<br /> �
<br /> 6TATE QF NEB$ASKA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> Filed for recurd on ................................. 19........ at............................ o'clock ........................ M.
<br /> and recorded in the I)eed Becord ................................. Page .............................
<br /> .................................................................................... By ..........................................................................................
<br /> � Regirter of lleedr Deputy Hegister of lleeds '
<br /> r ��'��7`���� SURVIVORSHiP WARRANTY DEED
<br /> Daniel L. Arp and Charmaine L_ Arp, husband and wife
<br /> , herein called the grantor whethez one or mors,
<br /> in coneideration of Twenty-Nine Thousand Four Hundred and 00/Z00 LbZlars
<br /> received from grantees, dces grant, bargain, xelt cunvey and eonfirm anto
<br /> Robert L. Lathen and Roxanne L. Lathen, husband and wife,
<br /> ae joint tenante with right of eurvivorship, and not xs tenants in common, the following dereribed real
<br /> property in ..............Ha1.Z......................................... Oounty, Nebraska:
<br /> �___._.
<br /> Lot Ttaenty-Nine (29) in Block "C" in "Parkview �`'� `*
<br /> Subdivision", Located in the Northeast Quarter (NE�r) ��KYY � f�
<br /> of Section Twenty Nine (29), and the Northwest : Q �:..
<br /> Quarter (NW�r) of Section Twenty Eight (28), both �~ K
<br /> in Township EZeven (ZZ) North, Range Nine (9) West p�> � m �
<br /> of the 6th P.M., in Ha1Z County, Nebraska. -�� r_,� �'
<br /> �N C/J L1J � •..'.
<br /> �a v �,; ��
<br /> � c +�
<br /> �L 41
<br /> To have and to hold the above deecrited premiaes together with all tenementa, hereditament�
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging unto the E[rantees assd to their aorigns, or to the hein an3 assign�
<br /> of the survivor of them fore�•er.
<br /> �ad grantor does hereby covenant with the granteee and with their atsigua aad with the heirr
<br /> and assigns of the survi�•or of them that grantor is lawFully seised of suid premiees; that tbey ue free from
<br /> eaoumbrance except easements and restrictions of record.
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to cni��'e,y the yawr; and that grentor warraats and w•ill
<br /> defend tk�e title to sai3 �re�nises against the lawful claiins of dll pnrsous ���liow�ue��er.
<br /> It iR the inteution oY all partiea hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteea,
<br /> thc rntire fee title to tl�in r��xl pro���rty Nhall ti�•�t in tLe eurvi�ing grantee.
<br /> Dated December 22 l9 77 'ry
<br /> .................................................................................... ...�.Ca.,.:i�11.......�......w c�r...........................
<br /> .................. �� :.:�:..�.}:'...'.z � ..:.�1�.'.`t` � /""
<br /> .................................................................. ...::...:.... .... .�.......... ....................
<br /> $TATE OF Nehraska ,,,,,, (;ounty of Hall
<br /> ...................................................... .............................................................
<br /> Before me, a notary public qnaliYied for aaid coun�y, pereonally came Daniel L. Arp and
<br /> Charmaine L. Arp, husband 3n3 wi fe, ea:-h _.. hi s s:3 her or:^ _�y!:t ar.3 ss sro�se
<br /> of the other
<br /> ltnown to aie to be the ideutical petwon or per�onc �vho signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged .�
<br /> the ezecution thereof to be his, her or t!►eir voluntary set nnd deed. '"'� �'
<br /> �. .
<br /> t � ,.., � � .
<br /> Witness m+�hand and aotarial real on t., +.. �.�'......::«G..c:....::..........�...:a.........., 19...:....:....... �
<br /> ��
<br /> .��
<br /> ............i.....�c.�.a�..s.�...................✓.-,r.�.,..,w.,..:............_... Notr�ry Public ,. -.
<br /> ����
<br /> �
<br /> N�t�� Yy commirsioa ezpirer .....�..lc..�.y�:.�.a..L................... 18.�:�:....... �
<br /> F�rn, 4" �`_�F • f�M�R� Rnr ,�c�rio�tims r.rr a w.�r ao.,tw.od..es.e..
<br /> �� �
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