� �
<br /> 77-�fl'�3'i7
<br /> MORTGAf,E
<br /> � MORTGACf LOAh NO._L PP.947
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:Thal Rudol f F, P1 ate and Jeanni ce R, P1 ate, each 111 1115 dtld
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other and Tim C. Plate, a single person
<br /> Mortgagur,whether une or more,in consideration of the wm of
<br /> Forty Four Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100=--_--__--__---------------------�LLw�ts
<br /> baned W eaid rtwrigrgor by The F.quitabk Building and Luan Asa�ciation uf Grand Island,Nebrasl:a,Mortgagee,upun 448 shares of stock of
<br /> eaid ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 22,947 ,a�hereby grant, convey and murtgago unto the said ASSO(:IAflON the loLLuwing
<br /> described real estate,cituaced in Hall Counry,Nebraska:
<br /> togethrr with a0 the �enen�nts,herednaments end appurtenances ihereunto brlunging,including attrched Ilour cove�mgs,all window xteens,
<br /> winduw sFudts,blinds,storm wmduws,awnings,heaung,air cund�Guning,and plumbmg and water eyuipment and aa;essories thrreto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> reCngerawrs,ynJ other fixtures rnd eyuipment now ur herrafter attached tu ur used m cunnectiun wlth said real estate.
<br /> And whereas the uid mortgagur hrs agreed aud dues hereby xgrce that the murtgngor shall and will pay all taxes and asseasmentt levied or
<br /> �asessed upon sa.d prem�scs and up�.�n this mungagr and thr bund secwrd [hrrcby briure ehe sxmr�lull brcome delinyuent:w furnish appwved
<br /> insurance upcm che budduigs un said premises situated in�hr sum of$ 44�$QQ.QQ payable tu said ASSO('IATIUN and tu deliver to said
<br /> ASSO('IATION the policies for sa�d insurance:and nu�to cummit o�permit uny waste un or abuut wid premises:
<br /> In cax uf default m�he per(orrt�nce of any uf the terms and conditions oi this mungage ur the bond ucured hrreby,the mortgagee ahall,
<br /> on demand, bt enhtled w Ymmedirte pusaescion of the murtgxged premius and thr mortgagu� htroby assyTns, transfers and uts uver tu the
<br /> rrwrtgsgce rtl the ronts,revenues and income to be derrved(rom the mortgaged premises during sueh time xs the murtgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid:and the mo�tgagre�ti�ll have the power tu ap�>int eny agent ur ugenis it may dcsire fur�he purpose of repairirtg sai3 premises xnd renting
<br /> the wme and cullecting the rents,revrnues and incomr,and it may pay out uf said incume all ezpenses uf repauing said premises and nexsaary
<br /> wmmia�unn and rxpenses incurred in rennng and mxnaging thr wmr and ut collecting rentxls thnrel'rum;the balance remaining, i!my,to be
<br /> apQlied towyrd thr dixharge of syid murtgage indebtedness',these rights u(�he murtgagee may be exrrcised at any time during the existence u(such
<br /> defsult,urrspective ot any ternpurury waivrr uf the same.
<br /> These Presenu,howeve�,arr upun the CundiGun.That d the said M��rtgxgor shxll repay wid luan on ��baforc the maturity of said shares by
<br /> pryment;pay rrx>n[hly«>said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Fiund�cured hereby as mteres[ und prmcipalon said loan,onurbefore
<br /> the Twen�ieth day ul'each xnd avery rnonth,untJ w�d luan�s fully pa�d;pay ell taxes xnJ essessmrnts levied against sxid premises and un this Murtgxge
<br /> and the&�nd stcured thereby,befurc dehnyuency:turnish approved insurance upun the buildings thereon in the sum of S 44�80�.� pyyable
<br /> to said ASS(K'IA7'ION:repay tu wwid ASSO('IATION upun damand all muuey by rt paid for such[axes,assessmrn[s end insurance with interesi at
<br /> the maximum Irgel rate thereon frum date uf pay mrnt all uf which Mortgagur hereby agrees w pay�,pennit nu wastr on�aid premises:keep and wmpiy
<br /> with all the rgrcements and wndiuuns nt tht Bund fu�S 44�8�0.�0 thrs day grven by the said Mong�m eo sald ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> with all the requirements of thr Cunstuution and By-Laws of srid ASS(X'IATION; thrn these precents shall become null end vuid,otherw��se they
<br /> chaU remefn in lull furcr and may be forrclused ai the uphun of thr u�d ASSOC'IATION af[er fnilure fur [hree munths w malce any uf said
<br /> payments or b!tY7fCC months in arreuf�m making srid munthly payments,or w keep end comply with the agreements und cundi[ions ot said Bond;
<br /> �nd 1Nurtpy.�or a�yees to Furve a�eceiver appulntrd furthwi[h ln such f�rcclusure pwceedings.
<br /> 11 there Is any change ui ownership ut thr real estyte murtgaµed hrrem,by sale ur utherw�u,then the ennre remammg uidebtedneu hereby
<br /> fecured shall,at[he option of The P.yuitablr Building and Lurn Associa�ion of C:rand Idand,tirbraska,brcome immediatdy due and payable without
<br /> further nouce,and lhe artwunt rertuunmg due under said bond,and yny other bund tor any addrt�onxl advances made thereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> date uf exerc�se uf uid option,berr�nterest a�the myx�mum kgrl rrte,and this murt�ge may then be foreclosed to sotisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and my u[her bond fo� additionrl advonces,tugether with all sums paid by said T'he F.yuiubin Buildiryj and Luan Aswc�ation uf Grand IsLnd.
<br /> Nebratka for insurance,tazee and asaeaments,and abstracting rxtenc�un churges, wiih interest thereon, from date u( puyment at the maximum
<br /> leeal race.
<br /> Ae pmvided in[he Bune1 xeeu�ed hrreby,whilr this mort�y{r remains m rftrct the murt�ee vwy hereatim advun:e addnional suma W the
<br /> makers u(stid Bund,their xssigns or successcxs In intttest,which sums shall be withm the security o1'this murtgage the same as thz f'unds originally
<br /> �pcured thereby,the total amount of principd debt nut to ex�red at any timr the origlnal amount o(this murtgage.
<br /> ��ea�n;b 21 aYy�r December �--�.�>..�y 77 ,
<br /> ,� /l�-_ /. (" Y r��.
<br /> e � �i�ate r
<br /> ea�nice R. Plate
<br /> STATE OF NEtRAStU,� ,\
<br /> COUNTYOFHAL.L ffi. 0^thio ZiSt dayof December 19 7� ,beforeme.
<br /> the undersigntd,a Noqry Public in and for esid County,peru>nally came � � „�, �
<br /> 1 Rudolf F. Plate anc! Jeannice R. Plate, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each
<br /> � other t�d Tim C. P 1 ate. a s i ng 1 e person "'h" a re P°7w"at�Y known to '��
<br /> �.
<br /> �we to be[he idewtical perwng ahwe name5 dM'2 affixed 10 the�lxwt inctrument�s nwRg�oS ond they ��r��y .
<br /> �dcwovbd�ed the nid imtruw�eM to be t11Q1 1' voluntvy�aed deed.
<br /> N7T'NESS eey h�ad ad Notuid Swl the date aforo�id. r.
<br /> My Cc�nnu.00n e� ` + c:r.r. . ._—. ' _.___--_..—-----l ./ `. �'
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