<br /> I �
<br /> /7_007359 MORTGAGE
<br /> � THIB [t�msN'rvxz. m.d. c�. llth --d'y �-- Uecember-- -- . �a��._. bY .na t�cwe.� 1
<br /> Arle� G. Hilgenkamp and Susan M. Hilgenkamp, husband and wife, each in hic and hPr
<br /> avn right and as saouse of the other,
<br /> � Hal l ��y. Nebraska.as mott��or�._,ond Gnnd Island Teuet Comp�ay of Eirand IsLnd, •oorpor�tion
<br /> or�anixed and ezietiag und�the lawro of Nebradca with its principal o[fice�nd pLce of busirese at Gnnd lelaad,Nebraslca,u mort;rgee:
<br /> W ITNESSETH: That s�id mortpQor�__.[or aod in cowidoration of the wm of---. ---- ---
<br /> ***Six Thousand Eight Nundred i�inetv-seven and 57/100ths*** m�,,,is6 897_57 __._____�
<br /> Uu reeeipt of w�hieh i�6enby�elcnowled�ed.do.—_by tMee preseaW moK�aqe and warrant untio said mort�yy�ee,it�wcceeaors and rrey�no.
<br /> forever.all the foLowing described real eetate,eituated in the County of_.. ��A�� ..
<br /> ...... ._.------ --------- - -- �- -------
<br /> ----
<br /> and Stste of Nebreelca,to•wit:
<br /> Lot Twenty-three (23) and the !Jortherly Three (3) Feet of Lot Twenty-four
<br /> (24) West Lawn, an addition to the City of ,rand Island, 'Jebraska.
<br /> Ta�ether wit6�11 hettie�.air eonditionina.liahting.uid plumbinQ equipment and fixturee.including ecreene.awninye. etorm windows rnd
<br /> doors,and window eh�dee or blinde,u�ed on or ie connection with eaid property,wlaether tF�e erme ere now located on eaid property or hee�shur
<br /> placed theeeoaf.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,Wgether with all and einQulrr the tenemente,hereditamente and appurte�naw thereunto bx-
<br /> bu�iey, or in�nywi�s appertaining, forever, rnd warrant the title to the eame. Said morgagor i__..hereby covenant.___. wit6 xaid
<br /> a�ort;��es that--_--the1�---,..-_-._._--__.,at the ddivery hereof.the 4wfu1 ownerS...._..- of the premieee obove conveyed sod dercribnd.
<br /> � a rP ..._eeir�ed of a good end indef+e�sible eetate of inhentance theiein.free and clear of all e�umbrences, and that�.1+e.1L-will
<br /> w��reant aad deErad the title LhereW forev�s��inet the claime and demeade of all pereone whomsoever.
<br /> PROV IDED ALW AYS,�ad this imtrumeat ie e=ecuted aed delivered to eecure the pryment of the eum of._._._._ —_________..
<br /> tr+��l1L7h451���_�]��__f�SJ_�..4.C�� =�1�1£..tY..-SE�LS._'�L_f1IlS��11!,Z�.�LS'�* Uolleralt�2..ii�Z�11._.------..____ .._-----._.I,
<br /> witb int�ra�t theeaon.together with euch chargee and uivances ae may be due and peyable w said moK.Q�gce uader tl+e terme u�d conditione
<br /> of the promit�ory note of even dr[e herewith and eecured hereby,e:ecuted by said mortgrgor_-S._.to xaid morcgagee,ptYable as e:pe�xewd
<br /> in s�id noq.�od W secure the parforaunce of sll the terms ead conditione contaiaed therein.Tl�e terme ot esid note�+e 6ereby incoeporrud
<br /> hr�io by thie rafaeeoce.
<br /> IL u the int�ation�od�esement of the partiw herato tlut this mortQage rhell�lso eecuco any fuwre rdvancee made to said mong�gor.s._
<br /> by�aid mortg�gies,�ad u+y and all iadeb[edneee in addition W the amount abnve sWted whic}� uid mortgagc�n,or any of them,may arr io
<br /> rid mortg�gre,6owever evidmoed,whether by note.Iwok eccount or otherwiee.This mortgage ehell remain in full force end effect betwa+en
<br /> the putiee herKo and their heire,pereonal repreeentativea,eucceaeore md aeeigne, uatil al! amounta sxcured hereunder, includ.ng futun•
<br /> adv�noer,ve paid in fui:with inteeeet.
<br /> The mortQ�or.�._hereby ueign_.__.__ co said mortgegee ail rente and ixome arieing at ony aad aL timee from erid P��Y o�
<br /> hmreby w4horiae pid moet,Q�ae or itr�gent,at its option,upon defwlt, to talce charge o(wid property�nd collect all rente and income
<br /> tA�wGos ud�pply th�Nm�te ths p�y�eet of ieteewt� p+ineip�l. iewr�ed piaeium�. L�es. �rrromeeu. �ap�irY w impn,veeewntc
<br /> nroeea�ry W Iceep uid propeety io teo�ntable oo�itioo,ar Co oth�chargee or paytnents provided for he'rin ur in the no[e hereby aecvrnd. Thiti
<br /> tvnt u�ip�meot alull cmtiauo in Eorce until the unp�id balance of srid note ie fully prid.The takuy�of porsuee�wn hewunder ehall in�w aunner
<br /> pewrrt ar nwed Mid mo�t��Ne in t6r coli�etioe d wid�um�by fonedo�ure ar at6��viw.
<br /> Tlr hN�n�d t6s mortg�gee w�Nert.tny of itr rig6te t�ereunder�t aey time�h�ll not be conetn�ed ae�wrivxr of ite right co�wen che
<br /> wme�t�ny I�f�r time,aod W ie�iN.upon�nd enfoeos etricl.complianee with all 4i�e terms and provuione of�aid note and of thix earyca�e.
<br /> 1[�tid meK�tor S �dl1 ettue W be psid W�aid mortg�gee the entire�wuat due it hareunder.�nd under t6e terme sed provisions
<br /> d Mid eM�Y�Yy w�veed.inch�dit�fuWe�s�dvanca��aad aay eztea�ions w reaew�le thereof iu aocordanoe wiCh the terme md povie+ion�
<br /> t6ueot,and if pid matfp�{or_S._._rhaJl comply with oll the provuioas of aaid note and o!thie mortQa�e,than theee preeente ehall be void:
<br /> aR�wofN to�ie MY 6ere�ud dGet.rd wid a+oetp��11 be entitlsd W tM po�w�ion ot all of wd peoQatY.ae�d mey,at it,�+option.
<br /> d�ol��tM wYob ot nid aoN rd�Y ied�bOber�erpnaw4d th�by eo 6e imord'ately due aed p�yabk�aed e�y to�edose this mort,�Y�e ,
<br /> ar O�k��ey oih�r M�d�etiea Eo piefiet ib ri�6t.Appe�irm�nt w�iwd. "
<br /> Y;
<br /> '1'fii�meelp�e�11 be bi�dini apon ad�6d1�eue�W the beneet ef ttr h�ie+.eteeu6on.�minutr�We�.euoess�ow�nd uwgne o(ehe »F
<br /> t ,.�.�,.�..�. .1 �:,x
<br /> IN WI'PlilE98 WIiE1tEOF. rid!(oetpacr�._--6��.-h�rwe[o rt thP 1 1'_ __ ha��__t6s day and,ve�r fvsn �bovr �
<br /> .�+u... �,.�-...��-�%�.,�..��
<br /> � en .�. -y��en an �'
<br /> �Ii�Y2„ /.�.�_��/�_2._1':L...1�) —
<br /> 5�14?1P '�. Niln��Man,
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