<br /> r �
<br /> + 77- 007418 }
<br /> � S�REAL ESTATE MONTGAGE—Wlth Tax Clause (Revised 1962) The Hu�un Gomr.l supp�y House. Linoolo.Ne6r. i
<br /> _.----- -- ----_.�_.�_.__....�_�._.__..__.._..._.__.___,__-"---.._...---.._."t'_.,,__�._
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT3: T'IiAT James H, Sheeks, Jr. and Violet J. Sheeks, ;
<br /> husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship each in his own rights anc�
<br /> se spouse of the other (Mortgagor )
<br /> � u[ H8�1 County,and State uf Nebra ska .�n�„��ae��c�o�of rhe.�m ot �
<br /> Eighty Five Hundred and no/100 ---------------------------------------- DpLLARB :
<br /> ' i„hana wid,do Mreby BELL and CONVEY �r,w Commercial National Bank & Trust Co., Grand ;
<br /> Island, Nebraska i
<br /> (Mortgagee ) �
<br /> o� H811 C�c�unty, and State of N2bT'&3k8 .the fullowing deecribed premi�ee i
<br /> .;�,,a� ;,, Hali c<,�r��y, er,d scat< <,t Nebraska w-W�t: Lot 4 and the N ;
<br /> ! 20' of Lot 5 Block 4 Third Addition to the Village of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska ;
<br /> ;
<br /> i In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferrec�,
<br /> � from the undersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal j
<br /> sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the hoider hereof.
<br /> ! Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated in one
<br /> ifnstance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of
<br /> iany subsequent transfer. �
<br /> � �
<br /> i ;
<br /> �
<br /> f
<br /> � The inlention bein� di iwnvey hrreby an ab�udutr titir in fre simplr including aU thr rights ut homerteud and dower.
<br /> i TO HAVE ANU 'I'U HOLI1 lhe ��rrmist•� atK>vr d<•w•ribed, with all thr appurtenancee thereuntu belongitag unto the ;
<br /> � qid mottta�ee and to lt8 heire and aax�igna, (urr�rr, pruvidr.d alwayx, and theae preurnta are upon the ezpren i
<br /> � ooaditaon that if the aforrwaid morteae�,r , their h.•irx. ezecutors, adminixtraturrc w aeuignu ahall pay ur e�une to be ;
<br /> ( p�id to tl�e wid mort,rsre 1CS h��rn, ex�r�utur+, admini.+trawrs ur atwi6ne,the sum uf Eighty Five t
<br /> � Hundred and no/100 --------------------------------------n��u8n.r,arabtee.[otiow..w-wic: ;
<br /> f Four Thousand Two Hundred ��era�xapr aar �r , ie t
<br /> Flfty sqd no/100 ----------- Ih�llurs��n thr 15th de,- ��r December , is 78
<br /> i Four Thousand Two Hundred �x�cx� �a� of , 19 '
<br /> ; Fifty and no/100 ----------- t���ua�5��n �n�� 15th a,.>• �.t December . ►s 79
<br /> j Dollara un thi• daY uf . 19 �
<br /> . � �ith inteee�t thereon at �r cen� {.er annum. payehle ennually all according to the tenor aerd eaect o[ .�
<br /> i •oeetain promurory note�>t��d James H. Sheeks, Jr. and V iolet J. Sheeks, ' �
<br /> i �
<br /> � hrarin�even date with there prenentx, and �;hall pay all tazea and aaeesements levied upon said real e�fate,and atl other ta�ce�, i
<br /> ' Iwir aad are�wente leviexl upon thix murtgagr or the rn,te which this mortga�e is given to recure, before the seme beowaas j
<br /> � deliaquant,and keep the buildingx un said prrmisra inaurid tur the sum of E n/a loeo, it any, payable to I
<br /> ; ffie Mid mort�y�ee, thrn thcwe pre�ente w br v��id. uthrrwiar W lw and remain in ful! force.
<br /> j 1T IS FURTHER AGREED (1) T1wt it the said murtgagor ehall tail W pay euch taxer or pnx.vre mch inwrance, the �
<br /> i Yid mwtsa�ee may pay ruch tarre und Pnxvre ruch inaurance; and the rum eo advunce+d, witt� interest at per oent j
<br /> j Y�all 6e p�id by raid mortgagor, end thie ma.rtgage e�hall e�tand au security fur the same. (2) That a tailure to pay any ot�sid j
<br /> j moeey, either principd or intrree�t when the xame bei•umee due, ur a(ailure to ivm�ily with any of the foregoing agreemeafa, !
<br /> ; �1!qwe the whute sum ot monry herein w�currd W bPcume due and � 1loctiblr at once at the optwn of the mort�agee. �
<br /> s;�,edc�• 19th d.y�f December s 77. , ,
<br /> � �
<br /> i In prerance ut 1}.t_�..�/-_ .. /. G_�c.--jh ._ '
<br /> _ . ,
<br /> i Jam�esr�� eeks, ,Jr� /
<br /> �� �/��- ...�itt�.. _ --_
<br /> ..__ . . . ... _ ,�i,�.c_.Lt-c-�'�..-�
<br /> Violet J. S eeks
<br /> _ _ _ _ _
<br /> I
<br /> i ...... ......... __......__ ___......____ _ _. _ _ '
<br /> _...__ _._ ..
<br /> ; e'i'wTE o�'.._.__.._ _ Neb�raska _ , c�wn�r �>r Hall _ __ _ •
<br /> � H.Eo.�. �., a .�.�y �,uwr- �.,�,� t.,� � �•..�„�y, yrro�.��y crme James H. Sheeks, Jr. and
<br /> i Violet J. Sheeka / �
<br /> � Ieews lo �w b h� tl+e ideatie�l Penon or perwm who �iRned the t Bo�e �� wledged J/�e e:ecution ':
<br /> ; tlr.�wt a r.lu.. 6er ur u+ei:.•oMu+ary aec.na aeea. GE�N t NO !' ' � '
<br /> 4 ar.tn.r ms e..a ana nor.ri.t ...� �. De.c.einb.er. 1.9� _ .. -��`7�+` �
<br /> i8�=�1 b ska
<br /> � ItY msirie�aepiea�:..:f�.pl�_�i.P.._ __,...., 19_5.1.. .._...Notary PuNic. � �,� "�
<br /> .�t,......
<br /> �f... ._
<br /> � �!'A'��!'...................•--....... ........................ . ..... Entered on aue�erial iede: and Sled for reootd � ,.
<br /> , �r }� in the Re�i�fer ot Desds OEce o!oaid CcNuity We I I •�"
<br /> ----.....-�--•..........................._._...... ........... _.... ,
<br /> .. � . __.. ._... . ...i� af_.. . . . . 19 , �t drl�k n++d. . . _... .mirutee ._ _... ._..._..M., �� . ,;
<br /> i
<br /> � a��e�ssii i� Beak.............._......._.................af....--'---'--..........................at�e._.._......._.............................. � �
<br /> i _....................._.....__....--._----__.___. ._ .... ReR. of T�tiw �
<br /> I, By.....__........'.'........_...__..._.__........__..._._._........_..__..nep.cy �.
<br /> _ _:_ t �
<br /> �
<br />