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<br /> 'i7- 00'73y3
<br /> ' KNOW ALLMEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Howard W. Ni spel and Carl a R. Ni spel, each 1� f115 and
<br /> I
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mor[�ur,whether one or mure,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Twentv Thousand and No/100----------------------------__-_---------------- �o�Lnrzs
<br /> loaned to said nwrtgagor by The Equitabk Building and Lunn Asuicia[ion of Grand Island,Nebraska,Murtgage,e,upop 2QQ sharcs of stocJc of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certiflcate No. L 22,949 ,do hereby grant, coovey and murtgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folluwing
<br /> described reyl estate, situated in Hall County, Nebrxska:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> togtther with all the tenements, heredliamen�s and appurtenanres therruuw belunging, mcluding attached Iloor cuverings,all window screens,
<br /> window shades,blinds,sto�m windows,awnings,heating,e�r cundiUuning,and plumbing and water eyuipment end acceswries thercto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigerators,and uther fixtures and equipinent now.x hereafler xttached tu or used in cunnec�ia�n with sa�d real estate.
<br /> And whereas the sa�d mortgagor has agreed and dues hereby agree that the mort�gor shall and wil! pey all txxos und asussmmts levud or
<br /> aasessed upon said prrmises and upon ihis murtgage and the bond srcured therebv ba(w�e thr same shall becume delinyuent:to furnish appwved
<br /> insurance upun ihr buildings un said premises situated in the sum of SZO��00.�0 payabk tu said AS50('IATION and to deliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION�he policies t��r said insurance;xnd nu� to wrnmit ur permit any waste un ur abuut said premises;
<br /> In case of de(ault in the pertbrmance o(any of the terms and cundihons uf [his murtgagr or the bond secured hereby,the mortg�ee shall,
<br /> un demand, be eniitleJ w immediatr pussession uf the mortgaged premiscs and the murtgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets uver W tkr
<br /> mortgagee all�he rrms,revrnues and mcume tu be drrived frum the murtgaged premises during such ti�ne as[he murtgage indebtednesc shall rema�n
<br /> unpaid:end the mung�gre shall havr the puwrr tu appoint any agent ur agents it may devrr for the purpou o(repairing said premises and rrnting
<br /> the same and cullecting the rents,rrvenues and incume,and it mey pay out uf seid income all expenses i�f repuiring said premises xnd necessary
<br /> wmmistiions and expenses incurred in renting and inanaging the same and of culleeting rentals thereFrom: the balance remxining, if any, to be
<br /> applied wward the dixharge uf said murtgage indebtedness;these righU o(the mortgagre may be exercised xt any time during the existence of such
<br /> default,irrespective of any tempurary waiver uf the same.
<br /> Thrse Presents,huwever,are upon[he Cundition,l'het if the sxid Murtgagor shall repey suid loan�n ur ba(ure the mawrity uf sald shares by
<br /> paymrnt:pay monthly io said ASSOC'IATION o(the sum speci(ied�n the Bund ueured tiereby es interes[ end princ�pal on said loan,on ur before
<br /> the Twentieth day uf each and every month,until said lu;�n is fully paid:pay all taxes end assessments levied nguinst seid premises end on this Murtgage
<br /> rnd�he Bond secured thereby,brfure delinyuency:furnish approved insurance upon�he buildings thereun in the sum uf$ ZO�O�Q.00 puynbin
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION;�epay tu said ASS(K'IATION upon demand aU munry by� it paid fur such tnxes,assessments xnd insuranae with inrorest at
<br /> the maximum IrgYl rnte thereon frum date uf payment all uf whi�•h Mortgxgor hercby agrees tu pay:permit nu waste an uid premises;keep and comply
<br /> wiah all the•egreements and wnditiuns of the Bond for 9�0���Q.�� this daY glven by the said Mur[gagur tu �se1d ASSOCIATION,ynd comply
<br /> with all the requiraments of the Cunstitutiun and By-Laws of srid A O('IATION; then these presents shall become null and vold,uiherwfse[hey
<br /> sha0 remam in �ull force and may be furcclused at the opGon u!the said ASSC�IATIUN efter Cailure for three months to mnke any uf wid
<br /> payments ur br three munths in xrrears in making said munthly payments,u�w keep and cumply with the agreements and eunditWns ot said Bond;
<br /> and Mortgagor xgrres w have a receiver eppointed furthwith in such foredusure procaedings.
<br /> If there is any change in ownersh�p o(the real estate mortgaged herein,by sale ur utherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> sea:ured shall,ai thr uptiun uf The F;yuitable Building and Luan Assucwtion o(Grand Island,Nebraska,becume immediately due and payable without
<br /> further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bund,and any uther bond fur any additional advanres made thereundor,shall,(rum the
<br /> � date ul�exercise of said uption,bear interest at the max�mum legal rate,and this mortgage myy then be forcclosed to srtisFy tht umount due un said
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additionul advances,together with all sums paid by wid The Equiarble Building and Loan A�cwtion uf Grand lcluid,
<br /> Nebraslca for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extrnsion charges, with interest thereun, from date uf payment at the maximum
<br /> legal rx[e,
<br /> As pruvided in the Bond secured hereby,while thin mortgage remains in rf'f'ect thr murtgagee may hercatier edvance additiunal sums tu the
<br /> mykers uf said Bund,their nsaigns��r succeswrs in interest,which sums shall be wrth�n the secunty uf this mungage ehe wmr as thr funds uryynrlly
<br /> ucured thereby,the total amount uf principal debt nut tu exc:eed at any time the original amuunt ot this murtgyye.
<br /> Dated this 22nd. gxr�e Deeember n.n.,iv77
<br /> �,--....-wrli'�'yt/ l}�,���i, � , . .f ' '�,' , , /
<br /> Howard u. Nispel Car a`R. �.ispel
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,C � o„�h;s zZnd. �r�� Decembe r 19 77 ,�f�«�,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� �+
<br /> the undersigned,a Notary Pubtic in and for sud Cumty,personally cartre
<br /> Howard W. Nispel and Carla R. Nispel, each in his and her avn right and as spouse of �
<br /> whu are personally known to �
<br /> t�p,i�6�� raon 5 whose name5 d1'f affixed to the above inetrument as m�rtgaeor S rnd tft2,y sevcnlly � :�ayR..��
<br /> aailloi�ed�l�tl�nid�ru�nent to be t�{r votuntary ut and deed.
<br /> WtLTNE�rny hand and Noterial Sesl the date oforosaid. � �
<br /> ��q�3': �
<br /> • t _, yN�Co�ifoinion ezpircs �\ ,�Q O ��— -- — '
<br /> ,� '.�'f r 1��� ' D �� -Nutary Public
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