�� -
<br /> � �
<br /> �" not extend or postpone the due dute of fhe inont6l�� � n��tallw��ut� r��fi�rred t ��, in � �siagraph., I and 2 hereof or
<br /> chunge tl�e amount of suc4 instal �ments.
<br /> • 10. Bosrower Not Raloas�d. lixtensimi of thc time for � inpment or modification of amm•tization of the sams
<br /> secured by this Dlortgage grnnted b�� I,ender to anp• �iu•cessm• iu inrerest of Borrow�r sLall not operate to release ,
<br /> � in any manner, tLe liability oS the otiginal I3orro�scr an�1 13orro�cerk �uccessor.� iu iuterest . I.ender shall not be
<br /> required to commence proceedings against cuch suece;,or or relu�e to extcud time fur pay�uent or otherwise modity
<br /> an�ortization of the sums secured bv tLi� Vortgsge h�� reasun oi auy demxnd made b�� the original Borrower and
<br /> � Borrowet's succeasors in interest.
<br /> � 11. Forb�arm�ce by Lsnder Not a Waivar. Any forbearsnce by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or otherwise afforded by upplicable Is��• , ,hnll not be s �ti•ai-��er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. 'I'he procuremenc of insuranrc m• tlie � ,ayiuent oi taxe, or otlter liens or cl�arges by I.ender
<br /> � shall not be a waiver of I_ender'� rig}it to accelerste tLe mt�turitp of tl�e indebtedness secured b�� thie A7ortgage.
<br /> 0 12. R�medies Cumulative. All remedies provide� l in thi� \fortgss�c :xre distiur,t ssnd cumulative to uny other
<br /> � right or remedy under this \IortgaRe or afrorderi b}� Lin ur i•quin� . ;xnd m:a� I��� c��:erci;ed coneurrently , independ -
<br /> ^ ently or successively.
<br /> J\ 13. $ueeafson mid ABaigns Bound; Joiat �d Several Liabi$ty; Captioas. '1'he co��c•nants and agreementF
<br /> herein containeci shall bind , und tl�e righth liereunder .�hall inur�• ru. th�• res� ,e�tivo .uccessor. and aissigns of Lender
<br /> and Borrower, subject to the provision. uf � xirsgrn� di I ' hi�r��ot . � II �•o�•enant , an� l agmements o1 Borrower shall
<br /> be joint and .e� erul . 'fhe ra��tiona s�u � IicudinR. ��l tli�• � r.iraRrn� � li . oi rlii.< \ IortRttRr ure 1'or ron � enicnce onh� and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or defir�t� tlic � iro�•i� ion� herrc�i_
<br /> 14. Notiee. An�� nutic��� to Borro�� rr � n•o� i� i� �� l for in thi� \ lurt �;u�� ..liall I ��� ;:i� �•n b}� uiuiliu�; � ucli uotice by
<br /> c•ertified mtiil sddressed to Burro�ver :st thi� f' ru� x�rt � A �1� Ir��... ..� ut ��� i 1 >rlu« . �•�ri•� n iur uu �• nuticc reyuimd uuder
<br /> parugraph 18 I �ereof' tu be git�ru tu Bmruu �•r iu th�� � u:i� in�- r � �re.crihe� l hp :i � �� � li� :� hl�� la�c . A�iy nuti��e � �rovide� {
<br /> for in thie �lortgage .hall I .�� deenu��i to ha�•c I „��•n gi ����n t u F3urru«���r ��� h��u Ri ��ou m � lu� iuunner � ie.igu3t��d herein .
<br /> 15. Uai[orm Mortgage; Goveraiag Law: SeverabiGty. 'l'lii� iorn� of iuort �;age ��umbine� uni !'orm co��rnants
<br /> fornational use and non-uniiorm covenunts �vitl � limit��� i � aria� iun� bt• jurisdictio�i fo constit.ute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrunient rovering real � �ropert�� . '1'hi, \ lortguRe shall I �i• �;o��c�re �e�i In• the la�c nf the jurisdietion in whieh
<br /> the Property iw located . In thc� c��ent that uny � �rovision or �•lause ot rh �s \lortga�;c or the Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable ]aw , sucL conHict shall ��ot ufl'ect otl �er �n•o��ision.� uf tl� i� Alurtgt��;e or the Dlote whieh can be given
<br /> effect without the conflicting provision , and to ihi� end che � �ro��ision, ui tiie ALort�a�;e and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrowei e Copy. Borrower shall bc furniehed ;� conlorme�i c�op�• uf this �lort�;age at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordat.io�i I�ereof.
