<br /> i r �
<br /> G 77-�Q7391
<br /> � �57-A—REAI. E6TATE MORTGAGE—(With Rent A�sipnmant) (Revised /96P) T6e Hu9mm Gnmrd Supply Hou+n,Lu.avin, Nebr ,
<br /> __. �_ ._.__ __'___. ___.__.__._.. _._'__ _. _ .._.'__ _`____ ____._.__ __.__...�._ ..___._...__._. . _....__._ .. .� ..-_..____
<br /> .__ ......___ .... _... _ .._ .._ . ..
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN RY 7'HESE YRESENTS: THAT �1beL't D, Theasmeyer drid LO18 A. !
<br /> ; � Theasmeyer husband and wife; and Thomas J. McAloon and N. Audrey i
<br /> MCAloon, hue'band and wife '
<br /> i uf �d�.l Cuunty,arxl State of Nebraska in conside.ration uf tk���e ninn of !� ��
<br /> ( Thirty Thousand and no/100 ------($30,000.00)-----------------rx�t.t,niis �
<br /> in hand paid,du hereby SEI.I.and CONVEY unto F1VC POlIIt.S Ban}e� 2�15 N. Broadwell�
<br /> !� Grand Island '
<br /> ' of jj$11 Count.y, State of Nebraslca the fullowing dcturnbr�i prerciis�a situbtid � .
<br /> �i
<br /> in gglj County, rind State of Nebraska <<���'��� � �
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> � � j
<br /> Lot Nine (9), in Block Two (2), Lake Davis Acres, Hall County, �
<br /> Nebraslca
<br /> i !
<br /> �
<br /> � '
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> � �
<br /> i �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � i
<br /> � � �
<br /> i
<br /> � 'I'h�>intentiun Fuing tu ronvey hereby an Hbaolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of humrstrtid und duwer. j
<br /> j TU I�AVI; ANU TC� }{pLD the premisre aFxrve described, with all the aPVurtenancrx fhera�unto brlonging untn the xaid
<br /> i �
<br /> 1 azid tu their heire and aseigns,torever, providr.d always, and these present� are upon the vxprrss conditiu�vy that i: j
<br /> ( the seid
<br /> � heire,execuLore,administratore ur asefigne shall �iay or cause te be p�id to the, natd � �
<br /> i
<br /> F1V@ Points Bari�C heire,executurx,ndmini+trutnrs ur aseiKne ,
<br /> i
<br /> ; �hr e�n,�,t Thirty Thousand and ri0�10�------------------------------- Do11arN,payable j
<br /> � � with intereat thereon at 9 per cent per annum, payable annually all according to t}��. tenor and � �
<br /> ' � e/�ect o[ lhe promiesory note with interest cuu�wna altached uf said ,
<br /> � 4 lwarinK cven iiate uf , nnd ehall pay �
<br /> � all Wxes Und nye:es�emPntx levird upun said real estate t�forc the name be<x�mex delinyuent, and ki•ep th<• buildings on said j
<br /> � � premie;es inkurcKl for lhe eum �e �34,000.�Quere, if any, payable to the said murtgagee, then theese prc-.xent� to be void, i
<br /> � ot.herwiae W be and remain in full furce. PrinciPel and inteteat payable at the office of F1V@ Points Banit � .
<br /> 2015 North Broadwell ee Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> I'1' 1S FURTFiER AGREED. (1) That if the e�aid murtgagur shall fail to pay such wxes or prucure such inauranoe, the '.
<br /> �' � �aid mortgaqee may pay such taxes and procure such inxurance; and the eum eo advancwd, with interest at per cent ,
<br /> ' per annum ehall be repaid by said murlgaRor, and thia mort�;uge ahall atand ax eerurity tor the same. 12) It in atipulat�d !
