<br />��
<br /> r �
<br /> ; 77-0 0 7 4 2 7 ; �
<br /> � 52-A—REAL F_STATE MORTGA��'tu -�,W�*h T: % ��;�:usr; ��:IeviscJ i9h..?i '7t>e }luIIui�n ,nner.l Bupply Hou�s,l,imdn,N�6r. �
<br /> �: K!�c��ti �.t. Mr:�; isti �!�1:�,t. i��;� •� ,.; a��.�� R�lph A. �nd Lilli• 11. Viorpo�t
<br /> � r..,u,i y ,�.,� ,.. ,.t AlEBRASKA ,im m�eideration of tbe aum d :
<br /> �,t HALI
<br /> � TWo Thou��nd S�von Hundr�d S�v��ty-fiv ��d no/100----------------- -- DOLLARB
<br /> in hand pr.id. d�.� lie�rubv Sl',LL nnJ +��.)^J��i�.}' ,ut�, F10W�t�Vefl• CW{7��1y
<br /> of MALL w�cv ti�.�t.' '�� MEBRASKA the tollowinK dexcribed premise�siduted '
<br /> �n NALL t,�i,,,i>�. �t�:�� .�r:,�.� „r NEBfiASKA .to-wit: �
<br /> Lots Fourt��n (14)� FiPt�on (1S). �ntl Sixto�n (16) in Bol�ont Addition
<br /> Lo tho City of Gr�nd I�l�nd, H�11 County� Nwbs�ak�.
<br /> i
<br /> i{
<br /> 1 — _- -----__-- . i
<br /> _ -,. ---
<br /> ___..-_. _.._. .._.
<br /> FOR VALUE ItECENED. I,we �nd euh of uo,join[lY and �verally. promire co P�Y t� the �rder ol
<br /> ..Flor�er...Evans Cm�any _ _ _ �t Grand Island,taebraska.
<br /> _ _
<br /> <Iferr+'1 �/{b o�4. Iv rar��Mw�n uedr "�oast d Fm" .�AieY�is.�/�o.Wwn. inek�dr p'�'mD�Yd a3�wrtw t LLw y{+lk.ble 4 b�low
<br /> t6�ew�ir 1 ar w.�Y ra d oi.jei�AY�ad rwe�ly.�i��PY��id �met d lo�n�ed fe1 �dditioo. d��w t6�iwm •t tl�e ►PPl�.abl� nb
<br /> ���s�rn.bait:
<br /> suN� moslb aa W�t P�d t��rWid prioeipl 6Y�w aot ie ui»r ot i9�D 00.2'1G iw mont8 m t6at D+r�oC thr princW+� w4no� in�tar
<br /> �t ��od ost M aor d�60D.00�1�fi�L P+�smW a�Wa�pvl W W�P�P�prt�es in►aoW W id10.0u rual rn,l in�:�w of f1�OCU.00.��d
<br /> 1'K/�vaW m�stY sa�Ndr d w�ab unP�id O�+WI trl��s.
<br /> All o�Wi� W�MII 6.aop�W rod�or n6.�.d rd P+swt mtl�Arw+rd.r�h.0 6.wWW w v�+aw�u�d c��w. ie�mu�rd�ea
<br /> �il►1Y p�s�ri�or d ti�WWlmr�lae Act ot N�Wrt��f aA�q�m e6i� eaH h�w 6rn p�om Wbd n�durtw w_w�h�et b wArd.
<br /> ar wfrY�M�id!re i��lo�ub,��o[ b Mwlt�od d�Wm�et �w, �tl D+a'�bY L��ed i!Nro or mo�� luL wWlmrb ur m
<br /> M a�MYI siarl�ar w K �f'irW1�dw. tlr limr�A. �� �u �V�. edxs tlr au�wct 6al.+.w py r8. r.Mb�.w��d
<br /> e.s p.yalr�s r f.tl r.t.rr i�wW.wa a.r..d u. .�oa.l s+..:.w+�w��.r.0 e.a.s.a b n.m. uniqid v��a.�
<br /> si���Y 6�,ad�.aolld�J rd, rd in tlr ordidry m�sar.�d Ih�r�trr.aAu1r m�r 6..�AUMd� oolLelyd� :rowwd Yad�YW�Y tlr raY wt
<br /> �Vyy���W�p�y��t d�. P�ys�ed in�d�+eo�r.�Y�v� �w'��b�'t�t W ae+a mav fuil whllm�ot at�uY Ld. .
<br /> � In case of foreclosure, mortgayc-r agr.ees to pay all foreclosir�y c_osts occure<i. ,
<br /> : 'I'kn.� •.n1��nli�n i���n;' �. c��n�� �. .�.r��l��. ... . .. � . .,� i: I�-r ,�. , r inolud.!i5 :.ill th�• righ4s o( homestead and dowei.
