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<br /> i HI�t1S�=�,N�N de th' 21et da of i�ece�ber 19 77
<br /> by ��ida�.jo��,� nsTd'L°�a3 J. S�fSii�+abary,- Hu�band as�erein called "Assignors"). to �
<br /> FZRST FEDERAi. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, having its principal place .
<br /> of business in Lincoln, Nebraska (herein called "First Federal"); '
<br /> WITNESSETH: For value received and as additional security for the loan
<br /> hereinafter mentioned, Assignors hereby sell, transfer and assign unto First Federal,
<br /> iis auccessors and assigns, all right, title and incerest of Assignors in and to the
<br /> rents, issues, profits, rights and benefits from the property described below:
<br /> And to that end Aasigaors hereby assign and set over unto Firat Federal,
<br /> its succeasors or asoigas, aIl leases or subleases of said prem3ses nov made, executed
<br /> or delivered. whether written or verbal, or to be hereafter msde, be tho sass written
<br /> or verbsl.
<br /> And the Aesigaora da hereby authorize and empower Fizat Federal. its
<br /> suceessors or asaigns, without notice and without regard to the adequacy of the
<br /> seeurity for the indebtednesa aecured hereby, to take possesafon of said real
<br /> estate and chattela. to reat aad manage the sams,. and to sue for o= othervise
<br /> collect the said reats, iseuea, .profita, rlghts and benef its, as they shall become
<br /> due, and herebv direct each and all of the tenants of the aforesaid preaises to pay
<br /> auch rents as mey now be due or shall hereafter become due to said First Federal,
<br /> its aucceamors or aasigns, upoa demand for payment thereof by F3rst Federal. its
<br /> auccesaors or asaigns. It is uaderatood and agreed, however, th:t no auch d�and
<br /> shall b� made ualeas and uatil there has been a default in the payment of the
<br /> iadebt�daeaa aecured by the Hortgage and Financing Stateaent hereiu mentioaed, or
<br /> deisult in tha paysstnt of. any other suns :secured by said Mo- .gage or Financing
<br /> Stttemeat, aad� until auch demaad is :aade, Asaignors sre suthorized to collect,
<br /> or eoatinua collecting said reats, issues, profits. rights and benefits; but
<br /> that �uch privilege to collect or continue collecting, as aforesaid by Asaignors
<br /> sball not opesate to psrmit the collection by said Aasignors, their auccessors or
<br /> asatsns. os any lastallmeat of rent in advance of the date preacribed in said
<br /> lease or leases for the paysent ther�of. First Federal naay re[ain or pay from
<br /> such rents, iasues, profits, righta aad benefita collected by it reasonable feea
<br /> tor aanageaeai sad rmtal servicea readered by it or thosn employed by it, all
<br /> coeta and expanses of collection, iaeluding reaaonable attorneys' fees, and may
<br /> alsa uas thc aa�e to aake good aay ouch defaulta and to pay ta�c�s, insurance
<br /> preaiu�s, �p�ows of repai: and aaiateaance snd all other expensea involved in
<br /> the propwr �aaa�e��nt of aaid preai.�es. and ahall pay any surplus then remaining
<br /> to Asai�aoss.
<br /> The tsa of tbis Asai�aaent shall be uatil the Note (or any exteasion or
<br /> zeaeval Chereof) of evea date herevith, made. executed and delivered by L`onald E.
<br /> Shinabesy and Laaa J, Shinabery for the sum of $ 95,600.00------- -�"`
<br /> aad secured by a Mor[gage covering said premises and a Financing Statemeat covering
<br /> esstain fi�[tures and wquipsent situate on said premises, ahall have been fully pald
<br /> asd utisfiad. or until the ezpiratioa of the perlod of redemgtion. if any. at which
<br /> tia� tlfis �ssi�e�ealt is to ba fully satiaEied� caacelled and released; and the
<br /> relwias of uid ![ort�sse and Fiaaacias Statement shall eonstitute_ a release hereof. �. �
<br /> � �� ,
<br /> �i� As�isn�nt is si�ea as additioeal ascurity for the performance of each �`
<br /> ied all of ths obll.satioas snd covenants of the Note and !loztgage above-deseribed
<br /> (oi a�► exten�ion os reneaal thereof).
<br /> -1-
<br /> �
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