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<br /> 77- �0"7378
<br /> MORTCAGI:�:LOAN NO. _�._��+946 MGIC _
<br /> KNOW ALL MBN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Kenneth L. Hoffman and Joyce M. Hoffman, each i n hi s I
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mort�{agor,whether ane ur more,in cunxideration of the tum of
<br /> Forty Nine Thousand and No/100-----------------------------------------------__-voL�nRs
<br /> loaned tu suid murtgagor by The Gquitxble Building and Luan Asaociation of Grand lsland,Nebraske,Murtgagee,upun 490 shares of stock uf
<br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L�2.946 MGI C ,a�hereby grant, cvnvey and mortgage unw the said ASSIX'IATION [he (ullowing
<br /> dexribed real estate,situated in Hall Cou�ty, Nebraska:
<br /> tugether with all ehr tenemrnts,hercd�tnmenu and appurtennnces themunt�� brl.�ngmg. meluding atteched ❑uur coverings,all w�induw icreens,
<br /> winJow shades,bhnds,storm windows,awnmgs,hrxting,au cund�tiuning,and plwnbing and water eyuipmnnt and accessunes theretu,pumpe,stoves,
<br /> refrigeraturs,and uthrr Pixtures and eyuipment now or herealier attached tu ur used In cunnrruon with sxld real rstatr.
<br /> And whereas thr said mortgagur has xgreed and dues hrreby agree that the nwrtgagur shall and will pay all taxes and as.usemen[s Irned ur
<br /> axussed upero said premims and upun th�s rnortgnge and the bund srcured thereb� brlure the same shall becume delinyuenr,to furnish epproved
<br /> u�surnnce upun the buildings on said prrmises situetrd m the sum of$49�00�.d� payabte tu said ASS(X7.ATI0'ti xnd to doliver to said
<br /> ASS(X'IATION the policies!ur said insurance:and nut tu cummit or permit any w�ste un ur about uid premises;
<br /> In casr o(delnul� in ihe perfurmance of any uC thn terms and cunditions u(thls moregage ur the bond setured hrreby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand, be entiUeJ tu immrdiate pussrssion uf the murtgaged prrmises and thr rtiortgegur hrreby asvgns, iransCrrs end seis ovrr w the
<br /> nwrtgxgee all�he rents,revrnues end income tu be derived Irom the mortgaged premises during such time as the murtgxge indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid:and thr mortgagee shall have the puwer w appoint any agent ur agems it may desirr ti,r the purpux ul repairing aaid Premises and rrnting
<br /> the samr and cullecting the rents,revenues and inwme,and it may pay out uf sxid incume all rxpenses of repairing said premius and necessary
<br /> comrttissions end rzpenses inwrrad in rcnGng and manxging the same and uf cuil�cting rentals therefrom: the balance remaining,if rny,to be
<br /> applied towurd tha discharge uf said mortgage indrbtedness:thtse nghts ui the murtgagee muy be exercised at any ti�ne during the existena ot such
<br /> default,irrespective o(any temporary waiver uf the same.
<br /> Theu Presents,huwever,are upon the Cundition,That It the s;iid Murtgagor shall repny said luun un or beCure the maturiry uf said shares by
<br /> payment:pay mun[hly to sa�d ASS(k'IATION uf ihr sum specified in the Bund se vred hereby as mterest and prtncipal un said lua�,ua or before
<br /> the Twentieth day of each and rvery munth,until wid luan is fully paid;puy all t�aes und xssessmrms levied against wid premises and on this Murtgage
<br /> and the Bond secured thrreby,befurc delinyuency;t�u�n�sh approved insurance upun�hr buildings theceun m the sum of`S 49.00�•�0 paynblr
<br /> [o uid ASSOCIATION�.repay tu said ASS(X'IATION uFwn demand all monry by lt paid fur such taxes,assessmems and msurance with mterrst at
<br /> the meximum lagal reta theroun from dnte uf pnyment alt ol'which Murtgagur hareby agrees tu pay-�.permit nu wastr on wid premises:keep xnd eumply
<br /> with all the agreements and cundiiiuns uf the Bund ti�r S 49���0.�� this day givrn by the said Murtgagur w uid ASS(X'IATIOK.end compty
<br /> with zll the reywrements of the Cunstitution and By-Laws uf seid ASSOC'IATION: thrn these presenis shall become null �nd vwd,otherwice they
<br /> shall rem•rin in full force and may br foreclused et the uptiun of�hr uid ASS(K'IATION efter (ailure for threr �nunths w �n»ke any ut sa�d
<br /> pryments or be three munths in arrears m making sxid munthly peyments,or�o krep and comply w�ith the xgreements and condiuons of u�d Bond;
<br /> and Mortgagur agrees to hnvr a receiver appu�nted tbrthwnh in such fure��lusure pruceedings.
<br /> If'there is eny changr in uwnersh�p u(the rexl estatr murtgaged herein,by salr or utherwise,then the entire remaimng indrbtedness hrreby
<br /> secured shall,at the uption uf The Equitable Building and Luan Assuciat�un uf Grund Island,Nebraska,become immediately due ynd payable without
<br /> funhe� nuticr,and �he amount remainmg due undei said bund,and any other bond(or any additianal advances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> date ut exercise of said option,bexr interest at the maximum legal ryte,and this mortgage rtwy then bc foreclused to satisfy the amuunt due on said
<br /> bond,and aay uther bund for additional advances,t�ether with all sums paid by said The P.ywtable Building and Loan Associ�tion of C�rxnd Island,
<br /> Nebraeka for insurance,taaces and assessmtnts,and abstracting rxtension charges, wrth intrrest thereon, fro�n date uf payment at the maximwn
<br /> kgxl rate.
<br /> As provided in the Bond atcured herrby,while this murtgagr remains m alfzct the mortgagee may hereafter advancr additionxl sums tu the
<br /> rtv�kers of said Bond,their ascigns ur succeswrs�n interest,which sums il�all be wnhm the secu�i�y uf thia mortgage the same as the tunds uryynally
<br /> secured thereby,the total amuunt o(principal deb�nut to excrrd at any time thr uriginal amouni uf this mortgage.
<br /> atedthis 2 St. dayWf December A.D.,Iy��
<br /> �� �
<br /> ��l)�..,—�_
<br /> \ � /_ i/
<br /> � oy M. Hoffman
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA.�� pn this 2�5 t, day of Decembe r I v J] ,befurc me,
<br /> the undt�signed,Y Notxry Public in and for said Counry,prrsonxlly came
<br /> Kenneth L. Noffman and Joyce M. Hoffman, each in his and her own riq�ht and as spouse of . "
<br /> � eac���i W ° are P�rwnally known w +'
<br /> ny"{(�f,b�pJ{kn n S whoae nam� a re affixed tu the above mstrurtxnt as mortgrgor S and they severally ..�,,��
<br /> ,Icicnq�d:ed ms mrnt to be t�lEl Y voluntary ut and de�d
<br /> ;�' � , �1'�'FSS y hand and Notariaf Seaf the d�te af'oresaid �
<br /> �{� i
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<br /> � :. S �C� n expires � 1 I (�f�eJ � , 1�– � _
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<br /> ) . -- —.---- _--.__._ Notrry Public
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