<br /> . � rald agrei.�i thnt in caeir uf any default in any uf the e�s�d peyments of principal o[�ntrredt,taxe•s t inaur:incr,or uf nny breach � ,
<br /> or violation uf any uf the cuvenanto or eKreements herFm cunWined by the murtKagor, then and in thnt a•�rnt the whule of �
<br /> � � eaid principal eum hereby �urwl, tagrther with interee�t, mey ut the option of the hoider becume due and payable at once, ;
<br /> and the eaid remixed ewld as hrreinafter providiri; (3) In caxe uf any default as alwve e�peciS�d, lhe beneficiary or hulder of �
<br /> � � etid indeb�n�e whall ut unce becorne entitled W forecloxure and eale of the premisee, and nhxll be rntiUrd to iirunediute �
<br /> � � poreesrion and uue of the pru�rrty, and tu the mnte tsduee� and profits there��f, the eame ht:ing hereb,y pletiK� and aeai�;ned �. �
<br /> � ias additiunal ancurity for the indebtedneew which ix errcured by thie inntrument, and the holder >f said indrbtednener ahall be I
<br /> entiWed tu a receiver of xaid property, und to the rente, i�suee and profitx thrreof, immediatrly uEH�n such de[ault, and a i
<br /> � I recefver may be ap{winted by any cuurt uf cumprten[ �urir+dictiun upon ex-party application, and without nolice, notire being .
<br /> ( hereby eaprrerly waived, und the ap{x�intment of xuch rax:eiver on any such applicat�un without nulice M�ing hrrrby i�n�nted �
<br /> � k� by the mortKaR�r and ell �rexine clauning by, throuqh or under him, and all renta and profits, income and revrnuen (n�tn '��
<br /> . ; arid property ehall be hrld by the rcceiver aei additional er�vrity for lhe }rayment ot thr, debt herrLy n�-c•ur�i.
<br /> �
<br /> Si¢ned thie �� rG day o[ AllCJU3t . 19 77 . � '
<br /> �� ...In preeence of y� c�.C�� . ' _._ �. . ��...-----.' .
<br /> _ __._ _ _. __ . ___ �'�
<br /> ' ,,�. ! -' �f�.��.. '
<br /> _ _.. �y �'� . _. ��
<br /> __ . .. .._......_ o���� .
<br /> � -� �
<br /> ' $TATE OF..__ _.. '�'- � -�`_. County of �:� _
<br /> _... .
<br /> _ ._ _.__ _
<br /> ' Be[ote me. a notery public pualiSed for eaid iwuntY. Peruonelly came
<br /> � I IcnoWn the identical pee�eon or pereune wt�u signnd the furegoing instrument and ackn�wlydg�.l t}�a :•xie..•utiun �
<br /> ��., � on....._._....._....---��C.�:. �..........�..._.._. . ...1 . .:.�. �.,�_-__ . ' / I�
<br /> � t6�+eo[ � volunta*Y act and deed.
<br /> ;, x L �� �
<br /> , MY co�mirsion etpires:... ��.� _ . .... _.._. 19. � � ..c�� `�� � J�utBrY Yublic ; .
<br /> .._. ;,�,,�,�... .�::�.�',�.� ' � ' ,�
<br /> � k.ntered un numrrical indr.x e+yr � � �
<br /> �
<br /> ! STATE OF.. ._...... ._ ..... . .. . .___. � ` nd 61eci for recvrd I � " *�w�.
<br /> ;; �A� _. ,}�� in the Regieler ot llerde C�'x-r of wud ('.ounty the � � , "
<br /> ��: � .. ._ y __..._ ......_. . ...... ..... ... ._.... : '�.
<br /> _ . day d_ _ _ _. . . 19_ _.._., at.
<br /> ...._._. . o clak aed.. _ . minutvs M. ' �.:
<br /> �; �
<br /> � and recotdcad in IIcwk-._._...._..__._...._._........_ot. 1
<br /> + d d ............................_.....at puBc._..............._....
<br /> �. _..._____
<br /> ��' I K. ••t Dr�de ,: ~.
<br /> y� .......... . _..._.. .....___ _ Re
<br /> � By__ __- ____...._ _ _ ::.,,,.;.
<br /> _�: � _ _ i �
<br />