� �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, C'ouuty ut ....................................................:
<br /> Filed for record on ................................. 19........at............................ u'clock ........................ M.
<br /> and recorded in L6e Deed B,ecord ................................. Page .............................
<br /> � .................................................................................... B}• .......................................................................................... 7
<br /> Register of lleeds Deputy Register of Deedo
<br /> GEORGE L. I2EYNOLDS and RUTH AN:YNULDS, Husband and Wife, each in his
<br /> and har own right and as spouse of eact� ott�er
<br /> , herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of FOI2TY THOUSANll FOUk HUND12r;D ANL NO/10C�'I'HS UOLLARS
<br /> ( $140,400.00�
<br /> received from grantees, doea grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto i1IL�Y K1;N'1' T/tEW and
<br /> as joint tenants with right o4 survivorahip, and not as tenants in common, the following deeoribed real
<br /> Pro ert in ,,,,,,,Hall ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, County, Nebraeka: A tract of ground abutting on
<br /> P Y ............ ...................
<br /> Lot Fiftee,n �15� , Hlock Twenty �20�, 9carff�s Addition to West Lawn, an Addition
<br /> to tYie City of Grand Island, ?�ebraska, dPscrii�ec9 as fc�ll.ows : I3eginning at the
<br /> Southwest corner of Lot F'iFtec�n ( 15� , E31oc3: 'I'wenty (20� , Scarff�s Addition to
<br /> West Lawn, an Addition to the City of Grand Lsland, NPbra�Ka, thence running
<br /> East on the South line of said Lot F'ifteerf (19), for� a .Jistanca of One Hundred
<br /> Seventy Five ( t75) Feet to tt�e souttieast corner vf said Lot Fifteen �15� thence
<br /> running South on a prolong•ation un ttie East line of said Lot Fifteen (15S For a
<br /> diatance of Sizty Eight (68� Feet, thence rwnriing West parallel to tt�e South
<br /> line of said Lot Fifteen ( 15) f'or a distancc� of One Hundred Seventy Five ( 1'J5�
<br /> Feet to a point on the Westa�rly linv of said Lot Y'ifteen ( 15) if the same were
<br /> eztended to the South, thence North Sixty h'ight (68� Feet to the Southwest
<br /> corner of said Lot Fiftieen � 15�, such tract being a part of what formerly was
<br /> West 1'7th Street 1n the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, vacated by Urdinance
<br /> No. 3993 of the City of' Grand , Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> To have and to hold the above descrited premises together with sll tenementx, hereditameah
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their acsigns, or to the hein and sssigu�
<br /> of the survivor o4 them fore��er.
<br /> end grantor does hereby covenant with the granteee and with their aesigno aad with the heir�
<br /> and seaigne of the eurvi�or of them that grantor is lawPully seised of eaid pre.mises; that they are Pree from
<br /> encnmbrance except easements and restricti.on5 of record
<br /> that grantor has good right SI1fI INN'fUI authority to cou�e�• the ya�ne; nnd that grantor warrant� and w•ill
<br /> deYend the title to said �,i•emises against t►ie lawful claitus of all pri•bons Hl�ouisoc��er.
<br /> It is the iutentioti of all parties hereto that in the event of the deatL of either of tne grnnteer,
<br /> �li�• rntire f'e�� title to this r��al ���ru����rt�� �h�all v�•tit in ttie survi��ing grantee.
<br /> Dated '--� � 7 7
<br /> // 19 __�
<br /> ................................�................................................. ..... . �. .......:.. .°... .�:a.i:.��..1r._......
<br /> �`e� :- r`ey��
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<br /> ............. Ru��:.�ieyn'o'13s':�.s:.<�::.'::::�.�.::............
<br /> ....................................................................... ,,
<br /> STATE OF N�BI2ASKA ,.,,. County oF
<br /> ....................................................... ............................................................:
<br /> Before me,a notury �ublle qualified for raid cuunty�, pereonally came Gt:URG:.' L. 1tF'Y'�U1,D5
<br /> and RVTH REY'�1<tI.DS, Huah�+r..� an� Wif"P, �ach i� hi� an�t hrr ��wn ri�tit
<br /> and as spouae of each othF�r
<br /> kaown to me to be the identical perron or peroons who signed the foregoing inctn�ment and acknowledged r,. ; '{
<br /> � the e:ecution thereof to be hie,her or their voluntary act an3 deed. f ��°
<br /> 7 J "�'a
<br /> Witne� my hand aad notarial�eal oa ..... ...�ff�f.f.7................................ 19.7-•/"�ote�y Pnhli� �
<br /> T!M n�,.r� ✓ / 1
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<br /> � �i
<br /> P'nrm 4" To Y�r :�iruro�•ed bv \,�Lra.kn Rtxtr Bxr Association r.�.r w.0 u>..�..m..e+w..
<br /> J
<br />