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<br /> �7-U07358 MORTGA�3E
<br /> � 'I'i�IB iI�►DEl�1'RJ1tE. �b t�b— 15th ---d'y o/ December--------, 19 7 Z_, by and becween i
<br /> srn1A P._ 'j,r btl,�ck_an�j .hnr7e P A__Trehilrnrk uahnnd and_v_jfe� ea�h ,� his_an�i _
<br /> her own right and as spouse_g�.�he other.
<br /> �_ H811 _.Cq�.y,Nekraska,u mortQa�or 8_,�od Gnnd Idre�d Trua Company of Grand Ielend, a corporation
<br /> arpnia�d md eici�tit�undr t6s I�v�of Nebndc�with its principal oRke and place of bueinees at Gnnd IsLad, Nebreeka,ae mortgogee;
<br /> W 1TN BSBETH: That�tid mat�or_H___.for aed in comidantion of the rum ot----.______ —.---- —
<br /> NjII�.-Thousand C�ix Hi�nd3�d. Si�tv_�]1LP.E.�_4�I.QQ.--.._-_—�,..sw�'paYlsl� ' 9,��j�63,�-92 1.
<br /> the wceipt of which u heeeby oakaowled�ed,do_.____by the.e preeenta mortgage and warrant unw eaid iAott�agee,�ite aucc�re and aeeignu,
<br /> forever.rll the tolbrip¢deooribed real eetate.aituated in the County of . ._ . .. . Ha 11 ..
<br /> .. ._--__._.__._--�-�----�--�—�-----
<br /> and State of Nebruks,to-wic:
<br /> Lot T�ro (2) in Block Two (2), in Island Acres Number Two (2), being a Replat
<br /> of Lota One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Five (S), Six (6), and Seven (7), in
<br /> Island Acres, a Subdivision of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> To{�tlrr wi46 aU hs�tie�,�ir conditioninQ,ii�htiog,rnd plumbing equipment and fixtures,including ecnene,awninge,etorm win�ws and
<br /> daoes.and wi■do�v�h�der or blied�,ueed oe or in connectioe with erid property.whether the eame are now locatxd on seid propertY or hereafter
<br /> pl�ced th�raan.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,toQether�vith rll sud rin�u4r the ten�oente,heieditamente and appurtenrncae ti�ereunW be-
<br /> loesin�. or io �eywire appeetaieie¢. forever. and wsrr�nt t6e tiUe to t6e same. Said morgagor�..._ . hereby covenant_...__. wit6 said
<br /> moets�sae th�t .._t he 3r_....y�g._... _ ,at the delivery Mreof,tLe lawful owner .s.. of the peemisee above conveyed and deecribed,
<br /> �ed__Sr@_.._.__.rised of s�ood rad indefe�sible ertate of inheritance therein, free and clear of ell encumbrancue,a�that___the.}L will
<br /> v�er�ot aqd defeod t!r title tlrnto forever�rinat the cltime aad demands of all pereone whomaoever.
<br /> PPoOV IDED ALWAYS.wd t,hi�in�Wment is asecuted ond detivered W secure the payment of the eum of__._...__..-----.—.--.-----
<br /> N{na ThnncanA_.S.�Y_.�l1Li�ZP.d_.0 Y v...�lYEH..3IId_.421.I.QQ.._=._-._._r._r_. IblLrsli..___-----4-s�•.�.-------I,
<br /> vitb inW�t tharon.W�ethsr�vith auc6 charee��nd�dv�nnces ae may be due aed prysbie to aaid mortgsgee under the terme and conditione
<br /> ot the paomiway eob of even date I�ewitli and eacured hereby.executed by eaid mortgegor�.__...to eaid mort8a6ee.PaYable as e:preseed
<br /> ia rid�ob,�ed w�ewn ehe parfoem�ooe of�ll the tereos�nd conditionr conuined therein.The terme ot eaid note are k�ereby inca�rporated
<br /> 6M�ie by thi�eef�a.
