<br />�„. :
<br /> � �
<br /> 7%- �07381
<br /> MORT(7ACt�:LOAN NO. �-_.lli94S
<br /> � KNOW ALL MF.N BY THESE PRESESV7'S:That C1 arence L. Col fack dlld $y�Vl d Gay Col fack, 2dCh 111
<br /> his and her own right and as soouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgxgor,whether one or more,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> For �ive Thousand Six Hundred and No/100-_-____.-_------------------------------ ��Lwas
<br /> loaned tu said mortgagur by The Equitable Building and Luan Associ•rtion of Grand Island,Nebraska,Murtgagee,upon 456 shares of stock of
<br /> soid ASSOCIATION,Certificate No. L 22.945 .a�hereby grant, convey and murtgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the Cotlowing
<br /> described real estate,siluated in Hxll Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> together with ell the tenements, hrrediiaments enJ eppurtenanrrs thrrcuntu belunging, mduding attached tluur covenngs,all wlnduw screens,
<br /> window shedes,blinds,sturm wind��ws,awnu�gs,heating,au�unditiuning,and plwnbing and waier ryuipment and eccessuries thrreto,pumps,stuves,
<br /> refngera�urs,and uther(ixtures and eyuipment nuw ur hereafter nttached to or used m ronneetion with said�ral rstete.
<br /> And whereYs thr said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagur shall and will pay all taxrs and assessments levied ur
<br /> xssessed up�n said pre�mses and upon this murtgagr nnd thr bund securrd [hereby beti>re the same shall btcome delinyuent;to furnish approved
<br /> insuranar up�m�hr bwldmgs un said premises snuateJ m the sum ot$ 4§�(QQ.QQ payabir tu s:iid ASS<X'IATION end to deliver[o said
<br /> ASSCX'IATION the pulicirs fur wid insurance;nnd nut tu commi�ur pennn any wastr on ur abuut uid premises;
<br /> In case uf default in the performancr u(any uf the trrms and cunditions u(this mungage ur the bund securel hereby,ehe mortgagee shall,
<br /> un drmand, be rntiUeJ w immediate pussession uf the mortgaged premisrs and the mungagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets uver w the
<br /> mortgagre all thr rents,revenues anJ income w br derived frum the mungaged premises dwing such lime as the murtgage rndebtedness shall remuin
<br /> unpxid;and thr murtgagrr shall havr the puw�er to appuint any agent ur agents it may drsirr (or the purpuse uf repairing said premises and renting
<br /> thr same and cullrcting the rents,revenues nnd income,and it may pay uW of said mcome all exprnses uf repairing said prrmises and necessary
<br /> wmminsiuns and ezpenses incurred in renung rnd managing the snme and of collecting rentels thzre(rom: the balance remaining, if any, w be
<br /> applied tuward the Jischarge ol said murtgagr indebtednrss:thrse rights��f the mor[gagar may be exercised at any time during the existence uf such
<br /> default,irrrspective of any irmpcunry waver uf the same.
<br /> These Prescnts,howrve�,arc upun the Cunditiun,That i!the uid M��r�gagor shall repay said luan on ur betore the maturity uf sxid shares by
<br /> paymrnr,pxy munthly to said ASS(x'1ATION ul the sum specif7ed in thr Bund serured hereby a�lnterest and pnncipal on seld luan,on or beftire
<br /> the Twen�ieth duy of'each and every month,until sald loan is(ully pa�d;pap all�axes and assessmen[s levied agamst said promises and un this Mortgagr
<br /> and the Bund secured ihrreby,before delinyuency�,iwnish eppruved insurnnce upun the buildings the�eon in the sum uf 5 45�600.�0 p+�Yable
<br /> to sa�d ASSOCIqT10N�.repa} tu said ASSOC'IATION upun demand all muney by�[ paid for such�axes,assessments and insurancr with interest at
<br /> the max�mum legal rete thrroun frorn dete uf payment all�>f'whleh MurtgeRur hereby agrees tu pay:pennit nu wuste un snid premises;keep and cumply
<br /> w�th all thr agreements and cund�Guns of'the Bund fur S 4rJ�6��.00 this d•ey grven by the said Mortgagor tu said ASSOCIATION,anJ wmply
<br /> with all the reywrrments uf the Cunsutution and By-Laws uf said ASSIX'IATION;then these preunts shall bacume null and void,utherwise they
<br /> shall remain in (ull fu�ca rnd may br Iurrclosed at the uptiun u(the uid ASSOC'IATION after failure (ur threr munths tu make any uf said
<br /> paymrnts ur br thrrr munths m arrears m making said munthly payments,ur tu krrp xnd cumply with the agreements snd condrtiuns of seid Bund;
<br /> and Morlgagur agrcos tu huve e rrcrrver app�iinmJ furthwith in such furecluswr pruceedings.
<br /> If tliere is nny changr in uwnership uf the real estate mortgaged herein,by sxle ur utherwise, then the entire remaining indebtndness hereby
<br /> secured shall,at thr uption uf Thr Fyuitablr Building and Luan pswda[iun of(:rand Island,Nrbraska,becume immrdiately due and payable withuut
<br /> further nutiu, and the anx�unt rrmrining dur under wid bond, and an,y other bond(or nny addrtional advances madc thereunder,shall,from che
<br /> dxte u(exerc�sr u(sa�d upt�on,beyr mterest at the maximum legal rate,and�his mortgage may then br foreclosed to sa[isfy the amount due un said
<br /> Iwnd,and any uther bund(or additional advances,together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Luan Aswc�ation of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebryska for insuran�,taxes and assessments,and abstrarting extensiun chargrs, a�ith intnrest thrrron, frum date uf payv�ent a[ ihe mazimum
<br /> legal ra�e.
<br /> As pruv�ded in the Bond secured hercby,whik U�is mortgage remains m ef(eot the mortgagee may heroa�ter advancr add�uonal sums to the
<br /> makers uf seid Bund,their assigm ur suc��eswrs in intrrrst,which sums shxll be withu�thr srcurity uf th�s mortgage the seme as the Yunds unryn�lly
<br /> tecurnd�htreby,the total amcwnt ol'prindpal debt nut to exceed at any time ihe ori�nal amount of this murtgage.
<br /> ' atedthis � yut December A.D.,197] '
<br /> G r , �.--. � �.
<br /> < . - � .,..[CC;�.. �_�¢ C tc� _f-.:�/
<br /> arence . o acc via Gay Colfack
<br /> i.
<br /> STATEOFNEBRASKA,� � Onthis Z�St. 1ay�f December lY�� ,beforeme, �,!
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL t.
<br /> the under�gned,a Nota y Public in and tu said Co nty,personally cxme � ����*..`
<br /> Clare�ce L. Colfack and S lvia Gay Colfack, each in �is and �er own rig�it an� as spouse
<br /> � Of lAC�1 OtEfE1'. whu dre perwnally known to
<br /> me to be the idnntical t#. MC!(r
<br /> t.• ,.\��� d Y'e affixed to the above instrwnent rs murtgagor S and they severally �
<br /> adcnwvlsdOed t1+e e�id� �+e �i N , voiwury act and deed.
<br /> M9'IN�$r��qd,��oWl�liotari�S�the date rfuresrid. �
<br /> °Y4fm�y°if �Cts ' ' e. 2
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<br /> M C t . � ��� d 'I�I D� ----�-\,�� -- ��---1r
<br /> ti.,.�R� . - IC�tary Public--
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