ _..__ _ I�Puty �
<br />