� �
<br /> STATE OF NEB$ASKA, Couuty of ....................................................:
<br /> Filed for record on ................................. 19......., at............................ o'clock ........................ M.
<br /> and reeorded in the Deed $ecord ................................. Puge .............................
<br /> r .................................................................................... By .............................................................................,............ I
<br /> $egieter of Deeda Deputy Regiater of Deede
<br /> ;��7- 007380
<br /> HOWARD W, LEGG and LORE:NA I. I,�GU, Husband and Wife, each in hi� and
<br /> her own rigt�t and as spouse of each other
<br /> , herein called the grantor wLether oae or more,
<br /> in coneideration of FIFTY SEVEN THOUSANU ANll NO/�OOTHS DOLLAI2S----(.$57,000,00�
<br /> received trom grantees, doea grant, bsrgain, sell convey and confirm unto CLARENCE L, COLFACK
<br /> and SYLVIA Gdy COLFACK� Fiusband and Wife
<br /> as joint tenante with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following deot+ribed real
<br /> property in .......................Ha 11.............................. County, NeUraska:
<br /> Lot 'Cwenty Nine (29�, Western Hei�hts "Phird
<br /> Subdivision, t{all County, Nebraska. �(�+�'�:;.'--;d7,"�";-�;^,r�-I�p
<br /> STA�1P TAX
<br /> D E C 2 i 1977
<br /> g G.1, 7U gy.Lt9
<br /> To have and to hold the above deecribed premises together with all tenements, hereditameat�
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging unto the grantee� and to their aosigns, or to the hein and aasi�u
<br /> of the survivor of them fore�•er.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their a�ri�aa and with the heirr
<br /> and aseigae of the eurvivor of them that grantor ie ]awfully seised of iaaid premisee; that they are free 4rom
<br /> encnmbrance e�ccept aasements and restrictiuns of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the uawr; aud that grantur warrants and will
<br /> 3ePend the title to sai�l ��re�nises xgainat the lawful claims of all p�rsons �cLoiuboever.
<br /> It is the itttentiun of all pnrties hereto that in the event of t6e death of either of the grantee�,
<br /> thi� entire fee title to thix real proJ,��rty vhall c�•nt in ihr eurvicing grantee.
<br /> Dated Dacember 21st 19 '7;
<br /> .......��.......�.�1..�y��..................................... �-..R,� c��, 1
<br /> ............ .. .........:�.................................
<br /> n aw �. �.,...�Qg�
<br /> �G�.-�Ca.y`�..�L.t�l....i�i..l�...,�.��/•.F•••.......... .orena � ..�.:.�..�I C/" .......................
<br /> 9TATE OF ...........N�BI2ASKA.......................... County of Ha 11 .
<br /> .............................................................
<br /> Befoze me, a nctary public qualiYied for raid county, perYonxlly came HUWAi2D W, L1:GG and
<br /> LORENA S, LECC:� Husban� and WifP, Aach in hi= �n� h�•r nw-: ri�-ht
<br /> and aa epouae of each other
<br /> known to me to be the identieal pernon or peraons who siqned the foragoing inetrumeat and acknowiedged t'
<br /> � the ezecution thereo!to be Lis, her or their voluatary act nnd deed. �
<br /> ��+
<br /> � Witnear m�hand snd notarial seal oa ....v�.,�.,.��'�2C2" ��,. �..
<br /> ....�...... .. ... .......... 19...�....� �.
<br /> � J' �-,TT-�
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<br /> ��l��,��JK Yy commirrioa ezpires ..•••...�........-�•••••..�........, 19....�:....
<br /> h,t�
<br /> F'nrni �}`? Tn h� �i�nroved bv �"��1'ira.ka fitate Rar��aociatiou �'�«�wa�r w.uawe.++.�..
<br /> . �
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