<br /> 17. I'raasf�r o! the Property; Assumption. If ull ur an}� ��art ut the Propert }� or an interest. ttierein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower witliout Lender 's prior �� ritten �•.�nseut . excluding ial the rreatiou of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance eubordin�te to tlii� \lortgagc , � bi thc rre:ltion uf u � uircliu<i� wone�� security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (cj a transSer by devise, descent ur b}• operution ui l:i��� u� �un thr deutli oY a joint tenunt or ldl the grant. of
<br /> xny leasehold in6erest of three years or fe�,� not cont.�iniu�,� :in u��tiou tu �wrcLasc , Leuder ui�y , at Lender's option ,
<br /> declare all the sums �ecured bv tl�i� lfortgage to 1,�� i � uiu��.iiac ��h� � i �ie umi payabl�•. INITIAL :
<br /> . S
<br /> If Lender exercises �uch option tv acceleratc , Lender shnll � uuil liorrower noticu o1 acceleration iu sccord e
<br /> witL }iaragraph 14 hereot'. �,ucli notice �liall pro�• id�� u p��riu� i ul' uut I�•.r tli :u� 30 � { a��, froin the dato the not.ice ie
<br /> �nailed w� itliin �vhich f3orruwer �uu�� �iay � he <uu �. declarr� i . iu� . li lioi•ru�c��r lail.. tu � �;i�� .uch .uin. prior to the
<br /> ezpiration of such period , Lender mu}' . ���ithuut f'urther uotic•�� or � {��iu:tnd uu }iurr�,ncer , in��uk�� any reuiedie� per-
<br /> �nitted by paragraph 18 liereof.
<br /> � ON- ( � NIFONDf 1 'ovr: *rw� •rn. li� n• ru���i� r :iud L��u� li� r 1'urtlu � r ��o����iixnt .in�l a�r���• a . foll � � ��� . •
<br /> 18. Aee�l�ration: Rmmediee. baee��t a� � � roci� l��� l ii � � �:u�a� r:i � � l � 17 homoL u � ion 13orro�c��r ', hrea��h of an}�
<br /> covenant or agreement o1 Borro« �•r in thi� \1ort �;:t�:o . iuriwl � n �; tli �� �•o� ruauts tu � �a�• �� I ��•n � 1u�� nny ..um. ,i•c•urrd
<br /> by tliis � lortgage , Lenri��r � , riur to nco�•le�:�tlon nLsill niuil uu � ic�• t � i fiurru�crr :a� � �ru� i� i�•� i � � : � �;ua� ra � �li 14 h��reot
<br /> npecifyink : I11 the brracl� : Ili the uouon re� � uiro� l � u i� un � .urli I � re:�� In i3 � a � iuto . uot Iv=. � hxn thi �K �� daYr
<br /> froni the daYe the noUce i� u�itiled tu 13urro���or . I »� ��� I � ii�li �u �� i � I � rr;� � li iuu..t I ��• � uro, l : :in� i i � I tlint fuilur�• t � i �•uri�
<br /> ,uch breach on or before t�lie dat�� .��ec• ifir�l iu tli� • uutiro iuv�- re.ult in nrcel�� ranun uC tho .wu> ..��rwwd bv thie
<br /> 11or[gagr und sale uf thi• 1'ruperty' . If tlu� l�n•u� l � i � nut �• un�� i � ir. ur I �rl�m tli�• � 1u1 �• .E ��•oilir� l in tlu• nuti�•e . Lender
<br /> at Lender's option way �-Icclun� ull uf thi� .wu. .�e�•ure� i L�� thi.. Alur[ �x{;�� w b.• imine•� li:it ��lt duc an� i p�yable
<br /> without C�rther Jemand sn�i mn}• forc�° lu�c tlu� Alurt �;uq�• h� iu�ii�• ial � � ru�•rediu�; . L��ndrr �lixl ! li�� outitlivi to collecl
<br /> in .ueh ��roceeding all �•xE�eusi. uf furci� lu :ur� . iu� lwlink. Irol � iot liinil ��� i tu . ru..t .. uf Juouuu•War�• eci�lrnt•e,
<br /> abstraets and title reports.
