-f r �
<br /> : 7!•,�1U�i�Jr�?'
<br /> '� 53-A—REAL E8TATE MORTGAGE—With Tax Clauae (Hevised 7962) �y,r Hua�an c:..,nerd tiuj�piy Hwue, Limoln, Nabr.
<br /> ' � ----------EMIL E. CHIZEK and GENEVIEVE CHIZEK, husband and wife,-----------
<br /> . ' (rlortRagor ) �
<br /> ,� j aj ShC2'm8II Cuunty,and Str�te ut NebTe.8k8 ,in�Y,tivideratiun of the suin of !
<br /> 14+enty Thouaend and No/100-------------------------------------------------I)OLLARS �
<br /> � in hand p�id,do hereby BELL and CUNVEY unW
<br /> ' � --------THE STATE SANK OF CAIRO, a Nebraska Banking Corporation---------------
<br /> [
<br /> (Mort�gagee )
<br /> ! o[ $Sll. Cu�nty, and Statr of Nebraska the f�.,llowing deacribed preaiisea �
<br /> ' situated in }jg,ll County, and 5tnte uf Nebraska to-wit: �.
<br /> � The Southeast
<br /> Quaxter (SE4) of Section Eighteen (18),
<br /> � in Township Eleven (11) North, Range �.elve (12), West
<br /> of the 6th P.M.
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> The intentiun beinK to cumry f-�rrr,by an ab.�:��lua�• U�Io in trr.,iniE�lr in,�ludin�; all ih.• rightn of humrstead und dower.
<br /> . � 7Y) HAVE ANll 1Y1 ypLll �hc pr�•mix.•. alwve• cl.�scnbrd, with all th.�� appurtrnances therruntu belunging unto the
<br /> eaid martgagee z�nd te� jtS j S��q�n�r8.�'si�;n.. 1��n�<��r. E,nn�iJ�•ii nlwayx. and thrse ptr�ents arr u{wn the e=prero
<br /> �� eondition that if lhe afureseid mortga�;ur S , their l�iuirs. rz��cWurs, administrntorw ur uereigne� ahall pay or cauee to 6e
<br /> . paid to the said morl,aKrr , itS �SL�Si4�O�T�i��rn, administraturs ur av:�igne.thr sum ul'
<br /> `I4✓enty Thouse.nd and No/100----------------------------------�'llura. payable ar foUowu.to-wit:
<br /> $20,00O.00L.�uar5��n ct��� 20th day �,f December . lb 78
<br /> f��Uars un th�� ilay uf , 19 '.
<br /> . . ih�llan on tb�� day u( . ]9
<br /> - Ih,llan�,n the• day uf , 19
<br /> fAdt�rs un tt�.• da�� nf , 19
<br /> - ', with interest thereon at 9�u pt•r �•��nt yor annum, {,ayablr annually a❑ according W lhe tenor und eHeM ot
<br /> � . a cerfain prumiwwry no�e�,t caid g�il E. Chizek e.nd Genevieve Chizek
<br /> . bearing even dute with thrse prrr�a•nrs. and .,hal� pxy all taz�•s and ansr��mentw lrvie�l u��n aaid real extate,and ssll other ta:eu,
<br /> �� leviee and aNeee�mente Ievied u{x�n this murtga�;�• or thr nadr which this murtgage is given tu secure, before the ssame bt:c.�omeo
<br /> � �. delinquent, a.nd keep the buildin�;a un saiJ prami.rx inaura-d tur the aum uf $ lwia, if any, payable to
<br /> � � We �id mortgaqee, then these prne�+•nts t�� bv vuid, uthrrwise tu be and remuin in fu❑ [urce.
<br /> �, IT IS FURTHER AGREEU (1) 1'hat d th<• sald murtgagur �hall fail tu pay such taxex or prucvre uuch inauratsce, the
<br /> � Yid mortgagee mey pay xuch txzes aud E�na�ure �urh �n�urance�, and thr sum su advancrd, wilh interHrt at nine F�r ceM .
<br /> �� . �hall be paid by �eid mortgaK��. bild thfa m„rt�;liqr �hall slend a�security tur thi• sume. (2) That a tailure to pay any of�sid '�
<br /> � money, either principal or intereet when th�• tiame txK�i»urn dur, ur a fail��rr to comply with any of the foreguing agreemenfs,
<br /> � olwll ceuee the whole aum o(muney herein sec•unrl t�, tx•romr due and iv.Lix�dble at once at the option of the mortgagce.
<br /> S;gned this 20th duy of December , �y 77 p
<br /> - .� In preaience uf �� !`. ���.•_... .._ . _.
<br /> . . /�� n ___...
<br /> . 1 A.a�-:.Q_.a<t-�.v.n s.,nL ..��'4.ws�R�_ .. ._._____.
<br /> 0
<br /> � � .._.. ...._.._. ..___....... .. . _.__. . .. ._. . . . . _. .. _.._ ._ . . ___. ._.__
<br /> . � ......,.._.....__...__ ........ . . . ..._. . _. ._.
<br /> ; 9TATE OF.NEBI�A.�KA__ _._ _.__ ___ ___ . Cuunty uf �T�L _ :
<br /> �t N/Y�•�d NMr.
<br /> ,. . Boforo me. • eotary pnblic qualiSed for said c<�unty. E�rrKunallY cainr ��,�,��N
<br /> F�nil E. Chizek and Genevieve Chizek, husband and wife, wAr�b�����
<br /> . : k�ewn to me W be the identicat peivon or perewnr whu wgnrd the turegoing inatrumrnt end acicnuwledged the executiva
<br /> �, ' thereoC to be hi�,her or their vduntary act and A.�a+d.
<br /> ' � ' Witaeer my haml and n(ofsrial real ��., .Aec�mbex ?�. . .,19T7_._ �
<br /> j JNY ca�ion eiWre�:I...lY.�.lY4^�.�/ �-._2...... 14! �L� ...� . ..�4- �'..:. �.. .jr.Y�i".�.��.._....... NotarY Publ.ic.
<br /> � '\
<br /> i �—' �' ,��
<br /> . ; STA1$ OF........................ .......... ....... . . � �/ F,ntered on numericol iedex u�d filc+d for iecord
<br /> , ''' � Corebr ..................... ...... . . .. . .. . ... . .}r�. in the Re`ister of I)eedr O�ce of rrid ('.ountY the , 1.�f��;�
<br /> � ..
<br /> r i , `�',
<br /> ,� � ........................d�y d........... ......... .. ..........., 19. ...._.... at........._...._.............o'dak aad __._.._. ___._miautes____ ___......M.,
<br /> � ' Ird hoeed�d ia &mlc._.........._._....._._..._.._d.. ... .__._ _. _... .at p�ge.. _.. . _.. ... .. � .
<br /> � �� .._ _... _._ .__.. .__. __ ......_ . __ ._.ReB. of Dfxada �
<br /> . '� �Y..._. ._..._......__._.._._._ . . ._ _ .._____._ ... ..LlePuty
<br /> _ :i : �
<br />