<br /> 16 i�tis iet�etioe�ad��eeoeet o(the p�tior hreeto that thie mort�age eh�ll aleo aecure any future odvaecee m�de to soid mortgagor_—_
<br /> by a�id morts��ee,aed aey and�Il iadebt.ednaes in rddition tv the amount above euted whicA eaid mortgagore,or any d them,may owe to
<br /> rid moet�rtw,6owever evidenoed,w6ether by note,book account or otherwiee.This mortgage ehall remain in full force and effect 6etween
<br /> � tbe p�rtiee IwNn�sd their heue,pereonal repeeeentetivee. suoceeeors md essigns, until all amountx aecueed hereunder, including fuwrr
<br /> �dv�eaes.ue paid'w fuL'with ioteewt.
<br /> The mo+t�ior.�___heeoby wign_.___..w eaid��ee aU rente rnd income arising at eny and aL timee from eaid property and
<br /> 6meby wthoriaa�aid moet{�s ar iW a�eat,�t iW option,upon default,to take charge of�aid property nnd coLLect ell rente and income
<br /> ��ed yply f8�N+es te t6�p�ya�ewt d iataeart. prioeipal. inwraaa premiums, ta:e�, warmecte, iop�aire or improvemente
<br /> oaoe�fary to keep�id ptope�tY in teoantable conditiou,or tu other chary{ee w paymente provided for herein or in the nute hereby e�cured.Thi.
<br /> �wt�+t rYull em4ew in[orce until the unpaid balrnce of erid note u fully psid.The[aking ot poeeeeeion hereunder sMull in no manner
<br /> p+v�at er niud rid mat�y�r m thr oaWctim of s�id�um�by fonclorun or oc6erwiae.
<br /> The f�ilua of tbs moeti�ee to�wet�ny ot ita riQbta hseeunder at any time alull not be conetruxd re a.vrivar o(iw right w aaeeK the
<br /> rme at My IM�e eim�.ud fe ieu�t upo�n�ed eotoroe rteict complitece wich rll t6e terms and provuioee of wid note and of this mortgege.
<br /> lt Wd msitp�or 8 �ii�awe to be paid W wid mortQt�ee[Ao eatire�owtnt due it herw�nder.ond ueder the tenne and provisions
<br /> o[N+!so0r►rwby riwwd�ueirdieQ[uWed�dvua+e�,aad a¢y ezteenone or�eaew�als LMteof in��xord�eoe with t6e terme and provisions
<br /> tAw+af,�ed it rid aartp{ar..8_._�h�8 oemply witi alt the peovisioae of uid note�nd of this mortgage,then theee preaente eMll br void: '
<br /> etYe�i�6s wria i 1rr fe�s rd�ek.aed rid moetp�r�11 b��etit4d fn t1r po�r�ion of al!of rid property.and may.at ier option.
<br /> d�air�Ii�AOb et�id�00�Yd W�d�6qA�w npiwrt�d tM�ab�to be immdiWlY dae�sd p�yaAle�and m�y foreclose this mortgy�e .. ��•`.
<br /> s m
<br /> or tak��qy afi�r 1�1�etiaa to peaMet it�risht.Appeair�mmt raiwd. - r"�
<br /> 'Tli�morf�lw�►�tl 6�bi�upos vd ai�ll ae�ur fo tie 6ene�t ot the hrer.stecutaw.dminiwtratoes.rucaeerore and awsns of the �* �
<br /> � �-..Kr.r..ce. J ;��
<br /> iN W17'SIE88 WHERDOF. rid f/o.tMsrB�h�.Ve_hs�w�ew Mc--their —_--h�ad e che day aed ye.r firec abu�e
<br /> .�+cce.. n / A /
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<br /> l���x ,�-/t' �'` • ,r/:'l r .h/. �
<br /> �3'�'-TreU'iTco`c •
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<br /> T occe r�e � �o�
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