<br /> 18. Soerowu's Riqht to R�iaslab. Votwttli.tau�liu�; Lendrr'� :ier�•l��rat �on ut t {ie .wu� sc•��un•d bv thi,
<br /> Mortgage , Borrower shall have the right to have an�• ��rocee�jin�;� he�;un V,�• L�•nd��r tu �•ufurc•�• tliis �lortRage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of � .jud{;rnent �•nfo7cinR thi� \ lor� �;a�;e it iai Horrower � �at-, Lender all
<br /> sume which would be then due under thi� \lortka�;o , tL�• \uti- ami nutr� �ci•uriuR binun A� i . ,,�,,,,�� . ; r a�� . , i��a uu
<br /> BCCeleTstlon oCCUr7ed ; Ibl Borrower rurc�� ;� II hr��urin�. n � :nn� ��tlirr r� ���rn :mt . in� �� crr •rn � rnt . nf Rr�rrnw��r ri�n -
<br /> ttined in thie Mo1'tgsge ; Icl Borrower paVr all rraconubli• ��� { ��m.i•< in�•urn•� 1 h}• Li•mi�•r in onfon•in� th�� �•n� e�nxnt �
<br /> and agreemenW of Borrower contained in thi� \lort �;:��c snd in rniur�• in�; Lcml �•r'� r�•uic� iii•� :is � �ro��ided in � �ara-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, insluding, but not limited to, rea�ouabl�• :tuornr}� '� i�•e� : ;uni � � i r };orruu�� � r taki�� .u�• h ttction xs
<br /> Leoder tnsy rea�onably require to setiure tl�at thc• lieu of rl � ic \lortkx {;c . L�•nd�•r '. ir.t �•r��.t in tlu• Pro� x�m� xnd 1 ,
<br /> Boirower'a obli�etion to pay the eums secureci by thi� \lort �;at;�• -hs11 oontinu�• unimpairc� 3 t 'pun .ueh put•ment • ' •
<br /> ,,, :� � �� >a
<br /> and cure by Bormwer, this '_�Iortqage and tfie obli�ations �reured hrr�,h�• ,hall r�•niaiu in iull iorci• xnd �•ffe•ec xs it �
<br /> no aoeeleestion had occuned .
<br /> �- Ariye�et d 8�sh: llypastmmt of R�esiv�r: Lad�r ia P�se�sion. A, additioual .ecuritp l�ere- ' ry v+i:
<br /> under, Borroaer hereby seei�ne to I.ender the rentF of thc YTO(1PI't \• . � �PO�'1(Iell f IIAt Rorrmcer vhali . �irior to acceler- �'
<br /> a� under parwgraph 18 hereof or abandonment ot the Yro�x�rt}• . liu�•c• thc ri�ht to roll�rt and rrtain �uch rc�nt�
<br /> as thry beron+e diw mx1 l+sysble.
<br /> LTpon aoeeler�tiun widrr p�rxgro��l� 1R h.�rr�.f r�r nha���ic.nm�•nt i.i rF�c Yro� ,e,-t �� . ! .ende•:-. in � ,�rw:: . h}� a�;c:it „
<br /> or by judioially appointed receiver shall he entitlecl to enter u�wn , take �,us�e��iun ui and �iianxke the 1'ropert }�
<br /> •Od GD Colleet tk►e rents of the Property , ineludinK thosr ��a�+t due All rimts coUe��ted Irv I.ender m• the recei ��i•r
<br /> rhal! be rpplied $ret to paymeat of the eoete of uuanagen�rnt of tlu• Yruperty aml rull�•c•nun ut' r� �ut .. . � n�• ludine Lut
<br /> not limtted Lo, recerver'h fee� , premiums on roceiver's bom1. and r�•x���n:sbl�� :stturn.�v '� i�•��. . aui� i th�•n to rlu �wu.�
<br /> necured by thie :�iottgaqe. I.ender and the receiv��r .l�sll b�• li:iht�� � o xr�•ount only fe�r ih�i��� rrnt + aorunlly rr���• i � i��i �
<br />