� �
<br /> � 62S/+--BECONp REAL !lTATE MORTOA6E—Wlth Taz CIauN Tb+ Hutlmw Geners!6uyyls Honse, Lincoln. Nu�r.
<br /> %7� (}d'7��� . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:
<br /> � ' THRT 1 orWE, FAYLTTE C. HEWITT and AGNES J. H2:ifZTT� Husband and Wife
<br /> ' of Hall Couwty awd Seat¢of Nebraska ,in to„sideration of the sum of
<br /> iw hawd paid, do kertby SELL and CONVEY uxto DA-LY I2EALTY �ia lNSUI2RNCE, INC.
<br /> . (mortgagee).
<br /> of Hall County, and State oj Nebraska , the fo(lowiny described premises
<br /> ,ritrated in Hell C�u�rnt��, nnd Stale o( Ncrbraska to-urit:
<br /> Lot 'rwo (2� , lllock Sixty Six �66� , W}�eeler
<br /> da Bennett�s Secund �lddition Co the City of
<br /> Grand Island� Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> The inte„lio� beixg to convey bercby an nbsolute tide in fee simplc i+u-ludia� all the rights of hoanestead a+td dower.
<br /> TD HAVE AND TO HOLD the ¢remues abova des�ribed, unrh a!! the appurtexances thereuxto be•loxgixg uxto
<br /> ths said +uortyaget or rnortgagees and to his, her o� thei� heirs and assigns,forever, provided always, and these prsr
<br /> ewts a►e r¢ow the ex¢ress condition that if the said rnortgagor or mortgagors,his, her or tlteir heirs, executors, ad+raw-
<br /> istrato�a or assiga►s shatl pay or ra.use to be paid to tl�r said mortgager or �nortg¢gecs and to his, her or their heirs, ex-
<br /> p krtars,ad+wiKitlrato�'s ar arsigas, thc sum of F'our Tbousand 'Phree Hur�dred Seven and No/100
<br /> ,� _�-_-----_-_--------��4.30'7.00�-------------------Dollars, ¢ayable as follows, to-urit:
<br /> �
<br /> �(
<br /> �ye in lump sum on March 7 , 1)'7y.
<br /> Sf
<br /> s�itA iwterest thereow at 10 pe� cent per an„um, payable lump sumsa�udi;7taccordiny to the tenor and effect o/
<br /> the pro�nuso�y note urith interest �'oupuns attuchrd o� suid ,tifortgayors, 6earing rvaii date urith tk«.ee przr-
<br /> (f e+tts,aa�shall pay all taxes and any interest on, or enutunng installments o( principal, due ox any prior mortgage and
<br /> atsssstwewts levitd xpofa said rea! estate and u!!ot/eer tases, lerries and assessments letded upon this niorlgage or the
<br /> !'� wote wkich this +Kostgaye is given to secure, Lefore the sume becomes delinquent a�d keep !he buildings ux said
<br /> t
<br /> �s�(ret iwssned for tke sam $ , loss,if any, payable to s�ah ferst tnortgaqees or tltis murtgagee, or Loth,
<br /> tktw tkstt prtse„ts be void, othtruv.se ta br and renwin in full force,
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (�j Tkwt if the suid »�ortgagor shall fail to pay such tares anr! such interest ow,
<br /> o�w�afKrixg itutall»texls of ¢rintipal,due u„ a+�y prior »�ortgage and procxre stirh fxsuranre, then this mort,qages rtay
<br /> �ay awck�axes uaJ snck iaterest osi,ur maturing installrnents uf principul, due an such prior »iortyage and procu�e
<br /> - swrh iws++�a+�te;and the> ,rum so ada�an�rd zrith int�rrst at n{ne rer c vxt sAal1 he�aid h��snid�wortgagor,and tlris nwit-
<br /> �i skall stawd as secarity for fht same. (a) 7�hat a failure to ¢ay a�y of said money, either principal or inttres! ott
<br /> ' flNs ar�y prior wsortgage, when fke same beco+ses d�u or a fai/sae to comply udth awy of the foregaxg agree�ewts,
<br /> �' iket! cawss the wkole sr»� of +Koxey kereir s�cxred to beco»u due and rollectable at ance nt the opNoa of the rwort-
<br /> i'' �s�. �
<br /> E� IT IS FURTHER AGREED Tkot said +nortgogee, pewdia�g foreclosxre of tkis +nortgage aud aftn dacree awd , �'4,
<br /> 3� �a�diwg sfoy EAerrow or�abpeai tkere/ro+a owd pand+wy sate o/ pre+nues mortgaged, may puy tKch taxes aad a�stw�ixg
<br /> � iwAeriy�t o� talrrutg iMrtall+wewts of p+swripal, on p+iw +Kortgages, prncure such iwsurarce and such sxru s/wU be ��'�'�
<br /> � �f+�i W l+Le s�wowFt d�ow dsnaa awd xpox cuxfir�wtio+� of sale by tke court ordered takew oKt vf proceedr of sale;
<br /> �,i; �� �r if wbbarr� dwiwg stay, apped or sole, sweb auw�sts sholl be collected the saa:e as thougli it u�ere a rast of na�i
<br /> � �� I�ww. �
<br /> ° Sigwsd t�hir 20th day of DPcrmbar , �o ?7
<br /> �� � ����
<br /> Iw Prrtn�rr nf
<br /> �� �_. �� ..��t�� .___. . �
<br /> --.................--�---��----- --_... ._. ... ..._ . .__ _._..._.... � // 1
<br /> ,' x'a et.. C� i�wi-it1 � I
<br /> ; . ... .. ..... ........... _ _.__. ...___ _ _. _ _ ___ 4_"��-.-�.,�-.� o rw..--� I
<br /> ; Agadb J.�Iiewi�tt �
<br /> �_ _ " �
<br /> i
<br />