<br /> �� �!';� ii:\\�!. .. ... .: k ' , , ... .i�.. . I,�.�.. .•��<-rvf„�J.t�w��1ih :+II thr a�,purtenances lhereunto belonging, unto the �aid �
<br /> � n��rttiag•���. ��.n„� . -, , .� ,� ;.h�. ..,� .� . . - . .. f„n���r pn��ide�d alwuys. and these presento are upon the eYpteos '
<br /> c�ondihi,n �I:a! �I!k� .��i�l ni �. � � � "� 1�.��� il�,��:i iu�ir_.. uu.v�ut��r<_ adirun�s�raturn oc a�tnigna ehall pay or ciu�C to b! '�
<br /> � paid �n thv +ui�l rc���tt.�C���•1 .... �� �, � .� .�.,i., , x�.r,�tora, aal�niui��r:�tur.���r axsigns, the prinCipal eum of S Z�77�J•00 �
<br /> ' ; „a;uhlt ,��i��ii.,�" :�. �.,� According �o not_e given herewith__-------------------'--------------
<br /> �
<br /> (
<br /> I
<br /> � �
<br /> I
<br /> ; wit}i int��rrst arr�.r:fenti t�_, tln� �.i� � � � • i'.�. t:u;;�.:: wnitru pr�inv�s�.ry nu6r L'K�atin�; even date with theae p�eaeab :
<br /> 1 aud 5L:i1' pny :.I! �, �._�- �n�i � ,. . . ..,. �. . .:u�l r�:,! �,,ta:o. .�nd :ill udier taxes.lecit-a and aeeesttmente levied IIPon thi� �
<br /> . ,��.., , .. .
<br /> '� m�rrt�;nKe ur �}�r n„r, .vf,i.�t .. .�_ � , . - .�_. .� ,�.run� t»inr�� Lhe ._nrnr b�•cumes delinquent, und kt>ep the buildings on �
<br /> aa�d 7�rrcx:i.��.. in-�.n���.l t-..- t�,�� ...�. � , +- . P,�.. :(:any. {,uysble t.0 lhe nraid murlgagee. then theee pseoeats .
<br /> tub.� vwd �nhrr�.i�., o��l�� �_,_ ..,�.�... .. . . . ��� :
<br /> �' 77' 1S Sl�}t'1'iri��.f�f :A<;!t!•.{�..L' i.. -1�M,at u ih.� ,.ai�+ .n�,rtx:n4:.�.r ,ii�ll faif tu pay such tasen or procure euch inourance. the !
<br /> saYd m�.vtgaRer rnuc �wc �.��y� �a.v�� .un1 ��r�,.� � ,�.:h i.isn�ancr, and lhe sum w� aclvanec+d, with inCereSt at pe[ i.
<br /> . cen�. .hall tm� ropaid t�� ,.ei,. . �E�:at�•..�. ,�n�! iFi- �o�.,ri�,.�t:r •.hxll ntaud us .�.�:ntc (or thr nanae. l21 "I'hat a failura to P8Y aN' �
<br /> u( se�d munrv. ���tl-i.�r ��nnri�,nf �i in��-���i ...,�n �h.� �unir t�ri���r_iw� :3u�� <n� a fuilure t.o comply with any of t�fe fot�eeOLfs y
<br /> � agmern,�nt., ,i�ali � ,...� i!., ,.:i. � .. � . , . ,.,,�._� .�.u��n �, h.�c„��.�� �lu<� aud r�,Ilrrtiblr at onee at the option of the ��
<br /> nturtgeg�
<br /> ti�KnE.I if�,., .4th da� : DecE•m.'-,er t377 �� �
<br /> Li /��,r ��n��� �,i � ��'_".! � �.���� �
<br /> ...._... . ..... .. . ..........
<br /> /
<br /> . . . _ . . . _ . . . ..__._... . ......... .......
<br /> j , Z c .� �
<br /> , ._-y- .
<br /> , _ ,fL �l�t..c� y .r.ti�
<br /> ---- -
<br /> S'I'A'Tf? UF [��,SKA �r ,( HALI J��G',. ��s
<br /> kie(urr n�t�. ,a nutarv �ruhln. yuuii�.•.! t:,r ..i..l . .i�.��i,. � �n�inallv i�:un.� �'GF-NER'�'� .
<br /> !�
<br /> R��ph A. �nd lilli• Y. Pi�rpo�t = � herarzr s
<br /> kaown to me to thi� �deni.ical pe•rnon ur prn��ns who signed the tv�Kumg matnt �'�'��� ezecution
<br /> �� thereot to be hix, her or their v��luntary ect nn�i J�•��d �
<br /> � Witnrao my hend an�i nntHri�l cral ��n � �_� .%� .19 .��n.1�1q q,���� . . !
<br /> 7
<br /> .•
<br /> My comminnion expirre: ��—'� �!� i`)7 L°� L��� ���Votsry Public. :
<br /> � -- i—_ , — +h.
<br /> �
<br /> L BTATE OF � . . J Entere�d on numerical inde: and Sled tor record •
<br /> . �n�, ��(���/�//� . ... . . ��''��. in the Register of Deeds O&oe ot raid CountY the � w.�
<br /> _.. ....� ���T�._. . f
<br /> ��� 3ay. ..r /�.1,[��4,�,�1.�.�._.. .�'� , , �,•rl.�,�k en�i minutra M .
<br /> � aod recorde[! ua tioor__.... . .. .. ._... .d . . .. . ._... _.. ...at PaKe----..__...._._...... _....__...
<br /> __ _. _
<br /> _ .__._ __..Re�. of Deed�
<br /> uy.. . __ . . . ...__..._. ._ _. _ _....__......__._.__..De{wty
<br /> C' • �
<br />